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  • Tritese


    No typo here. Thearrel Kiltron McKinney updated his Mean Arena with news of a release. Now fasten your seatbelts because this Trite Breeding Facility is nothing else but a custom Doom 3 level!

    [It] should give you about 35 minutes of gameplay at least. Trites have taken over a UAC breeding facility, you're sent in to stop the threat.

    Go play it now!

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    Szymanski said:

    Either Fileplanet, XP SP2 or Firefox are screwing up, I don't see a list of download servers :(

    Neither do I.

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    For such a nice looking map, it sure would be nice to actually be able to.. uh. you know.. download it.

    FilePlanet is fucking retarded.

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    No the very first doom3 map released came out on the 30th of july, it was a VERY BADLY DONE and quick remake of e1m1, thats was a STRAIGHT conversion from doom1-)quake3-)doom3 with the new textures

    anyhow, i wish i coudl download this, fuck gamespy

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    This is bullshit, I can't believe they haven't fixed it by now. There isn't even a mirror on another site yet.

    I hate fileplanet...

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    I played it for about 5 minutes and looks great, authentic Doom 3 feel. One problem I noticed was that some of the enemies will just stand there and not attack, ie the trites in the first open vent and an imp around one of the corners did not approach or advance towards me, just stayed put and attacked only when I came around the corner and would continue to just stay like that. Also, it took me 10 minutes to get in the vents...Overall it looks and plays awesome.

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    Same problem with vent 2. Had to noclip to enter it.

    Boy, those Lost Souls must be the most annoying things in the whole game, especially when thrown at you 5 at a time ! >:(

    But what really bother me is that I wasn't scared at all. Feels more like Doom gameplay to me. Do I like that? Not sure yet.
    Other than that, the level design is very good. There's more glass in this map than in the entire Doom 3 game. Looks very nice. :P

    Oh, and next time, modders may want to indicate in the text file how to set the difficulty.

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    A very fun little map, although quite difficult. I havent beaten it yet. Brings a little bit of the old doom feeling with it.

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    One of the best maps for doom3 so far, WAY more fun than most of the stuff in doom3

    I thoroughly and fully enjoyed every minute of it


    - really awesome imp fight about 1/4 into the map, nice to actually have to use strategy

    - some real challenges (Mancubus fight on low health was interesting)

    - NOT TOO DARK!!!!!!

    - Great use of graphical effects

    - Felt like an original doom map, just slower

    - Realtively open spaces

    - *FUN*

    The only negative is that its still *WAY* too linear for my tastes, but an improvement. Oh and i guess that the lost souls were a tad overused (and the spiders a tad underused)

    Also, i think i noticed some arcetechual similarities from Quake 1 but of course i could be wrong...

    The Author deserves an award for capturing the feel of a doom WAD in 3d

    Excellent , Nine point nine repeating out of Ten!

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    PK4s are parsed on startup, and are just zip files - you don't load them directly. Type map k(tab) and see if it pops up in the autocomplete (map names appear in autocomplete now w00t!)

    If not, make sure it's in the right directory I guess.

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    Some authors don't seem to comprehend the difference between challenging and frustrating, and this guy's one of them.

    For one of the first maps released, the construction is pretty damned impressive, and the general feel of the gameplay is good. Lots of nice little touches. The real problem is the lack of supplies. For a map to be fun, there needs to be a surplus, even if only a small one, to let the player make mistakes. There are enough supplies, but the balance is much too knife-edged for my taste. I hate having to "rehearse" fights over and over - get killed, think "use pistol instead of shottie with last two bad guys so I have enough to kill this guy", so on and so on. That's what I kept having to do here. This kind of situation usually arises when the designer does all the testing himself, and this is what I think happened here. Huge mistake. A pity, because other than that it was excellent.

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    I can't download it. I registered to Gamespy and all that shit so I could download it, and it says the file can't be found. Is there another place I can get this map?

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