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  • Realms Of Mordeth


    The Realm of Chaos has a short update talking about DocBob's level for Mordeth episode 3. There are also some screenshots of the level to check out, but they look pretty preliminary to me (and Gaston also told me so).

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    Yuck, maybe I should've done that level when Mordeth told me too... I think I've downloaded that level 100 times on cdrom.com... without the nice textures of course. :)

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    <Afterglow> ling what do you think of the mordeth screenshots (HAHAHAA)
    <DW-Nazi> crap


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    Guest o-tech


    woohoo! my textures :-) I certainly hope they will come to better use than that though... and YES afterglow, you should have done a mordeth E3 map. Imagine having been part of both mordeth and the darkening... admit that it sounds tempting! :-)

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    Guest Mattrim.


    ...as the author stated on his page: "the basic architecture of the town is about 70% complete...the town is HUGE, containing over 5000 vertices..." You are looking at, and passing judgement on, a very unfinished product. Given that the level is as large as it is, you are only looking at a very small part of it. Save the criticism for the finished product.

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    You're comment was kind of true. However, usually screenshots show the best part of the level. If that's that best part of the level, at 70% completion, compared to other mordeth e3 levels they are VERY preliminary

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    Guest Mattrim.


    ...hence "basic architecture is 70% complete". Note the inclusion of the word 'basic'.

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    My bad. If it was *that* early in stages I wouldn't post screenies of it. Especially compared to the other Mordeth levels I've seen, anyway I'm sure he'll fix it up quite a bit before release. I hope he means 70% "basic" architecture complete as in the BASIC layout and not the complete thing;)

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    Guest Mattrim.


    I am under the impression that "70% basic architecture" translates to "70% of the basic layout". Gaston Lahaut, founder and coordinator of the Mordeth project, has stated that these are very preliminary screenshots (see the news that spawned this comment thread for the exact quote). I am certain that this level will blossom into something terrific, given Gaston's guidance and support.

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    Well to me architecture = design of the buildings, overhangs, supports, etc. Layout is layout. Is it true that Anthony Soto is now working on this map?

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