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Everything posted by Moustachio

  1. Another successful ZDaemon coop tonight! Here's hoping for more fun multiplayer sessions in the future!

  2. The ZDaemon session this morning was a successful test run! I'll definitely be hosting another Atonement session this afternoon!

  3. Interesting yet incredibly time-consuming wad idea: Enemy Damage Sprites.


    It's been suggested before... 

    but that thread was pitched in regards to Smooth Doom. Granted, animating countless frames of animation for Smooth Doom would take an exhausting amount of time, but surely damage sprites for vanilla animations ought to be a much more attainable goal.

  4. I'm a cork on the ocean

    Floatin over the ragin sea

    how deep is the ocean

    how deep is the ocean

  5. How fast could you speedrun Doom II with in co-op with a full four-person group?

    1. Reisal


      1) Voice chat.
      2) Lots of coordination and planning.

    2. Maisth


      I don't think its any different from the normal Speedrunning, besides just 1 needs to activate the switch to end the level i believe

    3. Moustachio


      @Maisth See, I was thinking of the Xbox Live style of coop where everyone gets a key as soon as one person picks it up.

  6. Are there any among us who are looking for new maps to test? I've got something that's nearing completion on my hands.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Moustachio


      That would be awesome! It's been tested in Crispy Doom 4.1 -- which I believe would count it as limit-removing -- and GZDoom 3.1, so make of that what you will. I'll PM it to you as well.

    3. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      And here's your FDA:




      Along with some first impressions that I thought I just put here:


      Map feels relatively tight on health and ammo early on. Overall ammo seems rather tightly calculated in the sense that I never felt "flooded". Out of the 4 secrets I managed to find 3, and I also spotted a faulty texture alignment that I'm sure you'll see in the demo.


      Blur sphere secret was easy to find, and a welcome support against the platoon of hitscanners. I have mixed feelings about the secret that allow players to grab the chaingun, because I really think the chaingun is a required weapon for this map. If the CG was placed somewhere else I must have missed it. Might be good to have another chaingunner near the red key or so, to make sure players have another chance of getting that weapon.


      Hitscan mobs aren't usually my cup of tea, but they went by relatively nice and smooth overall, thanks to powerups, barrels and decent firepower. Nice outdoor sections that provide a sense of scale, tiny knitpick is that hitting the few turreted monsters there can be a bit iffy (I guess that's where I left two monsters alive).


      The FDA was also an exit on first attempt, and I didn't play particularly well, so upping the difficulty on UV in some spots might be worth a consideration.


      In any case, I think this map is quite enjoyable such as it is. If you make any updates or so, and you would like another demo, just let me know.

    4. Moustachio


      Thanks, Nine Inch Heels! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'll send you another demo after I've finished reworking the visuals. It seems like the layout I have now, for the most part, works, so I'm finalizing the textures over the next few days. The difficulty will also be worked on.


      I agree on the chaingun issue. I went back and forth about three or so times between making it an open weapon and leaving it as a secret weapon, but it would make more sense to leave it open to facilitate more play styles.


      Again, thanks for the FDA and review. I should be ready to release an updated version within the next week.

  7. Something special is on the way

  8. So yeah, I took my sweet ass time and made a map. Well, I'm still making it actually, and I think I'm either going to stream the process or display it in a Skype call or something. If anyone wants to watch and (dear god, please) give me some tips, let me know your Skype username and I'll add you.

    Also, let's plays. I'm doing Half-Life and Wolfenstein 3D on my new LP channel, MrMoustachio. (It's pretty much my new online handle.) Since the commentary for Half-Life got kinda dry, I'd like it if a Half-Life aficionado could join me for the LP.

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