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About fraggle

  • Rank
    Hyper Moderator
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. Different name though, I think you want this one:
  2. This is a shameless plug as I organized the celebration myself, but today is the 40th anniversary of Sopwith (the game I've used as my avatar here on Doomworld for many years): https://fragglet.github.io/sdl-sopwith/40years.html This weekend just past I organized a chat with the original author David Clark and two of his former colleagues:
  3. I recommend checking out ffi_b.wad which devised a pretty clever workaround for this.
  4. A quick follow-up, looks like this is going to be all good.
  5. Just a quick note that I've identified some of the engineers involved with this project and reached out to them about this. They're not actually violating the GPL yet because this isn't shipping until April. Hopefully we can get their changes published on Github.
  6. Non sono Italiano ma parlo la lingua. Mia moglie รจ italiana
  7. I have a beautiful daughter who I can honestly say is the light of my life.
  8. Pro-tip: you don't need to share every dumb thought that comes into your head.
  9. The brief summary is that any competently-run websites do not store passwords, only a big random number that is generated using your password (called a hash). It's why you always have "password reset" rather than something like a "show me the password I forgot" option - the website is literally incapable of telling you what your password is. If the hashes are leaked, an attacker can try running millions of guesses against them to see if they can discover any passwords. But it's slow and requires a lot of computing power. If you use a weak password it's easier to crack.
  10. You need to explain why STARTAN3 is not at the top
  11. This kind of Derekphobia has no place on Doomworld
  12. Hi, this has been extensively discussed within the Freedoom project and we have decided not to do this. If someone else wants to start their own similar project that would be great, though it would be preferable if you could avoid confusion by not using the Freedoom name.
  13. Thanks for reporting. The server that the site runs on is currently in the process of being upgraded and it seems we're having a bit of a bumpy ride.
  14. Nobody cares. None of the mods are harassing you, none of us hate you, you don't need to apologize for anything. Please just move on from this whole thing.
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