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  • Covie Goes Crazy


    Covaro sent this in so I'll post it... I really have no idea WTF he's talking about so this is sort of a service to him. Post stuff in the comments if you can figure it out because I certainly can't.

    My "mystery" project is well underway and is basically done. I'm just trying to get more content into it before I post it and make it available to the public. The entire thing is based around the eventual inclusion of a ton of content, so I would like to have a worthwhile amount before I get it out in the open. Should only take me another week or two to get what I want accomplished and then post it. Some of it may be very controversial.

    One of the big plans I have for this project is to attempt to bring a cohesive quality to the "Doom Universe". People have always attempted to say that their level happened right after the end of Doom 2 or something like that. And I find it quite silly to think that this one guy always runs into the monsters, non-stop. So what I am going to attempt to do is bring a "time-line" of events so to speak into play. What I'm going to attempt to do is bring every level that is set into the Doom Universe (that is of signifigance) into the time-line. So expect to see things like UAC Dead, Mordeth, Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, STRAIN, and Dyst3, Requiem, MM(2)... and others. But don't expect them to be exactly where their text files say they happened. It will probably end up being a combination of timing of the release, and where the design and theme of the levels makes the most sense. What may also become controversial is the fact that I plan on dividing the time-line among several different Doomguy's. Not one. It just doesn't make sense.

    This whole thing will probably piss some people off, but who knows. It is something I want to do, so I'm going to do it. Besides, it fits in perfectly with one of the things that I am incorporating into my "project". So might as well do it. And while I'm thinking about it before I finish this... the project will be in no way politically correct. So I want to put up a warning now (and I will make it very very clear) that I do not want to offend anyone. But I am simply trying to put this together as I see most oppropriate for what I am trying to accomplish.

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    That's what it sounds like: Doom meets Half-Life. It seems as if the Doom Guy will be on duty at the Mar's Base and will be called into action. Sort of like the calm before a storm as seen in Half-Life. It also seems as if Covaro is attempting to explain how many of the quality add-ons for DOOM can fit in with DOOM: reminds me of the story to TeamTNT's Ragnarok in some ways.

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    FIRST POST! Anyway, I think this verifies the fact Covaro has a massive crack addiction. Put the pipe down, dude.

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    On second thought, Covaro might just be embellishing Mockery with disillusions of grandeur... j/k Oh BTW, Afterglow: Haha!! ;)

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    Maybe it is just me, but one of the great qualities of Doom is that it doesn't even seem to bother to convey a believable story, and that each and every map creates its own atmosphere. If you look through the truckloads of custom wads, to me it is pretty obvious it is totally inconsistant, which I see as a good thing. If you think you can order these in a timeline you are definitely making something up which isn't there in the first place. --Aardappel

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    You don't understand whats going on? Really? It's so simple.<BR><BR><BR><BR><font size="1">(Covaro is on drugs.)</font>

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    well, you guys will just have to wait and see. It's not really something I'm doing for designers to follow... just something for my project I'm working on. All will understand when I show it off.

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    6 hours? Actually, it was more like eight hours, fifty-six minutes, fifty-eight seconds that you were beat. That is of course, unless it took you two hours, fifty-six minutes, fifty-eight seconds to write fourteen words, including the subject, and the number "6", in which case, you would be typing at 0.07909 words per minute. As for Afterglow, he was beaten by forty-nine seconds. Since he claimed it to be two seconds, he was only off by forty-seven seconds. That means that Afterglow was 82.936 times as accurate as Megalyth, who was off by three-thousand, eight-hundred, ninety-eight seconds. ;-D

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    Guest Anonymous User


    See kids, this is what happens when you smoke crack, you make outragious claims like this one here. A timeline? I'll beleave that when i see it. Don't Do drugs!

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Do Doom levels really need a story? Do storylines really add that much to them? Do you think that the challenge of beating a level is enough to make it good, or does it need a cohesive storyline to make it any fun at all? Do you even remember or care about the story while you're playing? Just a few questions to think about...

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    Guest The Little Faith


    What an awesome idea. In fact i thought about it myself, but i decided i haven't played all the wads required to make a statement. If you are interested I might contribute with something similar. I am working on a Doom fauna which will have informations on all the monsters, such as their metabolism, methods of reproduction, activity cycles as well as descriptions of their behavior and place in the monster society. There will also be notes about the monster's historical significance. (First seen, situations where the monster was a historical key player). People might think this is far out. In fact I think it's pretty far out myself, but i don't allow such petty worries to stop me. N.B: Covaro, remember that this is a full-scale war. Several incidences might happen the same time or overlap on the timeline.

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    Guest mystican


    anyone figured out exactly what this is yet? it sounds like he's going to try and write a list of all the doom projects in the order they happen or something. then rerelease them? or will it just be a list? and the point of this is...? any answers?<Br><Br> i can't do nuttin for you man

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    Personally I think this is a great idea. I'm doing the same thing, kind of. I'm making an script of events that happen after Doom 2, but using my own ideas rather than collecting stories from various WADs. First there's the stuff that happens in Paradox (invasion by a parallel universe), then the events of Wrath (return of the hellspawn). This will allow me to create projects in the future (if I want to) that will fit in.

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    The only think about this that doesn't make sense to me is that only big releases (Memento Mori, Requiem) will "count". What about other releases? Do they not matter in the Big Doom Picture?

    I tend to lean more towards the idea that only "official" Doom releases count toward the big picture, but that's just me.

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    Guest Levendis


    Doom's timeline isn't all that hard to figure out. The monsters attack earth and the Mars bases at the same time. Doomguy beats them on Mars and gets teleported to Earth, where he has to beat them again. The other episodes and megawads seem to occur either in other places at the same time (with different Doomguys) or during the "cleanup" afterwards.

    Aardappel: Yah, one of the cool things about Doom is that it doesn't try to have much of a storyline, kind of like the Evil Dead series. But that doesn't necessarily mean that having one would be bad; Doom is essentially scifi/horror, one of my favorite genres, so I'd welcome a story.

    Cov, looking forward to this. What exactly is it? New maps? Literature? What?

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    Guest Old Soldier


    Focus your mind and get on with it,the rest of you.... help him don't just bitch.

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    Personally I detested the Doom novels ... (if one was to use them as a basis for the Doom storyline). We should do a community project (open source style) and put together a script for a Doom movie and send it in as a contender for the possible Doom movie. (I may be working with outdated information here but hey ...) And since it's us the community who write it, we are guaranteed that it's not some Hollywood hack who puts the script together (Mortal Kombat Annihilation anyone?) for what's gotta be the most anticipated movie (for us anyway) ... maybe second to the Matrix sequel ... How does that sound?

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    Guest Levendis


    You're looking forward to the Matrix sequel?

    Talk about aiming low...


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    Ok I pulled that one out of a hat ... I hadn't heard anything about a sequel to Matrix until I did a net search just now ...
    Yes, I'm that out of touch.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I think Covaro should create a timeline explaining the first ten comments here

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    Like, should I shoot this green guy with my boomstick or will it have repercussions because my brother is dating his brothers best friends sisters room mate?

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    Guest Pudge


    I'm confused, but it's probably just me. I think he means that he will sum up every major Doom WAD ever created (including the originals) in 2-3 levels each. Or, he could use Boom's feature to make tons of levels in one WAD like TNT's doing with Ultimate Invasion. The only problem is, lots of those things probably happened at the same time. Also, WTF is he saying about that politically correct shit?

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    to me it seems like this isn't a project in the normal sense. it's not making levels. it's going to be a big story, as far as i can see. trying to incorporate a pile of megawads with no internal cohesion at all seems pretty hard to me, but ah well :). and the politically correct stuff, i expect it'll have sex in it. and bad language. and stuff like that.

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    Nah... FRAGmentation, non-lineality and plurality make up the core of the doom 'atmosphere' that relates the maps. Each level designer does his own thing. If there is any relationship between any 2 map series or episodes, it was an because the author opted for that. I (personally) don't like artificial unifying constructions like these. Maybe you wann do it as a curiosity. But why make 'histories' and 'ecologies' for DooM. Doom is the crossroads of two things, I feel; a) Bloody Action and b) the Unknown. The short stories, fragments, pictures that accompany the map sets are there to bring depth to each episode, TC or whatever, but are lifeless by themselves. Each and every individual creation by a map-maker adds to doom uniquely. Keep the sky dark, and the stars will stand out. Just my opinion... try your hand if you will, Cov (plus whoever else). PS: If I mixed writing with doom I would just scribe flashing glimpses of damnation, foreboding insights, unfathomable horrors, or cruel gore (tending toward the irrational and mindless; not chronologies and encyclopedic descriptions).

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