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What are your favourite "Thanks for playing!" maps?

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I really like the one from DBP50: Emerald City; not only is it a fully playable map of its own, featuring sections of the other maps in a sort of montage/highlight reel, but it also includes some heartwarming story text that, together with the final scene, wraps things up very nicely. Similarly, I like the one from DBP59: Zeppelin Armada for incorporating story into its ending (and also a cat).


Of course, can't go without mentioning Ancient Aliens and Going Down; their respective creators have enough left in them to send you off with one final twist. Related, Overboard's ending maps (yes, there are two of them) are both cool, the first one for how it leads to New Game+, the second for the tie-in to Going Down and for its attention to detail (looks like mum did in fact keep your plants watered!).

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I know AUGER;ZENITH is the obvious choice here (I like it too) but I also really liked the one at the end of DBP20: Dungeons and Demons where you have multiple Doomguys gathered around playing DnD. Also, the rolling credits of Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars was pretty clever, too.

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The second DBP christmas set was great, the epilogue was a fuckmassive shootout that you had no hope of surviving. Survive it I did, and got left wandering around fields of corpses. Thankfully DSDA and GZDoom have console commands to forcibly finish these 'progression stoppers' to record the stats of a full set of maps, so my achievement of actually surviving that slaughter was not in vain.


With UMAPINFO finally taken root in almost every popular modern port, hopefully we'll see more epilogues that lead to a castcall or credits screen to properly 'end' a mapset. It feels a bit empty to me when I have to manually quit a game.

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Sepia starts in the trenches of World War 1 and returns back there at the very end in its credits map "Christmas Truce", but this time setting up a melancholic mood of a temporary ceasefire where minefields are replaced with a football field with a friendly game happening - but you, the player, is aware that all of this will inevitably be followed by the resumption of meaningless war and millions more deaths. A very strong ending to a crazy journey that Sepia is. But the wad also makes sure not to end on a depressing note and therefore relieves the growing anguish with a light-hearted cinema credits and a cyber ass to punch. Could be the strongest and most touching ending map in all of the wads I played.


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Where can I download Sepia? I want to see that Christmas Truce map.


As for my favorite "Thank You" map, I always liked the one from Lost Civilization. That one looked really nice. The one for Zeppelin Armada was cool too.

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Newer WAD Island of the Killer Cacos map 13. Hilarious and RIP your framerate hahaha.


Eviternity 2 is an obvious answer. It's amazing to go around to each episode and reminisce about the levels though. Being able the change the music and the easter egg make it very memorable. Any level that lets you wander around and explore a large area to decompress from the final map is a big perk in my opinion.

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