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  • Stomp That Quake


    I've been told by numerous people that there's a poll on Stomped asking what the best gaame of the millennium is... given the nature of the website, it's probably a tad skewed, so I thought I'd skew it a little more and tell everyone to go over and vote for Doom, which is currently languishing in second place behind Quake.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    i voted, but considering the nature of the site it's very unlikely doom will come in #1. It's an unfair poll(being on a quake megasite and all), to say the least.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Quake would always win on that kinda site, mind you there are some big game titles up there, so second is cool, by a big margin too.

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    Guest Aftershock


    At least they listed Doom in the Stomped poll, I saw another poll somewhere for best computer game ever and Doom wasn't even listed, but you could vote for Mortal Kombat or Poke'mon. POKEMON for God's sake, but not Doom! Go vote for Doom and take satisfaction in the fact that Doom is running a reasonable second with virtually no competition for the number 2 slot.

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    Guest balanco


    aurikan - Friday Dec 24 23:01:01 1999 - quake yeah go vote quake you know you want to. just cuz your 486-33 wont run quake is no excuse... <>>>>>>>>>>>>> Heh, my computer runs Quake, Quake II, etc just fine, but I always come back to Doom. Sorry, but Doom is still #1 :)

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    Guest Anonymous User


    And what kind of POS system do you have Aurikan? Doom Rox even though I have a TNT2. Tards like you think game play is all about graphics, which is not true. Doom is all meat, no trimmings, while quake is a little meat covered in gobs of glossy fat. You know nothing about real gameplay, all you want is pretty graphics.

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    Guest balanco


    aurikan - Saturday Dec 25 15:41:32 1999 - hey that means you're a retard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And a very Merry Christmas to you too (BTW: if you dislike doom somuch, how come you set up an account on this board. Hmmmm??)

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    I would have voted for the Bard's Tale for Game of the Millenium. It was one of the first computer games I ever played and I'm currently half way through the first one right now. I went out and bought the Interplay Ultimate RPG Archives as soon as it came out. Instead of voting for this fine game, I did the right thing and voted for the game that changed the industry. :) Yep, DooM and none other.

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    What? I'm confused... I thought Aurikan was a major DooM fan. So I was/am assuming he's just joking but I might have him mixed up with someone else. (?)

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    I just voted for Doom, and, as of now, the count is 1747 for Doom vs. 1694 for Quake. As to aurikan, I have a computer that can play Quake1/2/3, and I have them, but somehow, Doom just seems to have this magnetic force on me...

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    still playing doom? why don't do something productive...clean out the human gene pool, do us a favor, and go cliff diving

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    Guest Anonymous User


    aurikan - Monday Dec 27 00:25:58 1999 - heh still playing doom? why don't do something productive...clean out the human gene pool, do us a favor, and go cliff diving //------ .aurikan. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Another flamer. People should ignore this moron

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    Guest Anonymous User


    aurikan - Sunday Dec 26 14:41:23 1999 - heh yeh you guys are still retards //------ .aurikan. ------ Awww... you wuv pwetty graphics, instead of good solid game play don't you? :*

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Sorry, but if you flame us, you can expect these kinds of answers

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    Guest Anonymous User


    See the "people" in "normal clothes" are "normal". The people in straight jackets are the "retards". Quit getting it mixed up. Man there must be alot of retards, like you.

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    Guest ViolentEd


    He's just like Unrealers and people that buy N64. Graphic Whores. All they care about is how much technology it pushes. And guess what. Doom did better then Unreal and PSX did better then N64.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Who whould of thought Doom would be kicking Quakes ass by like 100 votes? A lofty second woulda been nice but this just KICKS ASS MAN! The problem with the 64 is I can count all the games I would ever want to own on like my 2 hands. DOOM 64 is sweet......

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    Guest balanco


    aurikan - Monday Dec 27 14:08:56 1999 - heh still retards //------ .aurikan >>>>>>>>> So how come you're the one wearing the helmet 24/7?

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    Guest balanco


    That would be insulting people who are truly retarded. You're just a pathetic lame f14M3r d00d (idea for moderator: How 'boutinstalling killfile abilities :)

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    Guest balanco


    Acooring to the polls. So quit your yapping about how Quake is better and all of that bullshit

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