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Everything posted by fraggle

  1. I'm not sure what this means. I'm one of the project leaders and founders of the Freedoom project and I'm asking you to change it.
  2. One thing I would point out is that we've had problems in the past because someone created an Android app named "Freedoom" and people come to the Discord server asking for help with it (since nobody on the project has anything to do with it, it causes confusion). Your project has the potential to cause the same kind of confusion. It was a bit more reasonable when it was just some tweaks to maps but since it's growing in scope I'd really appreciate if you could change the name.
  3. Since the monsters are going to be completely different in concept to Freedoom, maybe the project should have a different name?
  4. I think it's extra complexity that doesn't belong in Choco (since it won't have the feature), although Gez's proposed solution sounds like the best one.
  5. TNT2 wasn't made by TeamTNT.
  6. The Internet is bursting at the seams with websites where "shitposting" and memes are the norm. You're totally free to go and post on 4chan, Reddit (there's /r/Doom), or Facebook (I hear there are some big/popular Doom groups there). There are also Discord servers and IRC. If those places already exist, why is it so important that Doomworld be like that too?
  7. If dehmake is a batch file then you probably want "call dehmake.bat".
  8. Yes, please share anything and everything you have. The easiest way to do it is to upload it on archive.org, or if that's too complicated and you have a Google account, just put them on Google Drive or Dropbox and share a link. Others can take care of the rest.
  9. Vortex Poker II with Cherry MX Clears and /dev/tty keycap set. And a slightly less colorful version of the same:
  10. Late reply / necrobump but it appears to be a Dell 486D/?? workstation. Here's a photo from an eBay auction for a similar machine: Notice center part of the front of the case looks the same, "overhang" on left hand side, same placement of name badge, and blanking plates both have five vertical "slats". Some of their older machines also used an almost identical case. Here's the 386-based 333D: And a 486D/50 some guy on Reddit was showing off: Amusingly one of these machines was even still in use in 2008 to run the Hubble Space Telescope. Now on to the next challenge: what calculator is this that Romero has on his desk?
  11. The Tenth Planet Episode 4 is probably the holy grail of missing Doctor Who episodes. William Hartnell's final episode as the Doctor, the first ever regeneration, and the first appearance of the Cybermen. Episodes 1-3 still exist so E4 would complete the story. Weirdly enough it was never actually destroyed: it just disappeared at some point and nobody knows where it went. So it's entirely possible that it's still out there, somewhere. A couple of years ago they did a nice callback story with David Bradley playing the now-deceased Hartnell, including reshooting some lost scenes:
  12. This seems like a good idea; however, taking a look at the different bits I think you only need the lighting bits. Everything else seems redundant because you end up dead (no point in collecting a secret for example if you're going to have to restart the level anyway). Yep, me too. I definitely don't want to derail the discussion here by adding a bunch of useless feature requests. If feature requests come from anyone it should be mappers and not me. I propose the following: there should be a new generalized sector type range. Bits 4-0 are lighting effects matching the existing generalized sector types. Bits 6-5 are the following: 00: Instakill any player or monster in this sector that is touching the floor 01: Future expansion 10: Future expansion 11: Future expansion
  13. Only kidding :P I couldn't help myself. I support this feature, it seems like a simple and reasonable thing to add. It would be great to see the community build a consensus around something like this. Past efforts at building "cross source port standards" became grandiose and complex and collapsed under their own weight. Small, simple and hopefully uncontroversial suggestions like this seem like a much more effective way to do it. A few thoughts: should there be different "kill anyone in sector"/"kill anyone standing in sector" types? And would it be useful to have different types that operate only in Deathmatch, only in single player/co-op, etc.? Finally what should the effect be on monsters? Should there be different types that kill only monsters, only players or both?
  14. Hell to Pay, eh? The problem with that is that you eventually run out of hell's money.
  15. Pretty sure I'm the king of the purists. That guy is a dick, people can play Doom however they want.
  16. I fully support everyone's right to play Doom however they want and that's never going to change. That said, some levels are designed without freelook in mind. Doom II MAP30 is the canonical example because the whole challenge of the level revolves around your own inability to aim downwards. Also, sometimes level authors specifically request that players disable freelook and jumping when playing, and I think it's worth at least considering those requests when playing such levels. For example:
  17. Some prior art: here's Espi playing Doom one handed with the mouse after he lost his arm to cancer. Sadly of course he eventually lost his battle with cancer. RIP
  18. Great - once he shares it, create a thread then.
  19. Awesome to see Doom RPG being resurrected, I have fond memories of it and it's something of a forgotten gem in the Doom series. I'm also glad you were able to build on my previous reverse engineering work!
  20. From Wikipedia: So there you go: snow globes contain antifreeze. Please don't drink the contents unless you want to end up seriously ill in the hospital and please also don't let your beloved pets drink it either.
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