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  • Apocalypse Now


    That's right, more Wildman goodness for you to digest is now available. The third level in the Apocalypse series is now available. Here's what Rick Clark says about it:

    I have part 3 in the The Apocalypse series up on my page and CDROM. This is another old syle Doom 1 map. Thanks. I'm going to take a break now and play some Starfleet Command. :)

    Note, there is nothing in there about sleep. Once again, reiterating the fact that Rick Clark is not human. =D

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    Guest Wyvern


    Is it just me, or does Captain Wildman have a Lost Soul fetish? :)

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    Guest Mattrim.


    Rick Clark is not human. Rick Clark is SLIGE.

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    Guest cocoon


    The whole apoch-series lacks something.. And it is to put the player in constant fear. Sure, I jumped a few times and barons of hell punched me down. BUT you knew that around next corner there will be several 25% healthboxes laying around. And way too much ammo all the way through the three released wads. I need exitement and good ammo-usage gives me that.

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    Guest Rick Clark


    Cocoon I appreciate the comments. Nowadays it is hard to create a map that works for everyone since the abilities of players are spread so wide anymore. I get its not hard enough or I get its too hard. :) I am just an average player so I don't really have a feel for all you young Doom gods who have faster reflexes than me that play on UV all the time. :) Hmm, a Lost Soul fetish... :) Actually, I like them just because they annoy. Rick

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    Guest cocoon


    Since I am halfway through my 22nd year now and been playing/editing since -95 I don't count myself as one of the new young ones hehe But you could not know that of course, but I wanted to comment on it :)

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Nah, I really think you DO have a Lost Soul fetish. More than enough of the bastards to drain my ammo. :)

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    Cocoon, you have to appreciate these levels for what they are. They are just nifty little levels that look nice and are fun to play. It's just Rick having some fun.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    look at you people, all these doom2 add ons? you are working hard for nothing! when you keep on working maybe you'll reach the half-life engine! this is so fucking gay! welcome to the 21st century.. unreal, half life, quake3, quake2, quake 1 even!

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    Guest Wyvern


    Way to go, anonymous moron. In case you didn't know by now, this is a site devoted to people who love DooM, and can't part with it. DooM was probably released when you were still 4, so you don't like it because it doesn't have "L337 C0L0R3D L16H71N6" like Quake 2 and 3 or Unreal. <P> I've played every single one of the games you mentioned, and have made levels for them all. But, believe it or not *gasp* I still think that making DooM levels is MORE FUN than the others! <P> Anybody can make levels in true 3D. Dynamic lighting, true 3D, blah, blah, blah. Not NEARLY as much fun as actually USING YOUR HEAD to make a dated engine do things no one ever thought it could do. <P> So put your words through a sieve before you speak. Go play your games and let us play ours. <P> Jeff K. wannabe dipshit.

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    Guest Rick Clark


    I have completely reworked the thing placement in each map. I downloaded the TCount program from CDROM and used the original id maps as a benchmark to implement the skill settings. I made the maps a bit more difficult than the average id map. I also fixed a bug on E1M2. You can grab the new versions at my page. I haven't updated CDROM yet. And Yes, I am ignoring the other post.

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    That's the benefit of being anonymous. You can be a big bitch about everything. I think comments should be set up like the forum being that you HAVE to register to post. Then we can track down all those little basrads who flame everything.

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    But then we lose the friendly anonymous users who are the general majority of them anyway, and I think it would suck to lose them.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    This is to the dude whos says we should wake up and look at the true 3d games. Sure the Quake games rock but DooM will still live on as long as people care about the game. I think anyone who compares DooM against any other game is a pansy assed mommas boy of a loser. I play my usual round of Q3 and Half-Life now and then but I also play DooM/DooM 2 as well. Sincerely, Lt. Flyn Taggart PS: The greatest add-on for DooM is the "Lost Episodes of DooM"

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Long live DooM/DooM 2/Lost Episodes of DooM Hell yea. Hey Mr. "Anonymous User" wake up you pansey assed momma's boy. The Quake familey may be great and all but the DooM familey is as great as the Quake's. Get it got it good. The momma's boy's should watch their mouth if they don't want to get blasted. I have just started a project using the Half-Life game that will pick up after the events in the DooM series. I play mostley Q3 as well as DooM. You should be talking trash about Valve. The Op4 pack ruled but plain old Half-Life is not that great. I own every DooM engine based game expect for Herectic. Sincerely, Lt. Flyn Taggart

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Long live DooM/DooM 2/Lost Episodes of DooM Hell yea. Hey Mr. "Anonymous User" wake up you pansey assed momma's boy. The Quake familey may be great and all but the DooM familey is as great as the Quake's. Get it got it good. The momma's boy's should watch their mouth if they don't want to get blasted. I have just started a project using the Half-Life game that will pick up after the events in the DooM series. I play mostley Q3 as well as DooM. You should be talking trash about Valve. The Op4 pack ruled but plain old Half-Life is not that great. I own every DooM engine based game expect for Herectic. Sincerely, Lt. Flyn Taggart

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    First off, I have to complement your excellent usage of spelling and grammar. Never before has an absolute idiot expressed himself with such a thought out, well written post. By the way that was sarcasm, mister anonymous crack-addict.

    Second, it's not the 21st century yet. Learn how to count.

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    Guest Wyvern


    The 21st century starts January 1, 2001. That's why it's not the new millenium yet.

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    You started a flame war! Congratulations :) Hehehehe. Btw, I like the maps fine the way they are.

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    New in /newstuff: Bytes Date Name
    1899 May 8 02:37 apoch1.txt
    23357 May 8 02:37 apoch1.zip
    1906 May 8 02:37 apoch2.txt
    31354 May 8 02:37 apoch2.zip
    56914 May 7 05:01 apoch3.zip
    1239 May 7 05:00 apoch3.txt
    3876764 May 5 23:45 zdtech.zip
    908 May 5 23:12 zdtech.txt


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    Guest Captain Napalm


    I guess we all still play Doom for the naked pictures Yeah!! What´s that? There are no naked pictures in Doom? Then why the fuck is my version just a CD with a bunch of naked chicks on it? See it says so right on the cover...Oh wait. THIS IS A PORN CD!! WHAT THE FUCK!?!? YOU MEAN I´VE BEEN PLAYING THIS FUCKING PORN CD FOR OVER 5 YEARS?!?! FUCK!

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