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  • Hissy Hogger


    That's right, Skull Tag has posted one of its usual updates! It seems to be short news this time. They've released a FAQ for all things Skull Tag. But be careful though! It's a DOC. I wouldn't want anyone getting hurt. Use it at your own risk.

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    There's some really interesting stuff in there guys. I actually reveal some secrets about the project :) It's definately worth looking at.

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    Relax, Confusion :P I just want people to know about stuff that's revealed in the FAQ (ex. that we're going to be doing cinematics, etc.). It's very cool, exciting stuff.

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    A Doom mod with cinematics! Now, thats something new! This alone puts Skull Tag in its own elite bracket. This and the completely new gameplay stuff, of course.

    Theres something I always wanted to ask: which do you perfer people? Rendered or engine cutscenes? I personally think its cool to see cutscenes using the game engine itself, but many think that cinematic cutscenes are better.

    Engine ones are, in a way, more realistic in a game enviroment sort of way. But Rendered cutscenes are more realistic in a real sort of way. Ah well....

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    No, these will be rendered. There's so much more we can do by doing it that way. The cinematics really wouldn't be too effective if we stuck to doing them with the game engine. You'll see what I mean :)

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    Uniqe. Not quite.

    Ninja Doom got them. but that's not released yet. been pushed back so many times I can't remember.

    Well Nimrod was gonna have a intro and outro cut scene that was fully 3d rendered. But then we changed our mind cause well. We don't wanna put down that much work on something that people probably not are gonna download. So I'm gonna make engine sequences instead. (I think)

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    I'm not claiming that the idea of prerendered cinematics is totally unique, because it isn't. I've seen plenty of games with them. Diablo II, Q3A, etc. However, these will really help to create an experience unlike any other... that I've seen, anyway.

    I'm not doing the cinematics because I was like "ST should have cinematics. That'd be cool." I'm doing them because the episode II section of ST (not what's on the site) has a whole story to it, and tons of great characters, and it'd be a complete shame to not bring life to any of it. I'm doing the cinematics because they will "work"... very well. They're sure as hell not going to be tacked on just for the hell of it, like I've seen in so many other games.

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    Hmm, yes. Many mods may have had rendered sequences planned for them, but none (that I've seen, anyway) have actually had them.

    Anyways, I likes!

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