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  • Lingie Interviewed


    Over at IcarusWeb there is a cute little review with everyone's favorite (or most hated) Doom site master. Ling takes his time to relect on his life, and how he has aspirations to kill Blue and take over the internet... oh wait, no those are my plans. *hits delete key*... but seriously, take a read and enjoy.

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    yeah, that movie ruled. I saw it 142 times. Then I realized it sucked. Oh well, life goes on...

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    Guest IcarusWing


    ID4 always sucked major ass. It's just the end of Return of the Jedi stretched over an hour and a half.

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    Now, if I were a real quack, I would mindlessly attack Afterglow for those two identical statements. However, he's earned a reputation as a reliable source of information, and thus, it's obvious he's just kidding. Anyway, this interview was really interesting. I read it completely, and thus, I'd to declare to toast to Linguica. I have to hit the sack right away, so I won't go into detail, but if anyone has any compliments to pay, pay 'em right here!! G'nite!! *Clink*..

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    Actually i just got sick of it. It is still better than the Star Wars trilogy. If they had split that movie into a trilogy, July 2, July 3, and July 4 it would have owned Star Wars trilogy's ass. Star Wars was ok to watch once or twice but it was hardly exciting. Not to mention that ID4 has nothing to do with the end of Return of the Jedi, but whatever.

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    Guest IcarusWing


    What are you talking about dude? You kids of today, no respect for decent movie making... lest you not forget that the people who made ID4 also made one of the worst movies ever... GODZILLA! Star Wars rocks (even though the new film sucks, blows, drys and rinses) - where's ID4's Han Solo, eh? Eh?

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    Guest David_A


    Star Wars? Decent movie making? Where? In the fact that it single-handedly ruined American cinema? SW proved that special effects were all that was needed to make a blockbuster, which is why we have ID4 in the first place. Now "2001," THAT was a sci-fi movie.

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    Guest David_A


    A world made by a communist space alien named Lucas. Did you know that JFK had a long-lost twin, and that Lucas killed him too? It's true. I saw in on FOX.

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    Yeah it was one of the worst movies ever. So was 13th floor. I have no respect for Centropolis anymore. 2001 was ok but i am not entirely into anything abstract unless I make it and watch other people ponder over it.

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