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Everything posted by fraggle


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. fraggle


      Heh, fair enough. I've become quite a fan myself but I can understand why it's not everyone's cup of tea. The gameplay can become quite repetitive. I hear they're planning to overhaul some of the basic gameplay this year to try to improve things.

    3. Jon


      I think last time I sat down I managed to get my 8bitdo sfc30 pro joystick mapped to fit the ships and completed the docking tutorial, just barely. I at least admire it requiring patience, persistence, practice; I think I just lack the time in one consistent lump needed to get into it properly.

    4. fraggle


      Ah, it sounds like you didn't get past the tutorial stage then? I completely understand.


      I recently got my wife into playing it with me so I've been watching her experiences learning to fly a ship. It's certainly not an easy game to get into - the learning curve is almost comically steep by modern game standards. I've compared it to learning to drive a car, except you're doing it in 3D. Lots of crashing into walls, crashing into ships, etc. In her case using a proper flight stick instead of a gamepad helped a lot.


      But it can be quite a bit more fun once you do get the hang of it. Particularly as a multiplayer game it plays quite nicely, though it's a shame the multicrew feature isn't available on Mac.

    Taking a look at this again I can't help noticing that the color balance seems messed up and the demon (which is supposed to be bright red) is actually pink. I'm guessing it was caused by Peter Heinemann's scanner and was never properly corrected. Fixing the image is easy in the GIMP. Use the Hue-Saturation tool to adjust only red; make the Hue component +15. Doing this also seems to fix some weird color issues with the Doom logo itself.
    DM3: The Abandoned Base is one of the six deathmatch levels found in Quake 1, probably the most popular one. This is a recreation of it in Doom. Only makes use of Doom textures (Quake textures are not imported), but some of the sound effects have been replaced with those from Quake. Also makes some clever use of monsters embedded in the wall to provide ambient sound effects. The same level can also be found as part of Decamatch 2 (DECA2.WAD).
  2. free_speech.png

    1. Doomkid


      Agree with the sentiment but think it's a shame that 99% of places people come to discuss ideas they may not necessarily agree on are privately owned, often by people who have an agenda to foster a certain point of view and silence another. Still, the comic is factual and pretty funny.


      (To be clear I'm mainly talking about social media platforms, Doomworld has been tenfold better since political "discussions" stopped happening)

  3. How have I never seen this before?




    1. Megalyth


      I have also seen this nein times.

    2. Liberation


      And that kids, is how the war was won!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. joe-ilya


      fraggle said:

      Huh? Oh, god damnit, I made a mistake.

      And now if I want to fix it I need to fly back to London.

      Or just modify your avatar.

    3. Hellbent


      I don't believe you.

    4. fraggle


       I heard the other day that this is being taken down :(

  4. Some sad news: Bobby Prince, the original composer of Doom's music along with other memorable soundtracks such as those of Commander Keen and Duke Nukem 3D, is suffering from colon cancer. There's a GoFundMe page that is seeking to raise $10,000 to help cover some of his medical bills.
    In development for some time now, the sprite fixup project provides subtle fixups to minor bugs in Doom's sprites and their animation, and also adding the long-missing full zombie rotations, all with an obsessively careful eye for detail and in a way that carefully respects the original game and gameplay.
    This is not actually a Doom utility as such - rather it's a repackaging of some existing tools for setting a NetWare network over a parallel port link - you can then use IPXSETUP as normal to run the game. Compare to PARSETUP (psetup11.zip) which is a proper Parallel port Doom network driver.
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Bucket


      I'm on the shitter right now but I'll be sure to dedicate any particularly satisfying turds to you on your special day!

    3. SavageCorona


      Bucket said:

      I'm on the shitter right now but I'll be sure to dedicate any particularly satisfying turds to you on your special day!

      The best birthday present

    4. Csonicgo


      I was going to send a message but I assumed you already knew. Yay!

  5. fraggle


    Anyone giving this less than five stars doesn't understand what it is. This level was released only three months after Doom was first released, when most of the WAD file format was still being figured out. There were no editors or tools - this entire file was constructed by hand. But it's the first fan-made level that led to all the others that have followed since.
  6. Here's a video showing peoples' reactions to the Doom ***4*** reveal at Quakecon that was posted today:

    I thought it was interesting and I have some thoughts about it.

    First of all, what's the current state of development of the new Doom game? It's hard to tell of course, but all signs so far have pointed to it being stuck in development hell: in the past few months we've seen Carmack's departure from the company along with several negative comments about the company on Glassdoor.com that went viral. Here's another article from last year with some more info.

    Recently we've seen what on the face of it looks like more positive news: the teaser trailer, the news that Wolfenstein preorders would get beta access to the new Doom, and now this reveal at Quakecon. But is it just a clever PR strategy to build up hype? "the DOOM beta won’t begin until a later, yet-to-be announced date" says the Wolfenstein: New Order website, and the teaser video only showed what amounted to a few model close-ups and no actual gameplay.

    This reveal is the first time that id have shown actual gameplay to outsiders. But a few things make me skeptical.

    First of all, the lack of any public showing reeks of a PR attempt to build social media hype by making people talk about it. If the game is almost ready, why not just show it publicly or better still, let people at Quakecon actually try it out? Why all these silly games with closed theaters and the strict no-photography rules?

    Secondly, I can't help noticing how they kept the fans who did see it waiting for several hours before they were allowed to see it. In the video above you can see one of them say how he waited for two and a half hours to see the reveal. If you think about it, this again seems like a clever marketing tactic to get lots of positive "reviews": the only people who have seen the reveal are the biggest Doom fans, the ones eagerly anticipating this game who were dedicated enough to hang around long enough to see it. And they got exactly what they wanted: a crowd of people all too eager to tell the waiting journalists how awesome the new Doom game looks.

    The PR story that Id seem desperate to play up is that Doom is almost done, and its release is only just around the corner. But I don't think those beta testers will be seeing this for at least another year, probably at least a year and a half - and maybe even longer. We're even seeing admissions to this effect - that the whole thing was a PR stunt to try to restore some "confidence" in the game's development.

    On the positive side we do at least have some details about what the game might be like when it's done. One thing that seems abundantly clear is that the gameplay is very similar to Brutal Doom: we've heard talk of spines being ripped out, hand-to-hand combat and intentionally excessive gore. One tweet I saw described it as "Brutal Doom in HD".

    Brutal Doom is controversial among classic Doom fans; personally I'm on the fence about it. Classic Doom to me was always a spooky and atmospheric experience rather than a horror/gorefest, though certainly there are aspects of both in the game. Games like Serious Sam and Painkiller have been called spiritual successors to classic games like Doom, but personally I just found them tedious.

    That said, it wouldn't be very interesting if they were just doing Doom 3 again, with slightly improved graphics, so maybe this is a good thing. Things that aren't changing are usually dead, and perhaps what FPSes need more than anything is something different, more light hearted and fun rather than just another straight-laced military combat simulator. God knows we have enough of those on the market already. I just hope all those "finishing moves" don't become repetitive and tired after five minutes of gameplay.

    EDIT: Corrected a couple of errors and added a couple of details I found in this thread.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. joe-ilya


      I think they only picked the retard fans(those who only appreciate graphics) just so the actual fans will see these overeactions.

    3. Cupboard


      No, joe-ilya, they did not. It is not cool to hate on Doom 4 yet. Doom 4's graphics will probably be about as groundbreaking as Rage's graphics were, namely, awesome in some ways but severely limited in others. Chances are it's going to be a satisfactory FPS that appeals to the mainstream community.

    4. Tuxlar


      Secondly, I can't help noticing how they kept the fans who did see it waiting for several hours before they were allowed to see it. In the video above you can see one of them say how he waited for two and a half hours to see the reveal. If you think about it, this again seems like a clever marketing tactic to get lots of positive "reviews": the only people who have seen the reveal are the biggest Doom fans, the ones eagerly anticipating this game who were dedicated enough to hang around long enough to see it. And they got exactly what they wanted: a crowd of people all too eager to tell the waiting journalists how awesome the new Doom game looks.

      I agree, marketing is one thing, but this reeks of manipulation for an audience specifically inclined to be fanatical. Seems a bit disingenuous...

  7. 27 downloads

    This is a "solo" network driver, like ipxsetup or sersetup. However, rather than actually communicating over a network, it's just a dummy program that lets you start a single player netgame. It's functionally equivalent to "ipxsetup -nodes 1", except you don't need to load any IPX drivers. This is in the same vein as the -solo-net command line parameter supported by source ports such as PrBoom+ and Chocolate Doom. Similar to that parameter, this lets you record single player netgames, although it doesn't let you replay them. Source code (for Borland Turbo C) is included.
  8. There's an interesting offer appearing on the website for Wolfenstein: The New Order: pre-order now and you'll get access to the beta for the next Doom game. The catch? Pre-ordering is $60 and "the DOOM beta won’t begin until a later, yet-to-be announced date".
  9. fraggle

    DOOM RETRO v1.0 released

    In celebration of Doom's 20th anniversary, Brad Harding has released DOOM RETRO, a new source port based on Chocolate Doom which makes some subtle enhancements and fixes to the game while carefully maintaining the original look and feel. A full list of changes is on the website.
  10. Quasar has released a new version of the Eternity Engine. The new version, v3.40.37 (codenamed "Gungnir"), includes various new features, including better support for the Doom 3: BFG Edition IWADs, DynaBSPs, linked portals, better gamepad support, more stable MIDI code and a new linedef special system. A gallery showing some of the new features can be seen here.
  11. It's now been over 10 years since this thread when I set up my SLIGE MegaWAD generator to make Woolie Wool look silly. With some occasional downtime the generator has been diligently creating a new 32-level MegaWAD every day since then. My current estimate is that it's generated over 3,800 MegaWADs containing over 121,000 levels. Does this make me the most prolific author of published Doom levels ever?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fraggle


      I'm not sure I've even configured the MegaWAD's SLIGE config properly to be honest. Probably could get something much nicer if I put some effort into it.

    3. darknation


      10 years more! 10 years more!

    4. Csonicgo


      fraggle said:

      I'm not sure I've even configured the MegaWAD's SLIGE config properly to be honest. Probably could get something much nicer if I put some effort into it.

      I have a floppy disk in my drawer full of slige configs. I should drag it out and lend you the configs. Be warned, after 8 or so config themes, slige starts to wig out on parsing them.

  12. Several years ago I uploaded a video of impencse.wad to Youtube, and it's accumulated quite a few views since then. Today I was playing with Youtube's analytics system and discovered this graph which has an amusing bump in it (text at the bottom helps to understand):

    1. 40oz


      I'm sure people have shared links to that video fast forwarded to that part to some doomer's virgin eyes.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. DuckReconMajor


      Yeah I remember a little after one Halloween I looked at our hose in Google maps and saw Halloween decorations up. I was amazed at the quick update until I took a closer look and realized they were last year's decorations.

    3. Blastfrog


      DuckReconMajor said:

      Yeah I remember a little after one Halloween I looked at our hose in Google maps and saw Halloween decorations up.

      Who the hell puts Halloween decorations on garden hoses? That must look awfully retarded when you're watering the lawn. :P

    4. DuckReconMajor


      Air hose. For inflatable Rubber Ducky. The kids think it's a snake :)

  13. I'd be interested to see this applied to WADs on the /idgames page.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hervoheebo


      Truth to be told, if there's a 0 to 5 stars scale, people will only rate with 0 or 5. As much the like/dislike system is widespreadly abused, I think that it would work the best for /idgames.

      But really, you should look at the comments and not the rating when looking at what files to download.

    3. kristus


      hervoheebo said:

      Truth to be told, if there's a 0 to 5 stars scale, people will only rate with 0 or 5. As much the like/dislike system is widespreadly abused, I think that it would work the best for /idgames.

      But really, you should look at the comments and not the rating when looking at what files to download.

      Reading the comments of wads, that's not exactly true.

    4. 40oz


      typically /newstuff reviews + the posts that follow it make it clear. Sometimes you can glance at the comments to not be totally surprised of what to expect but usually they aren't very helpful.

    1. Sharessa



      I've read a bit of that comic before. It's pretty funny.

  14. If you had never played Doom before and tried it now for the first time, what would your first impressions be? kotaku.com has this interesting review of Doom by Stephen Totilo, a gamer and FPS player who, until a few days ago, had gone through the game's 17 year history without playing it. He describes some of his first impressions and the surprises that he encountered.
  15. Most satisfying thing to happen this weekend was definitely when the evangelist preacher who tried to convert me in the street was forced to admit that I obviously knew more about the historicity of the Bible than he did.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bank


      Danarchy said:

      THey always try to sell me that crap when I go to Best Buy, but I always turn it down. They always give me the same story too: "we even had one of these that was sold to a customer that AN ELEPHANT [their emphasis] stepped on and we honored the warranty!" Either they're full of BS or they have an exclusive contract with the circus.

      Do you frequent the same Best Buy? A story like that might become pretty popular around a particular store if it happened.

      Likely bullshit though.

    3. Jonathan


      But then he schooled you in Doom DM whilst singing the free software song and you were all like "wtf!?" but it turned out to be opposites day.

    4. Maes


      Jonathan said:

      free software song

      Which sounds like RMS raping a cow, horse, goat, camel, llama, mule, donkey, yak, buffalo and jackass. In that particular order.

  16. Apparently, a chocolate shop called "Liddabit sweets" in Brooklyn, New York, is selling "Chocolate Doom" chocolate bars:

    Well, Chocolate Doom is basically what it sounds like: total chocolate overload, in the best possible doom-y way. It has a crumbly salted cocoa sablé cookie base, a layer of creamy milk chocolate ganache, and a light whipped white chocolate ganache on top of that. Covered in dark chocolate, of course.

    Feedback from customers seems good:

    Just bit into a chocolate doom bar from @Liddabit Sweets. holy crap. Might be my new fav

    Sounds tasty. Apparently they were a valentines day special though so I can't order any to try for myself :-(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DuckReconMajor


      Is it okay if I post "fraggle will kick your ass for stealing his name" on that blog?

      To be honest I think if the bars came back and you showed them Chocolate Doom they'd probably give you free chocolate.

      But IMO they should have googled "chocolate doom" first.

    3. fraggle
    4. MajorRawne


      Why would you buy a valentine present called Chocolate Doom? Wouldn't it be better suited as a Halloween present? For someone you didn't really like?

  17. A while back I changed the DNS for my domain, soulsphere.org, to use the free DNS service on afraid.org. This means that if you want your own Doom-themed soulsphere.org subdomain, either for your website or for something else, you can just add it on afraid.org.

    The site includes free URL redirects, http://thisthread.soulsphere.org/ for example.

    Hopefully this is useful to someone.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Edward850


      Best Subdomain ever. No sense in keeping dyndns any more.

    3. DuckReconMajor


      Sorry to bump this thread, but is there anyway to display a favicon when using one of these subdomains? Mine will show up when I type in the cloaked URL, but it comes up blank otherwise.

    4. Ralphis


      Creaphis said:

      I have no choice but to observe that everyone in this thread except for Fraggle is a recent convert to fishdom.

      Fraggle is an original.


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