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Projectile that Slows the Player?



Does anybody know how I would go about making a projectile that slows the player in DECORATE?


I already tried coding it myself, but it didn't work out very well and I feel like I'm not really knowledgeable enough to do this on my own.

If it helps (which it probably doesn't very much), here's the code I tried using to achieve this:

actor SpitProjectile {
	Radius 3
	Height 8
	Speed 30
	FastSpeed 50
	Damage (1)
	States {
		SPIT AB 4 Bright
		SPIT CDE 6 Bright A_RadiusGive("PlayerSlow", 16, RGF_PLAYERS, 1)

(and then of course PlayerSlow)

actor PlayerSlow : CustomInventory {
	Inventory.MaxAmount 3
	States {
			TNT1 A 0
			TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("PlayerSlow", 3, "Slowdown3")
			TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("PlayerSlow", 2, "Slowdown2")
			TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("PlayerSlow", 1, "Slowdown1")
			TNT1 A 0 A_SetSpeed(1)
			TNT1 A 0 A_SetSpeed(0.75)
			goto Remove
			TNT1 A 0 A_SetSpeed(0.5)
			goto Remove
			TNT1 A 0 A_SetSpeed(0.25)
			goto Remove
			TNT1 A 1024
			TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("PlayerSlow", 1)
			TNT1 A 0 {
				if (CountInv("PlayerSlow") < 1) {


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Why I think your solution does not work:

You cannot have delayed states in CustomInventory. The removal is instant.

Also I don't know if A_SetSpeed can work like this on players, maybe it does.


Best approach I can come up with is use inventory items derived from PowerSpeed as both slower and timer.


I think the A_RadiusGive part in the projectile class is probably the correct way of doing this without using ZScript (though is it intentional that it is called 3 times?).

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I think the Pickup state will probably fail as I believe it technically runs before the item in question is added to the player's inventory, so these A_JumpIf will not be run, you'll reach Stop, and fail to give anything.


Otherwise, as jaeden said, the tic lengths of states is ignored when a CustomInventory is picked up -- everything happens instantly; you can't use CustomInventory items as parallel state machines for the player. So you should be giving PowerSpeed items, which should handle their own removals.


I think (but haven't checked) that different PowerSpeed items are multiplicative, so if you have a SlowDown1 with speed 0.75, a SlowDown2 with speed 0.67, and a SlowDown3 with speed 0.5, you should get the final values you want (0.67x0.75 is 0.5, 0.5x0.5=0.25).

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Thank you! I wasn't able to figure out how to have it additive with multiple SlowDown PowerSpeed items, but I'm even just happy with a projectile that slows you down in general and it wasn't too important of a feature to me. Once again, thanks! (Also, knowing that's how CustomInventory works is pretty useful too... I didn't know that's how it worked.)

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