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    Judging from the poll, the most of you would like to see all the 10-sector WADs put into big megawads. What I might do is release the, erm, \"least good\" megawad first, and then ramp up in quality from there. But then, of course, anyone in the \"least good\" megawad would be a little miffed, so maybe not.

    First post gets a million dollars.

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    Only about twenty mintues before me....and I'd be as silly as the first person to post here thinking that a million dollars would actually be given to me. No offense to anyone, but I doubt Ling has a million dollars to give.... :)

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    I don't think many would be [b]overly[/i] miffed at being in the bottom 50%. But don't you have a slight problem in that 32 * 4 = 128 < 138? Or are 10 so not worth seeing that they just won't merit a place in the wad?

    Personally I think you'd be better off putting the best 64 into two megawads, and then ranking the remainder based on alphabetical order or something and splitting them into two or three wads that way.

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    locust has a good idea.
    2 megawads and a grouping is best.
    I don't think anyone would be embarassed to be slotted in the 2nd wad. Unless some frad's masterpeice gets stuck near the bottom of the 74-level leftovers next to the wads with literally 10 sectors.
    In other words, if the level is truly 40th best, then no shame in being in the second megawad. Who knows, perhaps person A only spent 1/8th the time that person B did. Not necessarily a judgement of skill. The rest of their works speak to that.

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    Release them in the order they where recieved, or by the date they where written.

    In megawads of course...... it would be interesting to see how they progressed.

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    Maybe it should be done by releasing the best 32 first. After that, sort the rest out and stuff them in a megawad in alphabetical order -- all of them, since BOOM supports more levels, does it not? If you want to do a second megawad then okay, but the rest should just be packed and stuffed. I'm not sure I'll play the bottom parts... depends how much time I have.

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    Guest krpeters


    Hey, doesn't v1.9 support more than 32 levels? I know that if you type "IDCLEV 33", it does attempt to jump to that level, and crashes upon not finding it there. Perhaps this would be a great opportunity to do something odd. Stuff the best 32 in a "proper" megawad, and the others in a bigger one.

    I just did a little experimentation; "IDCLEV 35" generates a "map35 not found" error; "IDCLEV 36" gives "Bad music number 68". "IDCLEV 40" gives "Bad music number 72", and "IDCLEV 41" just doesn't work.

    I'm going to try to make a MAP 40, and see what happens :)

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    Guest _Dimiter_


    Actually, I had a map33 in my "my.wad" :-) a hidden deathmatch arena... not really hidden, though. I did mention it in the text file... anyways, I got work to do... ling, what happened to them levels, did you receive it? (i guess i just never get tired of bullshit...)

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    Guest Confusion


    Bah. Why do we have to have these things assembled in a megaWAD (or megaWADs) anyway? The flaws of such an idea have been pointed out by many in previous threads...the only way to do this and to make it work will be to release them all as separate WADs, an idea which does have flaws, I know, but is still far more effective than placing a whole bunch of completely unrelated levels together and expecting them to still play through smoothly.

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    Guest Street Spirit


    I think it would be a good idea to group the different maps by playability and use. In my opinion, you should place all of the maps that are perfect for deathmatch in one wad, and single player maps in a second one. This way, we DM players (yeah, i'm a ZOU member), can have some new maps to play on.

    What do you all think?

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    Confusion- I am NOT downloading 138 individual levels, no way.

    Ling- I got my doom figurines so you can stop taunting me :P

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    I think the levels should be placed into the megawad randomly. Maybe alphabetically by the author's name or by date received as was mentioned earlier.

    If everyone knows the best levels are at the beginning, or at the very end, they're not going to bother playing the not-so-great levels, even if they're still good.

    As someone said, there's no shame in being 40th place. There is if nobody will even look at your map.

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    And, Confusion: Obviously the levels will have nothing to do with each other, but that's not the purpose to this megawad. Doesn't it make sense, that if you want to try a different level, you can hit IDCLEV instead of quitting doom, changing the command line, starting it again, then reselecting skill level? The latter is much longer and takes lots more effort.

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    Wel I dunno about you all. But I'm VERY eager to see what everyone have been able to spit out in this competition even if it's crap I'm gonna play it.

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    Guest _Dimiter_


    OK, that's all fine. Just one thing - I believe Linguica should first release a list of the levels' names and of the names of the authors so that we can check out if the levels we sent in are in place.

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    Yeah, that sounds good dimiter - i sent in a couple maps and i spent alot of time on'em. I just wanna know if they got to linguica alright, cause i got this fear of finding out 3 weeks later that none of my maps made it :) (i know it's far fetched but i'm just paranoid like that!)

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    I think the levels should be placed in the megawads by difficulty. Start with the easiest and the hardest as map 32.

    Also, Linguica should keep posting screenshots...

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    Ling's not gonna release a list of all the levels he's recieved, 'caus that would mean that he can't fix the results ("Iikka I'm sorry, I didn't get your map. It looks good though, but unfortunately Sverre won instead :( ")

    Only joking of course :)

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    Guest _Dimiter_


    that's a good point there, NiGHTMARE ;-)

    I am not a paranoid though. I do believe it [GOT LOST IN MAIL OH MY GOD!!!] got to ling in the end. I think everything should go fine and I shouldn't worry [TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT MAP!!!], and that it [WILL NEVER BE SEEN OR PLAYED BY ANYONE BUT MYSELF] will reach its auditory sooner or later...

    Yes, everything is and will be just as perfect as ever :-]

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    I'm a Mac user and (as far as I know) can't use BOOM compatible levels. So, if you can hear me Linguica, Megawads or not, if all of the plain old DOOM levels (if there were any other than mine :) could be made available in some fashion I'd appreciate it.

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    Well isn't there any Mac Sources versions?. Well I guess you'll have to wait for Legacy to hit SDL or whatever it's called so they can port it to mac.

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    If you think about it,how many megawads are worth playing again & again...I mean more than twice,even...
    Memento Mori's...yup?
    a few of the Wolfendooms...maybe,a judgement call here...
    My point is not a whole helluvalot (one word)
    So other than the best of the best of the best,& remember,the exercise has the severe limitation,though interesting,of the sectors thing...what are the chances that even a single megawad will have even 1/3rd the levels,like the great ones noted,that will make it memorable enough.....let alone any hope of a nic flow form level to level...
    so I think this 2-3 or more megawads,while exciting I admit,is alot of puffery...
    then of course,I'd love to be wrong!

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    Guest Arch Master


    Ok, here is my idea (if anyone cares):
    I think that the wads should definitely be released all in one single megawad, but included will be a special doom/boom/zdoom port which allows the player to browse through each level and sort them either chronologically, by quality, by size, by name, date entered, difficulty, author, etc. included should be a feature which ends the game when each level is completed and returns the player back to the level selection screen, similar to the kind used for eternal doom. That way each level can be played like they were all designed to be played, which should be ok with everyone I think.

    Oh, and the million dollars goes to: the I am retarded. Of course, this has no meaning, since posts cannot recieve money in any way, and therefore this was nothing more than a stupid joke (maybe).

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