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Things about Doom you just found out


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23 hours ago, Stupid Bunny said:

[...] He would kind of zig and zag if they were reversed (...)

Also, funny stuff. I only very recently discovered that the locations on the intermission screens aren't randomly scattered around, but in fact, you're progressing North in E1 and E3, and South in E2.

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Today, I realized/confirmed that a map unit is the length of a single pixel... which is to say, each horizontal map coordinate correlates to a specific, rendered pixel of a floor texture. Or lack thereof, I suppose.

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Posted (edited)

I have played Doom 1 or 2 (or any other my favourite WADs) so many times but no matter what, I always forget the routes/specific places/items/secrets/even certain enemies when attempting a speedrun for a map. As if I'm playing very newly.

Edited by Yousuf Anik

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I was looking through the patch file of one of BPRD's Commander Keen mods, Keen 59: Underworld Ultimate, and I discovered that it has a song named "Grove 2" in it.

I also think the worldmap theme in this mod (titled "Onward O' Ye Game Player" apparently) sounds pretty Grove-esque.

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On 4/9/2024 at 12:21 AM, EduardoAndFriends said:

I’ve now improved upon that somewhat scrappy method as it was held together with sticky tape and prayers. A lot more reliable now lol. :)

Color me intrigued! I'm looking to get a teleport ambush going and would like to see the differences of new versus old.

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11 minutes ago, Garland said:

Color me intrigued! I'm looking to get a teleport ambush going and would like to see the differences of new versus old.

Reckon I’ll do a video on my less botched method for anyone interested. :)

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Characters like the Mancubus, Revenant, and other Doom 2 enemies sprites were taken from physically made models. I always thought that it was only the spider mastermind as that is the only model image people ever seem to show.800px-Mancubus_Model_Original_Skin.jpg.a836f00378bb494ada674258ded7101a.jpg800px-Clay_Doom_player_model.jpg.f8de45ac91f8a677dab5de0b01ac013d.jpg448px-Clay_Cyberdemon_model.jpg.00ab965510457b114e0dd9a2f99e899d.jpg799px-Doom_Display_Arch-vile.jpg.c45f6521adebf52b514ffc5b73158d74.jpg372px-Revenant_model.jpg.8fb6a34499d8a0cc51d73af3c21c54ee.jpg

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Probably only loosely Doom-related, but I found out that in Chex Quest 3 the Rescue on Bazoik intermission screen actually has bad offsets on the animation overlay and now I can't unsee it.


I noticed this when making a change to the intermission screens in Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition, which inherited this issue.

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Posted (edited)

Sandy Petersen (aka the GOAT) made these little alcoves with the shape of the texture's borders that show the torch inside it. I had never noticed it until I started mapping. What a boss.


Edited by DoomGappy

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Posted (edited)

the way doom decides what kind of item to pickup when the flag MF_PICKUP is on, is not not by checking the "doomednum" on the actor's proprites, but checking for it's sprite value on the current state!


this means that doom decides what you picking up by how the thing looks and not by what it is in the game's data. this is very funky ( and hackable >:3c )

i discorved this by studing "VRandomizer" a vanilla dehacked patch that randomises pickups by changing the pickup's state to a diferent pickup per game tic.

Edited by Higo Doragon
( cleaned up the github link )

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Posted (edited)

Totally. That's how Batman Doom made its slot machines, and that's how I made the Hermor Bonus! (One day, I hope to actually complete the project it's made for...)


One thing I haven't learned until much later is that it's only the sprite prefix that matters, not the animation frames, so potentially you can have a few visual variants of the same collectible item, or turn a non-animated item into an animated one... the latter really messed with my head when I saw the stimpack orbs in Rowdy Rudy 2!

Edited by Scypek2

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Posted (edited)

It's probably documented somewhere, but there is a softlock in Map27 - Monster Condo I'd never noticed before. If you press the switch to the BFG area teleporter and run straight into it, you can teleport on the other side and be blocked from progressing. This most likely doesn't happen a lot due to the swarm of pain elementals that appears in this room, and the lust of the player for the chainsaw. I wonder if Sandy intended it to be openable from this side too, since he used a door or switch like texture, but we'll probably never know. 




The green lines are the ones that actually open the doors with the pain elementals

Edited by DoomGappy

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Posted (edited)

thanks to guidance by [treehouseminis], i learnt how to use the udb's arch tool for non-udmf wads :)


Edited by rita remton
clearer screenshot

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This, from the wiki:


Milo and his brother Dario are the sons of Love Is... cartoonist Kim Casali.

I've seen Love Is... many times on the Internet, so I guess it's a famous cartoon.


There's one more interesting fact about Milo that follows this in the article, but it's... too outside of the topic. Read it yourself if interested.

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Leaky radsuits, i thought it was some kind of inside joke at first.

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On 4/16/2024 at 10:48 AM, Pepo said:

Characters like the Mancubus, Revenant, and other Doom 2 enemies sprites were taken from physically made models. I always thought that it was only the spider mastermind as that is the only model image people ever seem to show.800px-Mancubus_Model_Original_Skin.jpg.a836f00378bb494ada674258ded7101a.jpg800px-Clay_Doom_player_model.jpg.f8de45ac91f8a677dab5de0b01ac013d.jpg448px-Clay_Cyberdemon_model.jpg.00ab965510457b114e0dd9a2f99e899d.jpg799px-Doom_Display_Arch-vile.jpg.c45f6521adebf52b514ffc5b73158d74.jpg372px-Revenant_model.jpg.8fb6a34499d8a0cc51d73af3c21c54ee.jpg


The mancubus and revenant look so strange to me in these model forms...

The marine and cyberdemon look cool though.

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Dunno if coincidence or not, but in the brass rythm in MAP32 MIDI (The Ultimate Challenge) you can read the SOS morse code if you see 1/8 notes as . and 1/4 notes as -

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Not a coincidence. This track comes from Wolfenstein 3D and that game had a track with an even more complex morse code message.

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This is pretty specific but I’ve been at this long enough that most likely anything I Just Find Out will not be anything big and fundamental. Still


I only just learned that the stair builder action is stopped by a texture change. I always thought that it propagated to the next sector on the backside of the lowest-indexed linedef until no more backsides could be found. I even knew that the starting floor heights of those sectors was not relevant. But I somehow never learned, or put together, that a texture change also can stop it or preclude a sector rise. This knowledge could have saved me a fair bit of time but also makes some fun gimmicky ideas I have a bit harder to pull off.

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I just found out there is no "simple questions simple answers" thread here on DW where people can ask one-off questions without having to start a new thread for it.


The reason this came up is because I was wondering if there is a mod that makes the BFG tracers visible, perhaps with thin green lines or somethin,  which would greatly aid in my comprehension of the weapon.


And I don't want to start a new thread for a random and not all that important question over something banal like this.

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45 minutes ago, ObserverOfTime said:

The reason this came up is because I was wondering if there is a mod that makes the BFG tracers visible, perhaps with thin green lines or somethin,  which would greatly aid in my comprehension of the weapon.

Don't know of such a mod off the top of my head, but decino has an interactive visualization here that may help you understand the behavior: https://decino.nl/projects/bfg9000-visualiser

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On samedi 27 avril 2024 at 2:46 PM, OnionTaco22 said:

The mancubus and revenant look so strange to me in these model forms...

The marine and cyberdemon look cool though.

The revenant looks weird because it lost its armor. These models are not very robust. The mancubus' skin had to be changed at least once.


12 hours ago, ObserverOfTime said:

I just found out there is no "simple questions simple answers" thread here on DW where people can ask one-off questions without having to start a new thread for it.

There is one, actually; though specifically for editing.

12 hours ago, ObserverOfTime said:


The reason this came up is because I was wondering if there is a mod that makes the BFG tracers visible, perhaps with thin green lines or somethin,  which would greatly aid in my comprehension of the weapon.

Tricky, as the game doesn't have a function to render a straight line. Okay, that sounds odd when said like this. But yeah, the renderer only knows about sprites, walls, and flats; it has no way to render some arbitrary straight line. That means that a tracer visualizer would represent entirely new code.


Even the Unmaker from Doom 64 doesn't really fit the bill, as its shots are rendered through a weird hacky way -- it might be noticed the lines drawn are not always perfectly straight...

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On 4/28/2024 at 6:34 PM, Li'l devil said:

This track comes from Wolfenstein 3D and that game had a track with an even more complex morse code message.

The one that essentially was a "Kill Hitler" message on E3F1?


Man, that track was smart.

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On 5/1/2024 at 10:34 PM, Shepardus said:

Don't know of such a mod off the top of my head, but decino has an interactive visualization here that may help you understand the behavior: https://decino.nl/projects/bfg9000-visualiser

Yep, that's good enough and is a very nice visual tool. It works exactly as I had assumed it would, getting the confirmation in an easy-to-grasp visual manner is still very nice though! Thanks for sharing.

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On 4/21/2024 at 10:17 AM, rita remton said:

thanks to guidance by [treehouseminis], i learnt how to use the udb's arch tool for non-udmf wads :)



Holy visplanes, Batman!

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20 hours ago, hfc2x said:


Holy visplanes, Batman!


you're right. for limit-removing and beyond, then :)

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Posted (edited)

I cannot believe playing the game since 1994 I did not know until a week or two ago when one of you pointed it out:


DooM II: Map06 the crusher I never knew the crusher stopped moving when you stood under it. Before I would always hit the switch and wait for the spider Mastermind to die before grabbing the plasma rifle.


However when I did the UV Max Run on my YouTube channel I had to hurry it along and ran past the Spider Mastermind to grab the plasma and move on ended up having to backtrack at the end of the level because it stopped right over her and didn't kill her and I have to punch her to death since I was out of ammo. I never knew it was a thing.

Edited by LegendaryEevee

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