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The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

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18 hours ago, Walter confetti said:


I wonder where is some of the wads listed in this wiki page, can you help me find them?


  • Archtex
  • Colortex (maybe found this one as colors, but not sure is the same mentioned in the wiki)
  • Neurontex


There's a link to Archtex in this post by @Archi. I checked and, as of today, the dropbox link still works.

@Gez posted Colortex in this post. The name is the same, and it's nothing but borderless squares of single colors, so I guess it's what was described on the wiki page. As of today, the file hasn't been removed.

There's a link to Neutrontex in this post by @Jimmy. As of 2019, he still considered it to be WIP, but the link still works (at least, as of today).

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Double feature of some crusty old memories that I can't put names on:


Around 2008, but likely even earlier, I was sat next to someone playing Doom on what now to me looked like E1M1, because of the snaky path through the sludge. In the sludge was a door with a monster marble texture (MARBFAC* textures) that when opened led to a teleporter or dropdown to a dark room full of spectres. The guy I watched play definitely died there. I was very young so I don't trust my memory too well on this one.


In 2013-ish I started playing Doom myself with Zandronum as my gateway drug, where I played tons of survival and co-op for years. I once played on a survival server on a map where you start in a large, bright square area surrounded by maybe BRICK7 with tons of doors (maybe BIGDOOR7) placed in the walls evenly spaced apart, the doors just had a closet inside, same width as the door, that could fit a couple cyberdemons. One of the walls of the square area had no doors, and instead was a large tunnel leading to a swarm of cyberdemons, easily a hundred (yes, this map was trash), which would quickly flood the place and end the survival round.

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I'm looking for this map set I found on YouTube but I can't remember the name. I tried looking it up on Moddb but couldn't find anything. Its name had a musical theme and the first level had a mix of castle and tech base. the description said the Doomguy was in his study when heard a tune and went to investigate. If anyone can find anything close to this I will be very greatful

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Can someone help me with this? Thanks!



I'm looking for a doom 2 pwad which I played a few years ago. I remember one map: There's a section with a large central building possibly surrounded by a moat. Around this is an open outside area. This has an outer wall, embedded in which are four/six 'chapels', each with cross-shaped windows. You must clear each chapel sequentially, each one having more difficult enemies than the last. After all chapels are cleared, you can access the central building. If I recall correctly, this contains at least one cyberdemon and some Nazis.

As far as I remember, the map had vanilla enemies, was maybe desert themed, and I don't think it was subterranean. ChatGPT suggested Plutonia 2 map28, but this wasn't it.


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Looking for a wad from the 90s.. its a hawaii type of setting and it has shark enemies but not the ones on realm 667... and I think they replaced the pinkies... cant remember if the imps wore hula outfits as well

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wad-file lost & found: these would be "found"


Anyhow, I've got these wad files on my computer but they have no accompanying .txt files.

Opening them in SLADE doesn't yield any clues as to their origins. They're NOT files I made.

I've screenshot'd the maps in each file that has maps and I'll link to a page here rather than

paste in all those pictures into this post. Furthermore, I can provide the actual wad files to

anybody who wants them but...

then you have the same problem I have: "What-the-hell-is-this?!"


doomsnow.wad    (12-7-2021) No maps

genox_.wad       (2-4-2013) map01

pene.wad       (12-11-2010) map01, map02, map03



*** found and documented! ***

Thanks Mad Butcher! TheCult.textish
TheCult.wad      (7-9-2004)
map01, map02, map03, map04, map05, map06,
map07, map08

*** found and documented! ***




*** found and documented! ***

Okay, don't know why I have a copy with a 2005 file date but looks like this:


is the same thing, so nyah!

xmas.wad      (12-15-2005)
map01, map02, map03, map04, map05, map06,
map07, map08, map09, map15, map31, map32

*** found and documented! ***




zdsest3.wad      (4-7-2020) map29, map30

This one is weirder because besides these two maps, it looks like all the rest of the maps

of the Doom 2 IWAD are contained in this file minus these 2 map numbers.


*** Updated my page links to add the last two (three) wad files' map screenshots. Those last

two are actually the same map, I'm assuming two different versions of same file. I guess if we

find one, we know the other. I pulled the screenshots of the already solved files, TheCult.wad

and xmas.wad. Thank you again Mad Butcher for the great memory:

zdw6-24.wad     (8-27-2010)
map01, map02, map03, map04, map05, map06,
map07, map08, map09, map10, map11, map12,
map13, map14, map15, map16, map17, map18,
map19, map20, map21, map22, map23, map32


ztndm01_v03.wad  (5-1-2012) map01

ztndm01.wad     (9-11-2010) map01

Edited by prfunky
updated with new page links

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23 minutes ago, Widow said:

Does any have DOOM 2145? Thank you in advance!


Found original release link from 2013 but get "access denied" for his Google files.

You could try contacting the author here:


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i remember seeing a wad here, the only detail i have of it is that it has simple textures with a solid green floor, and grey texuters for the walls in one of the screenshots, the enemy sprites weren't modified as well

Edited by Foxstiel

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3 hours ago, Foxstiel said:

i remember seeing a wad here, the only detail i have of it is that it has simple textures with a solid green floor in one of the screenshots


The solid green floor reminds me of DIY Doom, is that it?

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44 minutes ago, Cacodemon187 said:


The solid green floor reminds me of DIY Doom, is that it?

i checked and i don't think thats it, it didn't have modified enemy sprites and just had plain zombiemen, cool looking wad though



Edited by Foxstiel

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3 minutes ago, Foxstiel said:

it didn't have modified enemy sprites

DIY was inspired by 1 Bad Wad. It didn't have any modified sprites. Is that it?


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wad-file lost & found: another "found"


I have, in my possession, or umm.. my hard drive is possessed by DOOM4.WAD.

If anyone feels like riding down this rabbit hole, I ramble on about it HERE.

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On vendredi 30 décembre 2022 at 5:35 PM, Pegleg said:

Gez posted Colortex in this post. The name is the same, and it's nothing but borderless squares of single colors, so I guess it's what was described on the wiki page. As of today, the file hasn't been removed.

Really surprised this got put on a wiki list...

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5 minutes ago, Gez said:

Really surprised this got put on a wiki list...

This is exactly the texture pack I had dreamed of, so I'm glad it did.

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Kind of a bump but I really have this gnawing at me, Starry Night is a map name of some pwad that I got through Zdaemon about 8-10 years back. Its midi is close to my heart as I will never forget it. IDK who mightve known the map but it also might be coop not sure.

EDIT: Its not MAP08 from golden souls

Edited by Arcev

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Hi! I vaguely remember that there was a WAD posted, most probably here on Doomworld, that is a demonstration of many mapping techniques. Something along the lines of a mapping showcase/tutorial/guide/museum. Cannot find it.

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9 hours ago, m8f said:

Hi! I vaguely remember that there was a WAD posted, most probably here on Doomworld, that is a demonstration of many mapping techniques. Something along the lines of a mapping showcase/tutorial/guide/museum. Cannot find it.


BOOMEDIT perhaps? It's a showcase of what the Boom line specials can do, but if you're looking for a showcase of another format then I dunno.


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It was something else. Thanks for the link - it may come in handy for some testing.


Searching yields no results. I start to think I have a false memory or something.

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