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Need Maps for The People's DooM


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I really need maps for The People's DooM.


At the moment, there are no maps for the game--only randomly generated levels meant as placekeepers.


Does anybody know of any existing maps the creators might be willing to donate to the project, or are there any mappers willing to create new maps we can use?


Thanks in advance.


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:Just to let you guys know: The People's Doom is based on The Ultimate Doom's IWAD format, So you would need to use/make maps for Doom1 or You could convert maps made for Doom2 over to Doom1.

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  • 2 months later...

Are you looking for vanilla or also map for other ports are ok?


Anyway, i can donate you this: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/d-f/dai-wood


No iwad reference in this, so i think it's ok. But it's for boom-compatible ports... it's still ok?

Edited by Walter confetti

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about the late reply.  I tend to hang out on the Chex Quest Fan Forums and on my Discord server, and don't get over here very often.


Because of the nature of the project (compatability with as many ports as possible, including the dead ones), I am requesting vanilla maps.  It is okay if the maps were originally maps for specific ports, but they would need to be dumbed down to vanilla.


In the future, when we have the generic basic version established, versions for different ports can be made, but right now TPD is too primative to have multiple versions.


Of course, TPD compatible levels for different ports is perfectly acceptable.  :-)

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Why not contribute to the Freedoom project in some way instead of trying to solicit help for a vanity project you've been trying to solicit help for for fifteen years?

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I agree with Woolie's post, there's not much of a reason to keep TPD going. Freedoom has already accomplished what TPD set out to do.

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13 hours ago, uhbooh said:

I agree with Woolie's post, there's not much of a reason to keep TPD going. Freedoom has already accomplished what TPD set out to do.

Its nice to have the project going though. Plus from what I've heard its sorta doing its own thing.

Edited by MrD!zone

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On 29/04/2018 at 10:51 PM, Woolie Wool said:

Why not work for minimum wage flipping hamburgers at McDonalds instead of trying to solicit help from investors to open that new restaurant you've been trying to open for for fifteen years?


That's basically what you are saying.


TPD was on ice for fourteen years, but the project was brought back at the request of people who thought it was a worthwhile project to pick up again.  It has been making good progress with the help of several contributers since then. It is still in a very primative state at the moment, but that will change over time.  Much has already changed over the last few months.


Why be a minor contributer on a project that is already finished when you can be a major contributer to something new?


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Freedoom is not finished, and it's likely it never will. There's always something to improve or change. Even after so many years there are still things that are placeholders.

It has also been a much more popular project from the start, it's known even outside of the Doom community thanks to it being its first (and only, afaik) free and open source asset replacement.


TPD is not truly open source, there are limits in how you can use the assets, afaik the license is only Freeware. Aren't there total conversions for Doom already that are freeware?


IMHO, making a small contribution to a more representative and popular project is a more efficient use of resources than a big contribution to a smaller project that's not as distinctive or unique. Better to work together on having one single higher quality Freedoom than multiple unfinished lower quality ones with similar goals, dividing the efforts.


If you are looking for something different than Freedoom and less "finished" where your involvement will have more impact then I'd suggest contributing to Blasphemer or Zauberer. Their goals are not overlapping, they have extra features and are fully open source. They are also the only open source replacement for Heretic and Hexen respectively that exist, so they are bound to be well known once they get more complete and to be included in several Linux repositories, just like Freedoom did. I'm excited for the future of these two projects, if only were they able to attract enough contributors.


I'm sorry if I'm too blunt... but you came to the Freedoom forum asking their potential contributors to go and contribute to your personal project instead.

Edited by Ferk

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  • 1 month later...

What features is TPD targetting? I removed my e1m1 from freedoom when they went vanilla because it depended on boom effects. Id be open to donating it to TPD if it has boom support. 




edit: oh I need to double check the TPD license 

Edited by Jon

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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies for my ignorance, but what is the difference between T.P.D. and Freedoom (apart from the differing colour pallet and the level of completeness). I can't help but feel that if T.P.D. were to have a differing goal and philosophy, that it might obtain more attention and thus aid in development.

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