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Pacifist Paradise Secret Santa, a Boom-compatible "not-so-Christmas" Christmas wad - Now on idgames!

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This is a seriously cool idea! Gonna have to check it out. Is it obvious when playing the maps what the preferences are? It would be cool to have the preference listed for each map too. 

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[insert witty remark here, that is appropriately supportive of others and faux self-depricating enough to get upvotes while being generally uplifting of the project and the other mappers and project leads]


Fuck yeah! @Emperor S P O O N's map might be the first map ever gifted to me and I could not have wished for something better! Like many mappers, they took my wishes and spent uncounted hours slaving over the perfect realization. It's a megawad of unexpectedly high quality that by all rights should not be able to exist but does. A testament to good vibes and bonkers mapping skills!

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11 minutes ago, TJG1289 said:

This is a seriously cool idea! Gonna have to check it out. Is it obvious when playing the maps what the preferences are? It would be cool to have the preference listed for each map too. 

I think I am going to do this before we submit to idgames. Not sure whether it should be in the main text file, or a separate text file. Thoughts?

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Linking this bonus map here. Includes some optional umapinfo trickery to inject it into the episode.


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the wad turned out great! Looking forward to demoing a couple maps in the near (1 day-never) future! Raddicted's map looked especially good to me.

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Definitely my favourite community project I mapped for this year, and maybe just in general. Had a great time with this, thanks everyone!

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23 hours ago, Meowgi said:

I think I am going to do this before we submit to idgames. Not sure whether it should be in the main text file, or a separate text file. Thoughts?

I guess if they're short enough they can go in the main file, but if they're pretty descriptive, they can be a separate file. I don't think it really matters too much.

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On 12/26/2023 at 3:08 PM, Meowgi said:

I think I am going to do this before we submit to idgames. Not sure whether it should be in the main text file, or a separate text file. Thoughts?


I would love to see this just so people can see what Deat had to work with

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There's a lot of love in these maps. A wide range of different styles to cater to different players too! If you don't like a map, definitely move on to the next, there'll be something you will like in this

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On 12/27/2023 at 3:35 PM, Kinetic said:

the wad turned out great! Looking forward to demoing a couple maps in the near (1 day-never) future! Raddicted's map looked especially good to me.

come on kinetic I have a dominoes reference I know you love domino03


9 hours ago, Bredd said:

I would love to see this just so people can see what Deat had to work with

I had a blast working with the absurd checklist that was dumped by @besus


though I still need to play Station Y

On the flip side, I absolutely love what @akolai had pulled off with my request. The crackpot theories I was making up with the first puzzle when streaming it were approaching the level of @SaladStream's POOGERS MAP29 playthrough.

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The text file has been updated with the "Prompt" and Mapper's Notes for the idgames release. Once it has been accepted there, I will update the OP. (Speedrunners should re-download it at that point due to a small change to MAP01 causing nodes to be rebuilt)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, @Peccatum Mihzamiz, got a question. Whnugg0003.png.07762a489923c9c54995d571e9517a3c.pngat's the idea for this fight in MAP03? I'm just getting hammered from all sides, as the moving pillars in the middle don't provide enough cover. Should I just wait for the exit door to open without even starting the fight, since this is possible?

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1 hour ago, Zalewa said:

Hey, @Peccatum Mihzamiz, got a question. What's the idea for this fight in MAP03? I'm just getting hammered from all sides, as the moving pillars in the middle don't provide enough cover. Should I just wait for the exit door to open without even starting the fight, since this is possible?


It is indeed a tough fight, for me as well. For me personally getting up close and taking out the archviles immediately works out best. The closer you get the less trouble the imps above are with regards to autoaim. I have also seen people taking out the arachnos first and with that pressure being gone, focus on the archies after that. The pillars actually do offer enough cover from the archviles at all times, at least when I playtested it and in the footage I've seen from all the other playtesters. Keeping the pillars, archies, arachnos and mancubi all in your head at the same time is complex business. Perhaps just focus on the arachnos from behind a pillar, and if the pillar lowers run to the other pillar? All the while slightly moving to evade the mancubi. There is also a way to cheese the fight:


stand in the doorway and rocket the arachnos and mancubi from there until the fight is easier.

With Doom, after having seen many different people stream the same arenas with different approaches I have the following thought in general for fights: try something radically different and assume it's you, not the map. I've seen so many people play one way, and just die dozens of times instead of stopping for a bit, being quiet, and thinking over what thing they could be doing differently. Not saying this is you of course :) .

Hope you find a way to beat this fight and have fun at the same time, thanks for playing, all the best! :) And I put difficulty settings in the map for a reason, so consider those as well perhaps. I personally love playing on other difficulties besides UV.

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