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Arch-vile can't resurrect Spider Mastermind



So I made a dehacked file that allows arch-viles to resurrect spider masterminds. This works pretty good in ZDoom-related source ports, and even in prboom+ with complevel 2, although the arch-vile sometimes ignores the corpse and just move on in the opened field. I made a mock-up to test the resurrecting platform of spider mastermind with 264 x 256 sized sector (since the speed of spider mastermid is changed to 8, this is the minimum area that it can be active without being stuck), and placed arch-viles around it under the platform. They managed to resurrect the boss monster in prboom+ -complevel 2, so I made the same setup in the level.


But they can't resurrect the spider demon, unlike they did with the mock-up, even if the setting is identical with same-sized platform. It still works flawlessly in ZDoom source ports, but I need to fix this for prboom since my target compatibility is limit-removing. I wonder if this is related to blockmap or something about vanilla doom. Thanks, and have a nice day.

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9 answers to this question

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This looks like some blockmap issue. The Mastermind is extremely wide and the original blockmap code never accounted for it that well. So if the node builder places the blockmap origin so that the block where the Mastermind is in won't get touched it cannot get resurrected.


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36 minutes ago, Graf Zahl said:

...So if the node builder places the blockmap origin so that the block where the Mastermind is in won't get touched...



Sounds like I need to choose the right node builder for this one. Or, is there any method to fix the blockmap by myself manually?

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Possibly just move the platforms/sectors around a bit to better suit the 128 grid and give it another try.

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1 hour ago, Fonze said:

......move the platforms/sectors around a bit to better suit the 128 grid


Wow, the problem is solved! Thanks a million, Fonze. :)

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I think kb1 pointed it out to me when I was having problems with similar things in a wip from a bit ago: (good thing to know for setups like these too)

IIrc a couple of these still need to be fixed



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Also I think sometimes arch-viles have enough space to move but not enough space to perform resurrections. It seems like for some reason they need a bit bigger area for that.

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39 minutes ago, Memfis said:

Also I think sometimes arch-viles have enough space to move but not enough space to perform resurrections. It seems like for some reason they need a bit bigger area for that.

The Archvile can't be standing on top of the corpse he's resurrecting, because resurrection only works if the position above the corpse is not blocked by anything. Other than that, I don't see any reason why he should need more space than expected. Code:


// PIT_VileCheck
// Detect a corpse that could be raised.
mobj_t*		corpsehit;
mobj_t*		vileobj;
fixed_t		viletryx;
fixed_t		viletryy;

boolean PIT_VileCheck (mobj_t*	thing)
    int		maxdist;
    boolean	check;
    if (!(thing->flags & MF_CORPSE) )
	return true;	// not a monster
    if (thing->tics != -1)
	return true;	// not lying still yet
    if (thing->info->raisestate == S_NULL)
	return true;	// monster doesn't have a raise state
    maxdist = thing->info->radius + mobjinfo[MT_VILE].radius;
    if ( abs(thing->x - viletryx) > maxdist
	 || abs(thing->y - viletryy) > maxdist )
	return true;		// not actually touching
    corpsehit = thing;
    corpsehit->momx = corpsehit->momy = 0;
    corpsehit->height <<= 2;
    check = P_CheckPosition (corpsehit, corpsehit->x, corpsehit->y);
    corpsehit->height >>= 2;

    if (!check)
	return true;		// doesn't fit here
    return false;		// got one, so stop checking

// A_VileChase
// Check for ressurecting a body
void A_VileChase (mobj_t* actor)
    int			xl;
    int			xh;
    int			yl;
    int			yh;
    int			bx;
    int			by;

    mobjinfo_t*		info;
    mobj_t*		temp;
    if (actor->movedir != DI_NODIR)
	// check for corpses to raise
	viletryx =
	    actor->x + actor->info->speed*xspeed[actor->movedir];
	viletryy =
	    actor->y + actor->info->speed*yspeed[actor->movedir];

	xl = (viletryx - bmaporgx - MAXRADIUS*2)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
	xh = (viletryx - bmaporgx + MAXRADIUS*2)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
	yl = (viletryy - bmaporgy - MAXRADIUS*2)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
	yh = (viletryy - bmaporgy + MAXRADIUS*2)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
	vileobj = actor;
	for (bx=xl ; bx<=xh ; bx++)
	    for (by=yl ; by<=yh ; by++)
		// Call PIT_VileCheck to check
		// whether object is a corpse
		// that canbe raised.
		if (!P_BlockThingsIterator(bx,by,PIT_VileCheck))
		    // got one!
		    temp = actor->target;
		    actor->target = corpsehit;
		    A_FaceTarget (actor);
		    actor->target = temp;
		    P_SetMobjState (actor, S_VILE_HEAL1);
		    S_StartSound (corpsehit, sfx_slop);
		    info = corpsehit->info;
		    P_SetMobjState (corpsehit,info->raisestate);
		    corpsehit->height <<= 2;
		    corpsehit->flags = info->flags;
		    corpsehit->health = info->spawnhealth;
		    corpsehit->target = NULL;


    // Return to normal attack.
    A_Chase (actor);



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I guess what was happening is that my arch-vile couldn't always reach the corpse. Then I gave him a bigger area, that solved the problem, and I came to the wrong conclusion.

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