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Cacowards 2024 Mentionation Thread


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I would like to add a +1 for Forsaken Compound.  A really enjoyable episode, with fantastic detail work and atmosphere.


Edited by DrR0Ck

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Gotta give another mention to Headless Chicken by @Chookum. There are a lot of tropes in the wad that I'm not normally fond of (e.g. the type of humor, easy slaughter, hyperactive colorful visuals), but they're so well executed here that I couldn't help but keep playing.


I also have to throw in Terror Signal by @SeaTree. The maps are well-designed with constant spring-loaded action, but the MBF21 dehacked is what takes center stage. It's a natural evolution of Doom combat without pushing Doom purists beyond what they can recognize as distinctly Doom gameplay. Also, the secret game is on point throughout.

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I'd like to give some shout-out to @Johnny B. Getgoode (The Guy)'s Fury's Sky: Vagabond for its gameplay that stands out among other stand-along GZDoom games. While nowhere as eye-catching as many others, it's worth playing for the different gameplay style alone.


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Endless Frontier by InfernalSky is an epic GZDoom level with some absolutely breathtaking vistas. Featuring new weapons and monsters, the player traverses a massive concrete structure that revolves around a puzzle involving placing and removing power relays in order to progress. Many areas look awesome thanks to the incredible texturing and attention to detail. The gameplay is great too with some interesting fights and combat set pieces throughout, made even better by the custom weapons and monsters that InfernalSky uses throughout the level.



Thirty Years with Doom by 'Russian Doom Community' a gargantuan megawad that includes levels from the Russian based 'Doom Power' community. Featuring levels from Shadowman, Lainos, Silverminer, RastaManGames, Michael63, Chaingunner, ShiroiAkuma51, and many other great mappers and newcomers, all of which did a phenomenal job in creating this project. Each level feels completely unique, as the mapset revolves around different themes throughout its runtime, and all of the mappers did a great job in making some memorable experiences. Very few flaws can be found throughout the WAD as the level of care and detail put into each map is as meticulous as it gets. Some levels are HUGE and can take a quite a while to finish, not including secret hunting, but never drags out nor outstays its welcome, as the combat and overall gameplay is just as good as the world design.



WADs already mentioned that get a +1 from me:


Forsaken Compound by ivymagnapinna - really cool episode one replacement that feels nothing like episode one, but has its own twist on the classic doom formula. Featuring some slaughter set-pieces along with the regular doom formula, ivymagnapinna made the Doom 1 format feel fresh as ever, and is definitely worth checking out if you want something different from a Doom 1 mapset.


Terror Signal by SeaTree - A two episode MBF21 WAD that features some great dehacked work, including immortal zombies, upgraded plasma gun/chainsaw, and new boss monsters. Although a short mapset, the combat is fierce and pushes the player to the absolute brink very often, and has some really well placed secrets and great exploration as well.


Vogel im Käfig by ShiroiAkuma51 - Incredible urban level that features a desolate city infested with cultists. The atmosphere is the best part of this level, as the soundtrack and new SFX, along with the realistic level design come together to form an absolutely immersive environment. From graveyards to highways, and a sprawling metropolis, not one minute spent in the level feels wasted, and the ending was a unique experience in of itself.

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1 hour ago, Terrcraft said:

+Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers

A follow up to sonic robo blast 2 kart and so much more. i know that srb2 stuff is fairly distant from Doom these days but this is great. And very high effort. 



I mean SRB2 was finally recognized by the main Doomworld community in a special Cacoward despite having more or less split off on its own direction some years ago. Not from community drama AFAIK but mostly because the SRB2 team wanted to implement things that were not possible with the original engine the game was based on. Knowing that this exists now? Excuse me while I go download and play...

Edited by Traysandor

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late Q1-early Q2 2024, what i've played that i think deserves a mention

RUST.WAD By @Arsinikk

fantastic 90s throwback for a rarely mapped format


Doom 2 In City Only By @myolden et. al

some of the best city maps I've ever played, creative themes, and beautiful aesthetics and fights.


CANNIBAL by @ZeMystic et. al

rock-solid challenge maps that don't resort to slaughter to make them challenging, good aesthetics, good balance of breathers vs. action-packed maps


Forsaken Compound by @ivymagnapinna

best E1 replacement I've played in a long time, super fresh


now only for BTSX E3 to never come out this year and still win every spot on the so-obviously-ranked list of the best doom wads of 2024


including like the runner's ups and stuff, uyea


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Endless Frontier is a single-level PK3 for Doom II and the GZDoom source port that received a standalone release on March 17, 2024. It was designed by InfernalSky and uses the music track "Chizra" from Unreal, composed by Alexander Brandon, as well as his Unreal Tournament track "Go Down" as intermission music. Endless Frontier was originally submitted to the ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024 and was awarded with first place in the Modern group.




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+1 for Duality by @AshtralFiend.


Favorite thing I've played this year.


Super fun maps, super creative level design, immaculate detailing too, but never to the point where it impedes movement, or annoys the player.


Easy pick for me this year!




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I give a point to Duality 


It was a pleasure to play



Edited by Beubeu

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I'm gonna have to mention Liminal Doom 2. This is, as far as I'm concerned, one of the best releases this year, it took me by surprise and I didn't expect to love it this much. But once you start playing and realize the sheer depth and care put into it, you fully embrace it, despite its more unfriendly elements or maybe even because of them, I don't really know. I'm glad to have played this and I'll be digging back into it to try to uncover more of its secrets, since I've got much to learn yet.

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+1 Pirate Doom II - This'll have you going "they pulled that off in Doom?" a lot. MBF21 is powerful, and the world presented in Pirate Doom 2 is vibrant and engaging to play in and view!

+1 Junkfood 3 - Another proponent for the sheer power of MBF21. I'm about halfway through playing all of this seriously but as far as the Junkfood trilogy so far goes, this one's the best one to eat first if you balked at the other two. Who cares if you can't get it down in one go? It's a buffet.


Also, thank you all who recommended Headless Chicken.

Edited by Chookum

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8 hours ago, Chookum said:

+1 Pirate Doom II - This'll have you going "they pulled that off in Doom?" a lot. MBF21 is powerful, and the world presented in Pirate Doom 2 is vibrant and engaging to play in and view!

It's MBF, not MBF21 (but it's pretty cool indeed!).

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