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Everything posted by fraggle

    1. Show previous comments  131 more
    2. pavera


      DuckReconMajor said:

      Krispavera's isn't 48x48.

      Heh, well I just uploaded it and it worked.

    3. Sharessa


      It needs to be 48x48 OR LESS. It doesn't have to be exactly 48x48. That would invalidate all the old 32x32 avatars.

    4. DuckReconMajor


      Well, yeah, I figured my post sort of implied that.

      It is funny though, when uploading a ZDaemon profile picture, it has to be exactly 100x100.

    1. Kaiser
    2. printz


      Ain't this since long ago (not the banner but the whole filming on streets thing)?

    3. Sharessa


      printz said:

      Ain't this since long ago (not the banner but the whole filming on streets thing)?

      Pretty sure the joke here is the googly eyes.

  1. 100 downloads

    This is a dehacked patch designed to emulate the chex.exe executable included with Chex Quest. It is generated from a comparison of chex.exe with Final Doom's doom2.exe.
  2. Chocolate Doom v1.1.0 has been released. You can check out the list of changes for this version, or proceed to the download page.
  3. fraggle



    This is some code I wrote for Freedoom to generate a free "GENMIDI" lump for Doom. The source data is based on the register values from the OpenBSD OPL driver. The result isn't too great; the original GENMIDI is definitely miles better, but it's somewhat acceptable.
  4. Dear BBG,

    I was walking home the other day and saw this sign which made me think of you. Hope you enjoy it.



    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Sharessa


      Dr. Zin said:

      Martial arts can be highly overrated, especially as taught in modern schools. This is because they are focused on winning competitions with artificial limitations, not real world fights.

      I know a guy who is a blackbelt in like 2-3 different fighting styles. He says someone who was a champion at street fighting could probably take him out because he mostly just knows how to block martial arts moves.

    3. Coopersville


      Danarchy said:

      I know a guy who is a blackbelt in like 2-3 different fighting styles. He says someone who was a champion at street fighting could probably take him out because he mostly just knows how to block martial arts moves.

      Sadly, I clued in on this when I was seven and threw out my yellow belt and karate gi.

    4. [name_withheld]


      I've been robbed once, and while I can't say that the person was armed (atleast that I know of), I was, and the only reason I didn't pull out my blade was because:

      01.] I was vastly out numbered, like eight to one;


      02.] I didn't know if any of my assailants were armed.

      While I'm sure I could've, at the very least, injured the main "attacker" (I use quotes because when you are outnumbered and someone tells you to produce your wallet, I'm assuming you'd consider them an attacker), I wouldn't be able to tell if anyone else was pulling a weapon, already had one out, or was going to. In that situation I would die, either by their weapon(s), or by my own after they beat the holy shit out of me and took it. The point I'm trying to make is this: it doesn't matter if you have a weapon or not, what matters is that you survive the situation. I survived by giving up $40, but that $40 won't mean anything when they meet someone with more intent than them.

  5. A new version of Chocolate Doom has been released to coincide with Doom's 14th birthday. This is the first official version to include a ton of new features, including multiplayer, a setup program and many more features. Chocolate Doom v1.0.0 can be downloaded here.
  6. 18 downloads

    Vanilla Doom has a mysterious command line parameter named "-statcopy". The statcopy parameter allows an external statistics program to capture the intermission screen statistics. However, as far as I know, no such program was ever written. This is, to my knowledge, the first external statistics program ever made for Doom! On exit, the program displays the captured statistics to the screen, or alternatively saves the data to a file. There is one caveat in that for statistics capture to work, you must have the mouse enabled in Doom (set use_mouse to 1 in default.cfg, or use setup.exe). Full source code (requires Borland Turbo C) is included.
  7. Doomworld announced the opening of its news submission system today. Ex-site administrator Linguica took time off from his busy schedule to add the ability to submit news to the site through the Doomworld forums. Forum users can submit news by posting in a special forum, although the old email submissions system remains in place. Doomworld's news page has stagnated in recent months; this new move was interpreted by some as a desperate attempt to save the site from the inevitable forces of entropy. Edit by Linguica: thanks for the kind words. Jerk.
  8. fraggle

    More Chocolatey Goodness

    Doomworld member cycloid has been busy porting Chocolate Doom to AmigaOS. After a few stumbles he posted a screenshot of it running. There is also a page he's put up for people to track his progress. This isn't the first AmigaOS Doom port by any means, but none of the existing ports seem to be maintained any more.
  9. I just heard some sad news on talk radio - Superhero Captain Copyright was found dead in his Toronto home this morning. There weren't any other details. Even if you weren't a fan of his, you can appreciate his contributions to industry propaganda. Truly a Canadian legend.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Infinite Ammunition

      Infinite Ammunition

      clearly, we all know who's behind this tragedy:

      those coldhearted bastards!

    3. Technician



    4. Carnevil


      YES! This means copyright laws no longer apply!

      * distributes his entire MP3 collection

      Be free my everyone else's children!

  10. So, a solution to the Doomworld popup problem. I find that in Firefox 1.5, whenever I click on a link on Doomworld, a popup appears. There is apparently some special javascript taking advantage of the fact that popups are accepted just after you click on a page.

    Here is a lame hostfile-editing fix that blocks the site causing all the pain:

    Windows users:

    • Start->Run
    • "edit c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts". Hit Ok.
    • Scroll to the bottom of the window, below the "localhost" line
    • Add this line:
    • Click file, then save. You will need to restart Firefox.
    Linux users:
    • Become root, using sudo -s or su
    • echo ad.yieldmanager.com >> /etc/hosts
    This also fixes the annoying "page scrolls to the bottom on load" behavior!

    In summary: yieldmanager.com is the spawn of satan, and the cause of all worldly suffering.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. fraggle


      Szymanski said:

      I used adblock plus (Firefox 2.0)and killed the mediamgr.ugo.com scripts, the page scrolling drove me nuts.

      This is even better, thanks!

    3. deathbringer


      Congratulations, Grudge 2 producing company, i will NEVER watch it because your transparent popups annoyed me! Just like i'll never buy "Soldner: Secret Wars" (they couldnt even spell the title properly) or a (new) Ford because thier ads pissed me off! hope you're happy!

    4. VileSlay


      deathbringer said:

      Grudge 2... transparent popups...

      that crap annoyed me to no end today. I normally don't get pop-ups. IE blocks most of em. I also have a dumb ass yahoo! toolbar just because it has a pop-up blocker as well. it'll catch some stuff that IE doesn't. but that grudge 2 shit came through this afternoon and really annoyed me when I'm not in a mood for crap.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Fredrik


      You look just like your avatar.

    3. leileilol


      1. another fucking cvs svn commit
      2. hehehe fredrik made "pink worm" he he

    4. Fletcher`


      myk said:

      ...archvile fraggle...

      Leno Fraggle

  11. 175 downloads

    It is possible to play Batman Doom using Vanilla Doom (doom2.exe). However, because of a bug in DOS dehacked, the weapons table becomes corrupted, making it impossible to switch weapons once the fist has been selected. This is a small dehacked patch which can be applied after batman.deh to fix the problem. See inside vbatman.deh for a detailed explanation.
  12. Odamex. What's it all about? Is it good or is it wack? Discuss.

    1. Show previous comments  61 more
    2. Scuba Steve
    3. leileilol


      odamex is what the imp says during impse.

    4. Vox


      I'm scared :OOOOOOOOOOO

      That's the way we like you.

  13. Probably one of the greatest and most memorable deathmatch battles of our time.


    Green: Fraggle
    Indigo: Ralphis

    Recorded in Doom 1.91 format. You can play back using Doom 1.91, PrBoom (recommended) or Chocolate Doom.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Jonathan


      Ralphis sucks, I mean look at his zdaemon rank. 9770! That means there's 9769 better players within zdaemon alone! And remember, if anyone starts whining that zdaemon xp points aren't representative of skill you automatically lose the argument so don't even start.

    3. AndrewB


      Actually recent studies by Harvard and IBM show that ZDaemon rankings correspond 100% with Doom multiplayer skill as well as sexual potency.

    4. Sharessa
  14. 23 downloads

    This is a 4-bit binary ripple counter implemented using voodoo dolls and conveyor belts. A simple example of how logic circuits can be constructed inside Doom levels using the Boom extensions. This is a binary counter but it could easily be base-10 instead. WADC is probably ideal for implementing more complicated examples of this concept.
  15. I've released an updated version of my British Doom localisation patch. The new version is currently sitting in /incoming, but you can download it here in the meantime.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Csonicgo


      hey, where's my credit? ;)

    3. fraggle


      Csonicgo said:

      hey, where's my credit? ;)

      Oops! I was sure that I had added a thanks in the text file. Sorry!

    4. Csonicgo


      fraggle said:

      Oops! I was sure that I had added a thanks in the text file. Sorry!

      hey, thanks. :P

  16. 46 downloads

    This is a localisation patch which changes Doom to use British spellings. It replaces the status bar graphic and changes some of the internal messages using dehacked. Use british.wad when playing Doom 1 or Final Doom: Plutonia. Use britd2.wad when playing Doom 2. Use brittnt.wad When playing Final Doom: TNT:Evilution.
  17. You are on a gameshow. You are presented with three doors. Behind two of the doors are goats, behind the third is a sportscar.

    You choose a door. The presenter then opens one of the other doors, revealing a goat. You now have the option of choosing to open the original door you selected, or changing your mind and opening the other remaining door. Whatever is behind the door you open, you get to keep. Which is the better choice?

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. Creaphis


      Maes said:

      Is there anyone in this day and age who wouldn't immediately google for "Monty Hall problem"? Such problems were cool once, like, 30 years ago...

      Well, this is a bumped thread from 2005. Yeah, I thought the Monty Hall problem was a settled question by now. I like one of Cecil's counterarguments in Bloodshedder's Straight Dope link though. In the actual game show this brainteaser is based on, did Monty Hall always open a door or did he sometimes leave them closed just to mess with people?

      kuchitsu said:

      I don't get it. Let's say I have to guess a letter of the alphabet. I pick A. The chance that I'm correct is 1/26. Now it is revealed that the right letter is either A or B. Are you going to say that my chances are still only 1/26? That makes no sense I think.

      The key point here that screws up most people is that you can't just consider the final state, when there are just two letters left, as an independent problem. To correctly calculate the odds of winning you need to start with the initial conditions, when every letter has a 1 in 26 chance of being right, and update those individual probabilities with new info as it's revealed to you.

      For the sake of illustration let's pretend that the person giving you this challenge - I'll call them the "dealer" - doesn't know which letter is correct either. Let's say that all 26 letters are written on the backs of face-down cards, one of which has a coupon for 25% off an Arby's roast beef sandwich printed on the front. You take the "A" card, and then the dealer just starts picking up other cards and turning them over at random. If "Q" turns out to be blank, then you can use that info to update the probabilities: every card now has a 1/25 chance of being the winner. If "M" is also blank, the odds become 1/24. If, somehow, only "A" and "B" are left at the end and the coupon still hasn't been found, both letters have a 50/50 chance of hiding the prize. Of course, this in itself is a pretty unlikely outcome. There's only a 1/13 chance that it would come down to two final cards like this - usually the coupon will turn up sooner. Overall, there's only a 1/26 that the game will come to a proper two-card showdown AND your choice will prove to be right.

      Now, in the Monty Hall version of this problem, the dealer isn't just flipping cards over randomly. He knows exactly which letter is the winner, and this is the key fact to keep in mind when you're updating the probabilities. Right at the beginning, when you pick "A," it has a 1/26 chance of being the winner, and there's a 25/26 chance that the prize is somewhere in the rest of the alphabet. Then, the dealer flips Z upwards, and it's blank. With 24 more cards in the dealer's stash, what are the odds that one of them is the coupon? 25/26. Why? Because you know that the dealer is consciously avoiding the winner. There was a 1/26 chance that "A" would win when you picked it, and now the dealer is just clearing garbage from his side of the table, with no new random events happening and no modification of the odds. There's a 0/26 chance that the game will end early with an accidental prize reveal, and a 26/26 chance that it will end with a choice between two cards. At that point, you can either take the 'A' card with a 1/26 chance of victory, or the dealer's final card, which has a 25/26 chance of giving you a deal on a sandwich lovingly stuffed with saucy meat.

    3. kuchitsu


      Uhh... It kind of makes sense I guess when I'm reading the explanations, but then I again start thinking about it by myself and I'm always like "HOW THE HELL CAN IT REMAIN THE SAME?!". These proofs can persuade me mathematically but not in spirit.

    4. Creaphis


      kuchitsu said:

      These proofs can persuade me mathematically but not in spirit.

      I like the way you put that. That was my definitely my reaction the first time I heard about this problem. Let the math soak into your subconscious and maybe it'll make more intuitive sense the next time you stumble across a random mention of "Monty Hall" a few years from now.

  18. Fire destroyed one of the buildings at my old University a couple of weeks ago. I don't study there any more but I still live in the same town and it's sad to see.

    Pictures of the fire and
    some pictures of the remains.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AirRaid


      It was one of the worlds leading fibre-optics research centres, but the first thing that people talk about is how some guy who made a CS map studied there.

      I hate the internet.

    3. Bucket


      If it makes you feel any better, I didn't know either.

    4. sgtcrispy


      Oh man. That sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  78 more
    2. Vile1011


      You probably meant 128.8999... = 128.9

    3. KwadDamyj


      *shields himself from the harmful radiation of this topic with his Geometry textbook*

    4. DooMer 4ever

      DooMer 4ever

      Lets see...

      I'll try to approach this by thinking about distance as it is easier for me. So, half the distance of two spots in space. Now do it again. If you half the distance all the time the two points will always get closer to each other, but you can't really say that they reach each other, since they don't. And there's a big difference in "it is so close that it practically reaches it" and "the two points have touched each other".

      So, this leads to a question: can there be a distance so small that it cannot be divided into two anymore? Is there some kind of minimum unit for distance? And similarly: can there be a number so small that it cannot be any smaller?

      Okay, of course when it's about numbers you can always add another digit, but how can you add a digit to a series of numbers that goes forever?

      Hope these thoughts make some kind of sense.

  19. <Quasar`> actually calling FraggleScript half-working is giving it a complement it doesn't deserve
    <Quasar`> apparently fraggle never tested them
    <Quasar`> basically fraggle broke everything in SMMU that he didn't use
    <Quasar`> because of a change fraggle apparently accidentally made in SMMU
    <Quasar`> but for the lesser among us, fraggle made that variable ehehe
    <Quasar`> but I ran into limitations in fraggle's system and had to make new menus
    <Quasar`> don't learn fragglescript now
    <Quasar`> for some reason in SMMU fraggle changed vertical mouse sensitivity
    <Quasar`> fraggle actually fixed SMMU to do that on linux, but in doing so he also broke it under DOS/Win32
    <Quasar`> fraggle admitted that most of the stuff in SMMU was crude ehehe
    <Quasar`> fraggle can't help the fact that he didn't consider the NULL termination of string buffers to be an important factor at that point in his life ^_^
    <Quasar`> fraggle decided to start rewriting the demo code for some reason
    <Quasar`> fraggle did that in SMMU but he didn't implement it totally correctly ;)
    <Quasar`> fraggle FUBAR'd it up in SMMU
    <Quasar`> fraggle goddamn it what did you do this time
    <Quasar`> fraggle kinda botched it up in SMMU :/
    <Quasar`> fraggle likes to write inefficient code :P
    <Quasar`> fraggle made one that could compress sidedefs but I consider it unsafe
    <Quasar`> fraggle probably fucked with those too
    <Quasar`> fraggle really dropped the ball on that
    <Quasar`> fraggle really hacked this up
    <Quasar`> fraggle SHOULD have taken care of it in SMMU but you know how that goes
    <Quasar`> fraggle sure monkied up RunGameTics in SMMU
    <Quasar`> fraggle took them out of SMMU though, teh basrad
    <Quasar`> fraggle was gonna put it in I_ShutdownGraphics but that's no good
    <Quasar`> fraggle was on something when he wrote it I think
    <Quasar`> fraggle wasn't very organized with it apparently
    <Quasar`> fraggle wrote the same reallocation code in SMMU in about 20 different places
    <Quasar`> fraggle's code is better, but some good features were lost
    <Quasar`> fraggle's skills are not at question, just his pace of work :P
    <Quasar`> FraggleScript has about 200 distinct problems ranging from minor to severe
    <Quasar`> FraggleScript is crap
    <Quasar`> FraggleScript is not worth using
    <Quasar`> FraggleScript was rife with problems
    <Quasar`> FraggleScript's "section" system was so opaque, none of us can understand it or properly modify it
    <Quasar`> FS, though I've said fraggle did a really good job on it, had some quantifiable design problems :P
    <Quasar`> go try to save your game in a FraggleScript-enabled level in Legacy while it's running a loop and then tell me fraggle didn't drop the ball
    <Quasar`> god I wanna kill fraggle
    <Quasar`> I already spent a year and a half trying to write a FraggleScript compiler before I changed to Small
    <Quasar`> I am assuming fraggle pulled that # out of his ass
    <Quasar`> I can tell you fraggle's system is braindead though
    <Quasar`> I just wish fraggle had actually tested this before moving on to something else
    <Quasar`> I love how when fraggle rewrote the menu code he didn't give a crap to make sure everything still worked at least as well as it did before
    <Quasar`> I think SoM's part was right, but was triggering bugs in fraggle's code :P
    <Quasar`> I'm glad fraggle rewrote it, even if he did make some boo-boos
    <Quasar`> I'm scared about bugs in Eternity left over from fraggle's messing around in SMMU
    <Quasar`> I've almost eliminated all of fraggle's hacks in the MapInfo code ehehe
    <Quasar`> I've had to rewrite at least 75% of fraggle's code so really it was a setback more than anything
    <Quasar`> in typical style, fraggle put a static limit on the number of skins, and then allows ANY number to be added
    <Quasar`> it claims to have net support but they dragged in all of fraggle's bullshit, including the console, without fixing or rethinking any of it
    <Quasar`> it should really be a comp option, thanks a lot fraggle 9_9
    <Quasar`> it was fraggle's fault :P
    <Quasar`> it's fraggle's fault for fucking with it in SMMU
    <Quasar`> it's impossible to understate how braindead fraggle's netcmd system iss
    <Quasar`> it's probably one of fraggle's goddamn cvars that aren't saved or set properly in demos.
    <Quasar`> it's supposed to work but fraggle clearly spent all of 5 minutes making sure it did, and I've spent the last 5 years mopping up the messes that were left
    <Quasar`> its time for funny fraggle comments in eternity, btw
    <Quasar`> like fraggle's little tmp = screens[1]; screens[1] = Z_Malloc(...); V_DrawPatch(W_CacheLumpName("CONSBACK"), x, y, 1);
    <Quasar`> like I just spent to fix fraggle's lax string handling
    <Quasar`> like the mess fraggle made with the console
    <Quasar`> looks like some more of fraggle's lax global variable handling
    <Quasar`> man I forgot how much FraggleScript blew :P
    <Quasar`> not as unfeatured as FraggleScript :P
    <Quasar`> of course I didn't know then how fucked up it was, especially FraggleScript
    <Quasar`> oh well fraggle did it, blame him :P
    <Quasar`> one time fraggle said he was drunk when he wrote most of SMMU, but apparently he was drunk when he said that, because he claims he didn't say it now
    <Quasar`> problem is, fraggle took out the code for multi-page menus
    <Quasar`> see fraggle didn't find everywhere that it calculates light levels, and he got invulnerability completely wrong
    <Quasar`> see if you can fix0r FraggleScript
    <Quasar`> since I sent him that message about FraggleScript being a barrel of monkeys
    <Quasar`> so much stuff in SMMU was screwed up just because fraggle started rewriting it
    <Quasar`> thanks a lot fraggle
    <Quasar`> thanks to fraggle's bad strcat calls
    <Quasar`> that was the one thing FraggleScript really had going for it
    <Quasar`> the only things I blame on fraggle are the crazy bugs that were in SMMU.
    <Quasar`> the vertical slider was fine too, but the setting it gave was used incorrectly due to one line of code that fraggle changed
    <Quasar`> the wait function in fragglescript is totally wrong
    <Quasar`> there COULD be bugs with that because fraggle mangled it in SMMU
    <Quasar`> under fraggle's system the relationship was totally arbitrary
    <Quasar`> warning: fraggle's makefile for Linux Eternity is NOT properly configured
    <Quasar`> we just fixed fraggle's sector colormap shit a couple of betas back though
    <Quasar`> well fraggle wrote that makefile so its probably his fault
    <Quasar`> writing into string constants for instance (/me looks at fraggle)
    <Quasar`> xooz: fraggle goofed up the HUD code in SMMU :P
    <Quasar`> yeah it has a really crude system that fraggle programmed
    <Quasar`> you are using the original TeamTNT swantbls right, and not the one that fraggle hacked up for SMMU?
    <Quasar``> and fraggle made it worse in SMMU :P
    <Quasar``> fraggle made a mess out of it :P
    <Quasar``> FraggleScript is terrible btw
    <Quasar``> however, I have not tested this because I have no wads that use it, and fraggle may have broken it in SMMU
    <Quasar``> nor could I fix the fragglescript interpreter

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Fletcher`


      I louve fraggle.

    3. Edward


      if you grepped that for fraggle, it would return the whole thing. wait-actually it looks like you grepped your IRC logs for fraggle and posted it here.

    4. Darkman 4

      Darkman 4

      I think he's secretly in love with Fragglescript and he's dissing it so that you'll improve it so he can jerk off to the changes.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sharessa


      Cool, it crashed Firefox.

    3. AirRaid


      fraggle said:

      I guess it must have moved. Try this.

      Haha. Brilliant.

    4. Sharessa


      Man, that would be like a 3 day trip in a yacht.

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