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About Dynamo

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    Blasted Vent Cores

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  1. +1 for the Earth.wad pyramid, I always found that one to be unusually striking too. In terms of other "simple" pyramids, the one from NeoDoom (MAP19 IIR?) has always been a personal favorite. And, speaking of classic pyramids... I do quite like the fact that this one was actually recreated in a map :P
  2. Very well, as we say around my parts, mettiamoci una pietra sopra. Hopefully the suffering of all the people tormented by wars around the world comes to an end as soon as possible. It's shameful that the deliberate targeting of civilians in Ukraine, Palestine, Sudan, Myanmar and elsewhere continues unabated in 2024.
  3. All right, we've already gotten into "the people being genocided should blame themselves for their own genocide", so the thread has unfortunately already run its course. Before I close things off, though. If you had actually read history properly, you'd know that: 1) Russia invaded and illegally annexed Crimea in early 2014, before anyone in the country had even uttered the words "NATO". This annexation was not voluntary but happened at the point of a gun, as related by Igor Girkin. 2) The revolution in Ukraine happened because Russian special forces and snipers shot at unarmed protesters in the square of Kyiv. Again, nothing to do with NATO. Putin awarded these murderers with medals for their conduct by the way. 3) The immediate post-revolutionary government of Ukraine denied it had any intention of joining NATO until *after* the invasion of Crimea had already started. But even if any of this weren't true, the fact that you're essentially justifying the genocide of the Ukrainians and the war itself is sickening in its own right. Towns on the borders that have had an Ukrainian ethnic majority for literal centuries are being cleansed and colonists are being placed there. People I know personally are getting terrorized by Russian bombs literally every day in Kharkiv because those motherfuckers are sad their border no longer runs up to Berlin. Children have been separated from their families and deported to Russia where they have been given up to adoption by ethnic Russian families, Nazi-style. And here you are justifying all this by spreading conspiracy theories. Fuck off.
  4. The fact that Russia illegally and brutally invaded countries that never had anything to do with NATO (Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Chechnya, Syria) is exactly why NATO is relevant nowadays. Or are you trying to suggest that Ukrainians should blame themselves for their own genocide just because they wanted to exist as a free and sovereign nation? The only reason NATO exists is because Russia is a brutal fascist state whose government should be destroyed as soon as possible, before they kill more dozens of thousands of people in their insane imperial pursuits.
  5. If by everyone you mean Russia that illegally invaded it, and then a bunch of countries that are sending extremely delayed aid and not even allowing the Ukrainians to use it properly (and who were sending helmets and mattresses before the war), then I don't think you have cause to be nervous.
  6. It's gonna be so bad, it's gonna make us wish we were playing 3DO Doom instead!!! Wait, I mean, uh, yes, uhm, nothing to see here, move along...
  7. Maybe, but I don't think he would save you from bad threads.
  8. This to me sounds like you have an immense bias in favor of games/companies from over there and are willing to look over how practices from Nintendo, Konami and countless others have been fucking awful for years and years.
  9. Personally the thing that worries me the most is online-only requirements for certain games, including single player ones. This was most notably seen recently with video game franchises from Ubisoft, The Crew and Assassin's Creed. Why should my ability to play a single player campaign depend on me being able to connect to some central server owned by a corporation that is going to get inevitably shut down? I absolutely do not trust, nor expect, most companies to be able to maintain them long term. And why should they? They are corporations acting to pursue profit, not preservation. I think this practice should end. Ross Scott of Accursed Farms fame recently launched a legal campaign to try and get this examined by the courts. Unfortuntely, this seems to be a phenomenon that will become more and more widespread in the AAA space, and it's definitely something that will dampen my excitement for virtually any game featuring such behavior.
  10. I'll go on a limb here and say that if you are conisdering posting on this thread BUT your only interest is criticizing this game because of how much it doesn't resemble E1M1, then take your salt elsewhere and Let People Enjoy The Shiny New Game. Any other kind of valid criticism is welcome of course. For example I didn't see any Cacodemons in the trailer, 0/10
  11. Yes, I just got finished cleaning this up, a few posts with relatively on-topic messages ended up getting canned too since they also contained replies related to the mess but it was nothing important. Onward with mapmaking!
  12. That's a colossal [citation needed] you have there my friend, considering how some of the best (and even some of the most challenging!) WADs out there absolutely do not fit the criteria you established above. Furthermore, I believe you've made your point clear already in your previous post and your seeming insistence is bordering on sealioning here. Let the kids have fun and all that jazz.
  13. Congratulations on the release! I look forward to playing this soon, been eagerly expecting this one for the last few years :)
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