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Story based City WAD questions.

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Hello doomworld. 


So im very new to the community. And have questions about sourcing textures, props, voxels, anything other people have made. 

I have found LOTS of cool stuff other people have made.

Just want some advice on how things are done. 

Do most modders just use assets from other people and include them in the credits? 


Also have technical questions about the most effiecent ways to actually implement said props, decorations, textures. 

Ive been watching tutorials on how to use custom textures And props into my wad. But when I get to adding a bunch I almost always have errors. I assume its cause in not doing it as efficiently as possible.

IE. Having my files and info do structured properly. 


My idea for my big project requires me to make big big city scapes, full of traffic, npc civilians, busses and eventually more and more industrial looking levels. I dont wish to sell anything, just want to have fun and make a really cool story. 


Heres some art I want to start using









Alot of cool stuff on this one


Edited by Chameeleoh

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For the credit question : usually, when someone publishes a (non-commercial of course) mod or wad here, they allow for its resources to be re-used. BUT :

- It's seen as polite and strongly recommended to ask for permission from the author, unless the resources are from a resource pack specifically;

- Not all wads allow it. to know that, check the end of the text file that comes with the wad download on /idgames


For the rest, I'm no resource management expert. But performance won't be an issue before inspiration is : it's very easy to either lose momentum, or your original vision and get buried into too many resources that make your project either unmanagable or too unfocused .... but people have made great wads, and with a bit of dedication and energy, so can you !


Happy modding :D

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Oh good idea! I will try to reach out to the creators ^_^ 


Thank you. Thinking about getting home and working on my maps are what gets me through the workday honestly. Lolol

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