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  • Wildman To The Edge


    Wildman, ever the front runner in Doom Tech, has built another map full of EDGE goodness. Great name, Operation: Destroy. Hehehehe... Kill Everything... Kill Everything... Bomb the living bejeepers out of those forces. Now, just gotta get reoriented here and figure out where all the damn pages are these days.

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    This level rocks, but... I don't know, I guess all the old Doom maps are gonna be moot now; seems like we lost a great deal of good maps now that EDGE is becoming popular.

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    No, all the old Doom maps are not going to be moot. The edge engine is very cool, but it aint perfect. Even if it were, it still wouldn't really take anything away from what has been accomplished in the past.
    What good maps have we lost?

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    Thanks Marc!

    I really don't think the new ports are going to put reg. Doom out of business. My little Apoch series proved that. If the level is good, it'll get played.

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    Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anybody. I dunno, maybe it's just me: this happened to me with BOOM when I was about to complete a 2 entire megawads for Doom1 and 2. So I "update" those to BOOM and now all of a sudden an entire new dimension opens up. I feel like I'm being punished for being too lazy to have finished the maps earlier :| My career is calling and all the standout stuff I've been putting it off for is becoming mediocre.

    But enough whining - love the map, especially that marble scene with the fires and transparent lava in them funky shapes and stuff. It's like, if original Quake had been cool, this would be it. Really ;) I'm impressed, and you know how hard that is to do to me.

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    I just don't think it's necessary to update all your stuff to the latest engines. I'd love to see those megawads for Doom 1 and 2. Hell, they don't even have to be for Boom! If the levels are good, I wont even miss 3d effects, deep water, colored lighting, blah blah blah. Believe me, I've seen many crap wads that had all that fancy stuff in it. So have you, I bet. It was Rick Clark that impressed you with good level design. Not the edge engine.

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    Guest darkknight


    All I can say is that the effect of the EDGE Team working on this has been worth while when people like Fanatic and Wildman produce levels like this.

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