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  • Covert Ops Demo


    O yes, finally. A demo of the Covert Operations TC has been released. With jumping and mlook this TC offers you realistic battlefields ranging from hostage rescue operations where your success is measured by your ability to get those people out of there alive, to assassination missions. The demo consists of just one level, to get a taste of things to come.

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    Guest sponge


    I was looking forward to this mod, but it was terrible. Sprites were bad, mostly one color, 2 if they were really streching their skills, and the "demo" level was incredibly short, and terribly done. I hope that the full version is much better, or the Covert Ops team will be wasting their time. (And just so you know, I liked the original.. what's it called, I forget the name of it..)

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    Yeah, I was pretty disappointed by it too. The weapon sprites were mixed -- the MP5 was fine, the shotgun was OK, but the pistol looks awful and doesn't even move when you fire it. The terrorists look decent but then again they're modified Doom sprites, but that new female hostage looks quite awful and really needs to be fixed up or replaced.

    The sample level was basically the exact same level from Twilight Warrior, although EVEN SHORTER -- they took out the little reception area in the beginning. I suppose this is supposed to be a taste but I am sure there's a lot of stuff I'll be mentioning as a beta tester.

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    Guest Levendis


    Ok, I passed by DW and even tho I have officially dropped out of the community I had to comment.
    This looks as tho the Covert Ops crew have been putting in a ton of time getting the weapons and stuff to work, but have totally neglected graphics and levels thus far. This is fine because they can probably do some nice work. My only problems, graphics-wise, were that we're still dealing with modified doom sprites. Y'know what? If all you use for enemies is modified doomguys, all your mod feels like is Doom dressed up in different graphics. Looks can make all the difference. How about some new sprites or something fellas?
    Other than that...the engine was impressive. The bullet shells were nice, the reloading was cool although the ammo counters showed how much total ammo I had and not how much was in my clip, and you can't force a reload, which is kinda lame. You can, however, tell that EDGE is still a very early alpha because there is no sound on my box in the DOS version and the win32 version simply refuses to work (something about being unable to set the video mode to 320x240...exactly how much fscking work does that take?). So, lemme say this: I am not gonna be able to drop by for several months...so by August Covert Ops had better be kicking ass. Nuff said.

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    I was kind of disappointed, but mostly just at the size. I find anything impressive if I don't know how to do it, or at least if I didn't catch on to how they did it right away. <P>I'm of course referring to the reloading. <P>Anyway, I agree with some of the earlier comments, but I still kind of liked it. The main reason I'm disappointed, I guess, is because I was screaming with delight at word of the demo being released, and it was over with soo quickly.

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    Guest darkknight


    Covert Ops is a beta and there isn't bad, considering its based on a alpha stage engine - the main work that seems to have been to get the new weapons and enemies to work - so therefore, it is unlikely to be graphically interesting. Just for reference, three important command lines for EDGE are '-truebsp' for the new style renderer and '-width <screen width>' and -height '-height <screen height>'. not all resolutions supported by DOS or WIN32. You may be more impressed by it then. '-truebsp' is a must for OpenGL.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I'm not going to sit silent and take this *%$# from you people. Firstly, it's a demo. Read my lips: the full version will have 11 (considerably larger) maps, tons more enemies, heaps more weapons. Secondly, as a demo, it's not designed to give you the full playing experience. It's a taste, a tiny tease. Get off our backs. We've put years into this thing, and then a couple of people who've seen about a tiny fraction of the project charge in and go to town on our asses. All I ask is that you wait and don't make any hasty judgements.

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    Guest cocoon


    I thought it all sounded like they were judging the demo they had played. They didn't say anything about the final product. And if I am not mistaken, a demo-release is something you do when you want to either test a concept, engine, maps, everything before you release it to the public. So listen to what they have to say and think about it when you go into your editors again. Why show a demo that looks nothing like the final product? The overall look (of the demo) should be pretty close to what you want to release. So if this demo isn't getting rave-revies, blame yourself and not the ppl who disliked it.

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    Guest sponge


    cocoon is right. I was about to say the same thing. If you didn't want the criticism, you should've waited until there was more to show.

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    Guest David_A


    I wasn't exactly impressed by EDGE either... The sound was screwed up on my box (a nasty whine after all the sfx, which was unbarable; and no music) and WHERE THE HELL WAS AUTORUN?? Either they didn't include it or they hid it well or something. At least it didn't crash, but I didn't exactly mess with it very much.

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    I have not had any sound problems, but it really sucks to play without autorun! But if you've got played the Covert Ops demo you may have seen the 'true' 3D floors. IMO that is impressive.

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    Anonymous Covert Ops guy, read my post carefully. I twice said that I liked it, Complimented the reloading feature, and only complained that it was short (because we've all been waiting quite a while, and three minutes of gaming is kind of disappointing).
    Please explain to me how this is going to town on your ass. It was constructive criticism, not like the idiots you get in here saying "This blows" and calling everyone not-too-creative swear words, rather than actually mentioning what they liked and didn't like.
    For the record, again, I liked it. Nice work with the ejecting shells, by the way.

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    Guest cocoon


    What is it with ppl these days? can't you use the joyspeed=31 or whatever it is. Me myself can't play 3d-games if I CAN'T push down the run-button :) Seriously, I get all screwed up. Works smooth as hell for me anyways. w = fast forward and s = backing.. It is easy to press both if needed.

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    W=Fast Forward and S=Slow Backward. Interesting concept!! I just use the LShift key to run. I don't know what's so hard about that!! :|

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    It IS hard to hold down the left key for running if you are playing with mouse and on the numeric key pad like me. And anyways, who wants to walk and not to run? :)

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    You people play weird: your left pinkie goes on the left control (fire) key, your 4th finger goes on shift (run), middle finger goes on alt (strafe on/off), and index and thumb on the spacebar. Then use the 4-arrow pad with your right hand, so you can use delete to look down, end to center view, and page down to look up. SIMPLE!!

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    Guest David_A


    I was just kinda surprised to see it not included, since pretty much every exe mod ever had it (including DOSDOOM, if I remember correctly).

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    Lüt.. Not ALL of us are keyboarders!! :]

    Besides, DOOM isn't all rush-rush. When in a dark, scary, unknown area, you want to proceed with caution, not blast through and lose your head!! Here's the controls I use...

    Strafe left/right = A/D
    Walk forward/backward = W/S
    RUN = LShift
    Turn left/right = E/R (Useful instead of the mouse in dangerous areas such as Doom2 MAP24)
    Open/Use = Spacebar

    Sensitivity = 64
    Fire = LMouse
    Strafe = RMouse

    I've tried many setups in the past. This is by far the best. The number of keyboarders out there in amazing. TRY THE MOUSE, you nimrods!! When I tried the mouse, I HATED it at first.. I just played like that for a couple of hours, and before I knew it, I was a mouser, and I LOVED IT!! :D

    Anyway, yeah.. :-b

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    Guest cocoon


    Is there anyone who started with the mouse right away? I haven't heard of any.. It is of course not impossible if a lot did but I haven't heard of it. I decided to survive doom2 on UV before saying "mouse" or "no mouse"

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    no autorun, no auto mlook, no next/previous weapon. didn't run doom 1. gl version gives me a black screen. truly it is alpha!. The scripting stuff is promising tho, it's too early to diss covert ops IMHO.

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    To do auto-mlook change the y-axis setting to "freelook" or something, and glEDGE gave me a black screen too, but just press enter or escape and you should hear the familiar clanking. glEDGE is ultra-hyper-beta though and is basically unplayable right now...

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    Only the first time ever I played doom I used the keyboard, and found it impossibly hard to play. Then I heard about that you can use a mouse and never looked back.

    If you are still using a keyboard now and refusing to try the mouse, you are just overly stubborn, and plain stupid. It is just physically impossible to play a FPS anywhere nearly as good as with a mouse.

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    Guest Fanatic


    The menu and title screens are not implemented yet in the GL version, hence the black screen. You can blindly press enter three times (you will hear the menu sounds), and that will land you in the normal first map.

    Or, you can run it like this: <blockquote> edgegl -width 800 -height 600 -warp map01 </blockquote> I ran it on my system at 1280x1024, and amazing framerates.

    Hope that helps!

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    I play Wolf3d with -get this- a gravis gamepad :) No joke! I use a mouse to play Doom, and Quake etc though.

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    Gravis Gamepad?? Well, that isn't too terribly weird. I use a Gravis Gamepad for Nesticle, that's all. Not enough buttons for SNes9X. Yeah... Wolf3D is neat!! :D

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    I found that covert op demo simply ugly... But the EDGE engine seems damn promissing ! A lot of things seems configurable and that's a very good idea.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    If the full version is as good as Twilight Warrior and a little bit more then ladies and gentlemen we are looking at any extremly good TC. But I agree the Beta was a bit disappointing but at least it was small :) No offence guys looks like it´s going to be a great TC once done! :) Keep on smiling don´t give up don´t give a f**k what other people say! -Captain Napalm :)

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    Guest Anonymous User


    How can you say the keyboard sucks for playing? I cound´t use the mouse to play the old doom (too slow), so I finished doom 1 and 2 with keyboard on UV, but I use it for Zdoom :) -Captain Napalm

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Actually, I started with mouse play, in doom. I think I used mouse in Wolf3D, but I never played that much, so...it always just made more sense to me to play with the mouse because you get finer control. And if you don't like the low mouse sensitivity (Descent is the worst about that!), set it in your config.

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    A good joystick with a hat works way way better. I always had trouble with the game till I bought a CH flightstick. After that it was almost too easy :)

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