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EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors – now on /idgames

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Ok, now this is my 314th Content. :P


Just beat MAP32. I got rather lost but I didn't really mind it this time because I loved exploring this map. In addition to the obvious Keen influences it feels very Equinox-esque. (I have to wonder if that WAD was influenced by Keen at all, considering the other game BPRD made mods for...) If I utilize these textures in my own maps I could always make more or revise some of them, staying true to the MS Paint aesthetic of course (I love that style). I'd also probably use the custom enemies from Cosmic Oblivion.


As for MAP31, yeah that's fine. I didn't grasp it at first, but it's cool how which pocket you fall into at the start completely changes how the map is played.

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I'm 12 maps in. So far it's been okay, but not as fun as I thought it was going to be. I get that it's a jokewad, but some of the gimmicks just

don't really work. Maps are decent, and pretty difficult. But that's fine.


Bikini Atoll on the other hand is absolutely awful and I hate it.

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@Zesiir thanks for the feedback so far, sorry it's been a bit of a disappointment lol.  I'm not sure I would describe this as a jokewad, or at least that wasn't really what I was going for (what was I going for? "Not joke wad with air of levity" idk)  One of the problems I suppose with initially approaching this as a speedmapping project is that some of the ideas didn't have time to incubate or be refined properly, probably, and some like e.g. the "stealth" mission in MAP09 may have been more interesting, and hopefully more fun, with a little more planning as opposed to the stream-of-consciousness process most of these took instead.  I expect a few squibs here and there, and also that not everybody will enjoy everything in here--as long as it's not boring, I'm worried I may have oversold the interestingness or creativity or whatever of much of the set.


With MAP11 specifically I probably could make it at least 20% less unfun if I replace the revenants with something that isn't revenants so there aren't constantly tracer missiles dogging the player over the entire map.  For some reason that never occurred to me until just now.  Would be curious what was particularly crappy about your experience anyway

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Eh, I dunno. Maybe I am just grumpy. Maps 01-05 were quite good. Difficulty on UV is harder than what I usually expect, so I had a bit of a hassle getting into the mindset. But once I did I started to appreciate the map designs, they look great and play great too. Map 06 felt more like a brief joke at the player's expense, a ton of hitscanners in a tiny area while being railed by more powerful monsters from afar. Not very fun.


Though that followed up with another Not-see map that was great. And so were the rest, up to MAP11.


Cyberbullies in particular was a fun take on Cyberdemons chasing you around, and usage of clever teleport trickery to give them the advantage.


I think my main problem with MAP11 was all the projectiles. You constantly had to hide behind cover, wait for all the projectiles to hit, move somewhere else, repeat. And at the same time get caught offguard by monsters teleporting in or hiding. I died over and over again. And when I finally got to the end, it killed me anyway. Not very rewarding, though I understand the need to delivering the player to the next episode.


I'll keep at it, don't worry.


Edited by Zesiir

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I just started a new series to cover this project! So far it has been super fun! Love the classic maps especially!




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I've finally made it through the entire can. The beans themselves have pretty strong flavors, so, as I've said previously, not everyone will like them, but those (like me) who enjoy spicier or tangier tastes will gobble it up.


I especially appreciated the visuals of the final episode, as I'm a sucker for both space and circles. Difficulty-wise, maps were mostly on par with the rest of the set, and UV remained thoroughly manageable, though I might recommend use of saves on blind play given the nature of some traps (particularly map29). Map scale was bigger and grander than earlier maps, hitting me regularly with hundreds of monsters at a time and blessing me with broad voids and vistas, to my delight.


I'll spoiler map-by-map thoughts, in case I give away any key moments.


The Imperial Engine was a delightful concept, but it ultimately annoyed me to some extent. I think my big gripe was map navigability, as I was constantly foiled by some combination of slightly-too-short openings and "fractal-like" design, meaning that close-looking areas are not as accessible from each other as they appear. This was most noticeable with health and armor pickups, which are generally not accessed by visibly running to them, but rather remembering a particular side hallway entrance which grants access to them. It's possible there was a better way to play the map, but after a few playthroughs, neither booking it for the STOP button nor taking a little more time to clear a path seems to work consistently for me.


Fever Dreams, while not the most fun to play in practice, delighted me with each of its twists and turns. I was especially sucked in by the blue light invisible floor room. One note about this map is that it's quite feasible to exit almost immediately by running through the BFG/megasphere tunnel straight into the final chamber. Since the player runs west into the tunnel, the kill trigger can be line-skipped. If you wanted to prevent this, you could always either angle the trigger lines or double them up 16 units apart.


The Many-eyed God was an epic conclusion, though it suffered the classic problem of it being difficult to navigate and determine the ultimate goal. My achilles heel was the red key, as left the western wing after having found a key, thinking I had accomplished my goal. It looks like you tried to distinguish the blue key as an accessory to a larger goal by making it a card rather than a skull, but I didn't have enough keys to see this sort of pattern. It looks like you tried to highlight the key with torches, but it just looked like decoration to me. Perhaps raising the red key on a pedestal above the surrounding rocks would have worked better? Hard to say. In the end though, I triumphed thanks to the abundant space provided.


On the top of monster spawners, I had much more success in the panopticon (a great framing of the central threat), though I suspect this is because the monster spawner can almost be outright ignored by simply jumping into the lava after grabbing the rocket launcher, then finding the spawner has been neutralized by the time I return.


Overall, great idea showcase with good execution to make the ideas convincing. Anyone who likes "punchy" or "bite-size" offerings will be getting exactly what they want with this.

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Kinda funny that I don't remember this but it seems strangely familiar in a few spots? Definely didnt play the whole shebang. Oh well. Time for round 2 and see what jiggles the memory.

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@Zesiir For sure I expect these to be kind of a mixed bag for everyone who plays them.  I can definitely see how MAP11 could be aggravating and can kind of imagine a couple others that are likely to be as well--everyone will have a different experience and there's no sense pretending you're enjoying something you're not :p


@BunnyBun thanks for starting into this! I see you've already gotten to three videos :o and I'll be watching them soon once I have a minute.  Really really appreciate it, I'll have more to say shortly once I've started into your playthroughs.


@Large Cat thanks a ton for playing through the whole thing and happy you had a mostly great time by the sound of it.  



The Imp*erial Engine is far and away the one I've had most trouble with, it's been fenagled to death and every playtester has had a different not-great experience with it...too easy, too hard, too cruel etc.  I will raise some of the ceilings for the RC2 release (pending shortly) because I do think that has caused a lot of problems in terms of navigability and such.


I'm glad you liked the trickery and styling of MAP29--that's another one that had a long and kind of tortured development but in that case I think it paid off and being kind of incoherent was to the service of the map theme :p  


@kalensar you playtested a few maps for me after I went un-public with the development--5, 11, and 23 may look especially familiar to you.  I credited everyone who helped with testing along the way, some folks played nearly every map in the set while others only one or two but I didn't want to leave anyone out.

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I know I only posted 2 hours ago, but it's my thread and I'll double-post if I want to 🎶 also important enough I guess?  Anyway RC2 is hot and ready to go, though for those of you still working through RC1 there is nothing game breaking or even particularly major so if you don't want to swap out or lose progress or whatever you can keep at it


Changes include


MAP02: Some cosmetic additions that shouldn't impact gameplay, slight rebalancing of resources

MAP11: Removed revenants in central tower. They were probably never a good idea and actually sort of detract from what the map is going for

MAP26: Raised some ceilings, rebalanced difficulty a bit. This map though

MAP29: Very minor changes, removed possibility of cheesing forbidden passage per advice from @Large Cat

MAP30: Changed part of red key sequence per advice from Large Cat echoing advice from prior playtesters (I will learn to properly telegraph map objectives one day)

MAP32: Adjusted a couple of secrets and some wonky linedefs, some minor cosmetic adjustments


@BunnyBun I've watched 2/3 of the playthrough videos so far, really enjoying the commentary and more casual approach to the maps (as in like not being super hardcore about 100%ing everything or any of that).  lol I actually made Clippy a thing that patches out the naught see graphics with other things that won't get youtubers in trouble.  Glad you're enjoying the ride...I definitely erred on the side of more health in MAP02 because the RNG, being random, can sometimes be brutal and I didn't want the map to be a total crapshoot.  Seems to be working as intended for most people.  Btw canonically in MAP03 you are entering the neighbor's house to go get your lawnmower that they borrowed and never returned.  The map list in the OP has all the maps' stories (and I use the term very charitably) if you're not concerned about spoilers.  So far it seems like even from pistol start I've been generous, maybe over-generous, with assets on HMP, though we'll see how long that holds :p  Definitely never tested this for continuous play and some maps like MAP03 are way too fine-tuned for it truthfully.  Oh yes my pfp was drawn by myself many years ago for on another web community where most people drew their own thingies


EDIT: Watched the third video, happy you’re still enjoying the journey and all the weirdness. Hopefully that keeps up as things ramp up a bit >:3 The wolfy maps are based on my curiosity of how well the WolfSS could be used as “regular” enemies alongside Doom monsters, since they have their own tactical characteristics as slightly softer and slower chaingunners (and are probably easier to spot since they’re bright blue).  I’ve had a few maps in the set where the infamous and supposedly rare all-ghosts bug gets triggered easily because of my fondness for flooding in low tier enemies like that lol. It actually never occurred to me to put in a cacobunny, I guess Doomguy wasn’t able to win one (the carnival seemed more apt to play games with him). I hope you had your breakfast sandwich it sounds tasty


By the way, if you're playing in DSDA then there's a special thing in the WAD file that should automatically be setting the compatibility options for you.  There's lots of ways to set the options right, I'll see if there's a better way to communicate those in the OP and text file and such.

Edited by Stupid Bunny

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I'm working my way through the wad and I must say, the maps get better and better. They are fun, engaging and creative. Enemy placement is fair, challenge is good and there's really nothing to complain about gameplay wise. I especially enjoyed MAP32, MAP17, MAP20 and MAP21.


Good work.





Edited by Zesiir

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@Zesiir happy to hear it! Those are some specific maps I'm quite happy with mostly, although MAP20 is one that I think used to be much more convoluted and annoying and with some really good playtester feedback was made a smoother and more interesting experience.  Hope it keeps up!


That being said...


MAP26 has been a constant bane of this mapset from the moment I made it for everyone who has played every iteration of it and I don't know if it can really be rescued, but if you and anyone else hasn't suffered through it already I have attempted to make it less of a grind in [EDIT: download in OP] which mostly exists to deal with this map specifically.  I tried to avoid addressing this elephant in the room under the hope that I had already fixed it properly but I think the best case scenario for it is to be kind of a dud in between hopefully more engaging and interesting maps.  I may have nerfed it to redudancy, or maybe it's still an annoying grind, but I only want to put so much sadism into the middle of what are mostly supposed to be pretty quick and high-mobility maps.


Hopefully this is the last RC released before it goes to the archives.  Sorry for the awful mess everyone I promise maps 27-30 are so much better

Edited by Stupid Bunny

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Finally had a chance to play one of these post release, I played half of em prior to this assembly - some years ago


So glad you finally got this done man


A wacky deceptive map lets your guard down, still can't be sure if I played it right lol - see vid


good times


will try to visit again

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Thanks for playing this one as well as over half the rest so far—I had lots of fun with this and seeing how much I could break open a “how not to map” map and transform it into something playable (although as you can see I did not transform my ability to telegraph progression properly :p ) I actually have my first maps and a half finished mini-remake of the oldest one I will finish and release some day 


Anyway, the set is spruced up to final form (available to download in OP) and on its way to the archives. Thanks everyone who has had a chance to check it out so far and who tested so many of these during the process. @Zahid I’m working through the demos, they’re lots of fun to watch and aren’t desyncing since I kept RC1 around for that purpose :p thanks again for chugging through all those.

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And Canned Doom is now stocked on the archives!  If there are bugs and easily cheesable exploits then they are forever etched into history!  


Thanks again for everyone who made madness possible -- and if you haven't gone in yet then don't worry they're canned so they'll stay fresh and edible for ever and ever (well maybe not the fresh part)

Edited by Stupid Bunny

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MAP12: One hell knight (119) doesn't teleport into the map, this is cause there's no teleport destination thing for the sector tagged 23.

MAP32: I was unable to access secret sector 233, the trigger for this is to get the megaarmor from secret sector 337 but the action doesn't lower the rock all the way.


MAP22: The first switch (364) does the raise donut thing but it ended up leaving two enemies (one revenant and one mancubus, things 151 and 84) still stuck. I was actually able to murder the revenant with freelook.

Edited by NuMetalManiak
k done

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Well it wouldn't be a stupid bunny project if I didn't upload it to the archives with stupid, easily fixable bugs I created in the process of fixing other easily fixable bugs that I should have caught in 2 minutes.  I have sent along a fixed version to the archives (never had to do that before, hope I never make myself need to again).  I'll leave the /idgames link up in the OP since I suppose they're minor enough changes and will be updated there in their own good time.


Thanks for playing btw hopefully it was good time apart from my rushed nonsense


EDIT: @NuMetalManiak when I play the revenant and manc in question lower to where they're supposed to.  Did you play on complevel 2 or set Doom's exact floor motion behaviour to Yes?  The donut sector thing works differently with that disabled and that may be the problem.  (Though I do notice one of the revvies has a nasty habit of getting itself stuck running on place on the ledge there, but at least it's shootable from that spot.)

Edited by Stupid Bunny

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Oh hey I'm mentioned in the credits now, that's cool. I got distracted with other stuff after beating MAP32 a couple weeks ago, but I just downloaded the latest version and will get back to playing this shortly (hopefully anyways, this month is gonna be a hectic one for me).

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@Plerb no problem, I capped off this project ahead of what will probably be the busiest few months of my life so I can hardly expect everyone else to sink their time into this right away. Plus so many megawads coming out this year it’s bonkers. At least these are mostly pretty short so that should mitigate it somewhat ;33


Anyway the ultimate final form for ever and ever is up on the archives. Appreciate again all of you who have found time to play some of these, they’re not the finest maps out there but I put a lot into them anyway and hope they’re (mostly) as fun to play as they were to make. Not sure when I’ll be back to mapping again, have a couple half finished little things I may cap off someday but it might be a while.

Edited by Stupid Bunny

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