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I cannot figure out how to add classes into Gzdoom builder, specifically custom things made with Zscript

Player T


So I'm working on a project which includes a lot of custom assets. Since I'm about to begin testing monsters and fine tuning the weapon balance, I need a test map. However, Gzdoom builder doesn't load any of my custom assets into the menus. Since the classes don't have EdNumbers like actors, I'm unsure as to how I would add them into my map.


I tried including //$Category Weapons, but I had no luck. And I also tried giving them spawn numbers using MAPINFO, but to no avail. 

So how do I get my custom classes to appear in Gzdoom Builder? 


SLADE 4_14_2024 8_46_10 PM.png

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I use a different MAPINFO format to this, but in principle it looks like it should be working.

It's possible that they are in UDB but you're not looking in the right place. All my custom items appear in a separate category at the end of the list when I add a Thing.


Another test you could try is to launch the WAD in GZDoom and then see whether you can "summon [objectname]" through the console. If that doesn't work, you'll know the problem is with the object definition.

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GZDB simply doesn't support ZScript. Use UDB, or if your hardware is too crappy to run it use GZDB-BF.

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You can fool non-ZScript supporting GZDBuilders with a dummy decorate wad. Create a new wad which has nothing but a single DECORATE lump. Fill it according to your mapinfo thing names, numbers and their sprite names.

actor Handgun : Shotgun 156
//$Sprite "SHOTA0"

actor Punisher : Shotgun 157
//$Sprite "punisher\WHOTA0"

actor MauserCNS : Shotgun 158
//$Sprite "mauser\WHUPA0"

These items inherit from Shotgun just for an example. The sprite path is relative to the Sprites folder in your pk3. When done upload the wad as an resource to your project but TICK ON the "Exclude this resource from testing parameters" box.


This works in GZDB r2775 from 2016 and the last GZDB-BF. BTW, normally in mapping it is used DoomEdNums instead of SpawnNums.

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Ok, I fixed it. I changed the program to the Ultimate Doom Builder and I changed the DoomEdNums from like the upper 100s to 11000 and beyond and that seems to have completely resolved the issue. Thanks everyone! I can now continue working on my project to remake the Resident Evil 4 campaign with a doom skin and my own twists and changes. 

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