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Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
@Treehouseminis Okay, I finally resigned myself to the fact that single-segmenting this thing will take too long, so I recorded a gameplay video: I'll start with some complaints I have. Now onto the good, and IMO there’s much more good to say about this map than bad. If I had to guess, this will probably go towards the end of the episode due to its high difficulty, its length, its scale, and its setting in a black void. -
Atonement [33 Vanilla DOOM II Maps] [Now on idgames]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
@XoNoX Can you tell me what isn't working on your end? Both the idgames and patched versions are working as intended when I test them. -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
@Treehouseminis TOUGH level. But having fun with it so far. Got up to the part where you get the incendiary shotgun before dying. Will post demos and more feedback once I've got a full run down. Things I can comment on: the atmosphere is insane. The ambient music combined with the visuals and extra use of gory objects makes this level genuinely tense. Even with the weapon set, the challenge is very high (which is good for Episode 5). I like how the start forces you to be attentive in order to make the first bit of progress, and starting the map off with some good ol' berserk action is satisfying (and can go south quick if you don't take out the AV first). Enjoying the slow drip of powerful weapons so far, making you stick to the trusty lever-action and berserk. Small nitpick: the bars at the beginning only break when you punch them from the front, but they don't break when hitting the sides. It confused me a little bit since I could have sworn I hit the bars to try and break them first, but they didn't. Must have just hit them from the wrong angle, but making them break from any side would alleviate this. Demo attempts so far Also, I would like to remove the submission deadline for maps and go with a minimum amount of maps per episode. I think 5 per episode is a good baseline for wad length, since that adds up to a familiar 30 maps. There can be more than 5 maps in an episode, but the bare minimum for release would be at least 5 maps in each episode. I'd like some feedback on this before I go ahead and change the OP however, so I'd like to ask how interested mappers feel about this change. Does removing the deadline help? Is 5 maps per episode a good baseline? -
Embryo: where each map is smaller than the last
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Thank you to those still working on their maps! I appreciate you all going the extra mile to help finish this project out and make it the best it can possibly be. -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
>> RESOURCE PACK UPDATE (v005) << Small update to the resource pack to fix a bug with the STEP6 texture. The STEP10 patch was renamed to STEP12, which is now available as a texture. STEP10 is still available as a texture, but is now just the bottom half of STEP6. It was trivial to widen the texture by repeating the patch, so I figured why not. STEP6: STEP10: STEP12: I'm also working on a map for Episode 3. It's set during dusk. I'll make sure to take time-of-day into account when choosing the map order. -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Happy to see some good screenshots being posted in the thread! Thanks for the Auger;Zenith suggestion. I've added your edits plus a generous selection of Auger;Zenith texture to the resource file: >> RESOURCE PACK UPDATE (v004) << Changes: Changed the ammo per shot of the Slug Rifle to 2 per shot. Added a generous selection of city/techno-themed textures from AUGER;ZENITH. Many begin with the DBP_ prefix, but there's also BUBB1-4 and MIDFIR1-3. Added SpaceCat_2001's Duke 3D texture edits. Imported @Lina's sprite edits for the Slug Rifle (thank you!). Renamed SPINE4_1 to SPINE4_2 to prevent overwriting an IWAD texture. Added a new sky to go with any ice themed textures. Could be used somewhere in Episode 3 or in a secret level: SNOWSKY I made updates to MAP01 using some of the new textures as well. -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
>> RESOURCE PACK UPDATE (v003) << Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes: Incendiary rounds now have a short lifetime and fizzle out at a certain range. Their splash damage has been nerfed as well. And their mid-air sprites are now distinct from the Mancubus fireball. The Sawed-off Shotgun has been swapped for the Sniper Rifle Slug Rifle. Each slug consists of 3 pellets, each dealing 100 damage and each with a random chance of a 2x multiplier. I made it 3 pellets instead of 1 for that sweet collateral damage. The Slug Rifle has perfect accuracy. Some new textures for the city environments. I got them from Doom 2 In City Only, but I'm pretty sure they're from Duke 3D. I credited them under 3D Realms. The Incendiary Zombie has had its sprite replaced to be more distinct from the Plasma Zombie. Its HP has been bumped up to New enemy added: the Snake Imp, a stronger imp variant with 200 HP. It fires a pattern of two fireballs to either side first, then a single fireball in the center. Probably most fitting in Episodes 3 and 4, but feel free to use it in any episode. Its ID # is 6097. The nitro barrel now has a maximum splash damage of 640(!) with a blast radius of 128. EDIT: A little clarification. I accidentally wrote that void/sky floors should do 10% damage. They should instead be an instant death in this wad. -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
I like the look of that quite a bit! Will make some updates to the resources soon: Giving the incendiary rounds a range before they fizzle out. Nerfing the flying and impact damage a bit. Changing their sprites to be distinct from the manc fireball as well. Changing the nitro barrels to be as strong as originally intended, with a whopping max damage of 640. I can change the sawed-off into a precise slug rifle if that would be more useful than the usual shotgun spread. Changing the sprites of the incendiary shotgunners to look more distinct from the plasma zombies. May also extend or even remove the deadline, since these projects usually take longer than a year one way or another. -
Embryo: where each map is smaller than the last
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
No worries to those taking longer or dropping slots. Mapping takes a lot of energy, and it doesn't always go as planned. Plus, I don't think it would be a bad thing to release this as a shorter set of maps. -
Embryo: where each map is smaller than the last
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Pinging mappers who haven't submitted yet. Are you still working on your maps? @IvanDobsky @yourlocalchef @Philnemba @PRO-RC @spineapple tea @russin @macro @SharkyChip @Alaxzandarz @LoatharMDPhD -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
@Amiga Angel So it would appear that jimmy-tex already had mirrored versions of those textures. The mirror of PANUPA is PANDNA, and the mirror of PANUPB is PANDNB. -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
I just realized, 250 - 1600 CE is a long span that could encompass a lot of history. Let's just go with 250 CE. The Roman Empire was still unified at this time. Added some extra descriptions to each episode. Hopefully, they'll spark some ideas for everyone. Here's the description for Episode 3 for example: Around 250 CE. Ancient cities, temples, demon-infested villages, Romans, and lost wonders of the ancient world await you. @Amiga Angel I'll make another update in a few days to a week from now. I'd like to let everyone get their hands dirty with the resource pack first in case there are any other kinks to iron out. -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Good point. I'll just include flipped versions of both in the next revision. Are there any more quality-of-life changes that need to be made to the textures? -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
I've made the first revision to the resource pack. Searching for the full res SW1BRIK1 texture led me to all of @zrrion the insect's awesome texture work. All is stated to be fair game, so I adapted some textures from the Retro Alphabet Showdown wad since these textures are awesome. I also found DECOtex, from which I snagged four Mechadon skies. I grabbed a boatload of mid textures from Mid Texture Repository as well (another amazing resource). And yes, SW1BRIK1 has been fixed. Some tweaks have been made to the weapons. The berserk fist has had its original 10x damage multiplier restored. The sawed-off shotgun now fires a 21-pellet spread like the super shotgun, but wider horizontally. These pellets have a base damage of 5 with multiplier of up to 5x. The BFG 9000.1 now fires "tracers" in mid-air. The tracers are really just splash damage every mid-air frame, with a radius of 320 and a max damage value of 64. This is probably going to be the last edit for a while (unless something needs to be fixed). lol yeah right >> Download the Resource Pack v002 << Added Skies UNDERGRO (good for E4) SUNSETCI (good for E1) GODISWAT (good for E1) BORDERWO (just looks awesome. Could go in a secret level or something) You have to use MBF sky transfers. Use linedef action 271, make your the upper texture SKY-B06, and set a y-offset of -112 so that the sky is vertically aligned properly. You should be able to see the waves at the top of the sky and the sea floor at the bottom with no breaks in between. You'll want to use one line for tag 0 and make new sky transfers for any sky sectors with new tags. You can also use UMAPINFO to set skies, but you can't change their offset this way. Sky transfers are preferred since they are embedded in the map and will always work. -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Good question. I was picturing something with more nature, less man-made structures, and more demon-made structures. Some civilization is not off-limits (a large temple would be okay, for example). It's okay to be a little loose with accuracy, but I was thinking around the time of the Mayan civilization. Roughly 250 – 1697 CE according to Wikipedia. Made by our wonderful community members! Please, let me know if you find anything wrong with the resources or any missing credits. -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
@Artyoman There's no limit to how many maps, just pick a theme and go forth. @EffinghamHuffnagel You're absolutely right. Seems like when MISCTEX.wad was compiled way back in 2020, it was saved as a JPEG. I'll have to go ahead and track down the original texture. -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Heads up, I will be making tweaks to the weapons as well. They won't change too much, but I will probably scale some of them back in power (like the fists). I'll make an announcement whenever the resources are updated. -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Nope, I want to keep the project open for about a year. -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
I've gone and opened one now. Thanks for the heads up. I see things are percolating in this thread, so I just want to welcome everyone who has expressed interest so far! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with over the next year or so! -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Submissions EPISODE 1: A futuristic Earth city at sunset (Main sky: CITYSKY1) Subway (or hovercraft) stations, ruined streets, fiery high-rises, and infested parks start off the adventure. Station to Station by Moustachio – a transit station in a futuristic city. The Stairwell by @valkiriforce – a climb through an overrun high-rise with a fun way down. valkiri has asked me to touch things up here, so I'll be tweaking this map as we go along. -Moustachio EPISODE 2: A futuristic UAC lab at the bottom of the ocean (Main sky: SKY-B06) Sealabs underneath the sea. Pressurized chambers, underwater machinery, oil digging contraptions, and aquariums lie beneath. EPISODE 3: Earth in the distant past (Main sky: SKYM1) Around 250 CE. Ancient cities, temples, demon-infested villages, Romans, and lost wonders of the ancient world await you. EPISODE 4: A demon city underneath Ancient Earth (Main sky: SKY5) Hidden demon outposts, uncovered tombs, necropolis, and hell portals go here. EPISODE 5: An endless green void with floating islands throughout (Main sky: SKY6) Voidspace, eldritch flesh structures, floating castles & temples, and floating hellish nature are all welcome here. Terminated Bliss by @Treehouseminis — “Dark Eldritch Prison, Set piece combat that can get difficult at times. Make your escape, just dont fall into the void.” EPISODE 6: Enceladus, a moon of Saturn (Main sky: SKY4) Moon bases, airlocks, digging sites, underground hell hives for the final leg of the trip. Feel free to use any of the extra skies provided in the wad as well, as long as it fits with the episode's story and theme. Multiple skies are encouraged, and can be a great tool for environmental storytelling. The campaign will be a continuous set of maps. Maps will be ordered based on their length, difficulty, monsters, weapons, and story. The episode themes are a framework for the story I want to tell.- 59 replies
In the future, a mysterious infection is spreading throughout the city, and demons are running amok. The UAC’s sentient AI has gone rogue, corrupted by Hell’s influence. It’s up to you to save the future, but you’ll have to face the past first… Format DOOM2.WAD + intercep3_res.wad MBF21-format [-complevel 21] Single-player & co-op compatibility UMAPINFO for map ordering & text screens >> Download the Resource Pack (v005) << Not all of the sounds and graphics are final. Some may need to be tweaked or reworked. Please check back for any updates to the resource wad. MAP DEADLINE: AUGUST 1, 2025 Target Ports DSDA-Doom Woof! Odamex Please, do not playtest with GZDoom. GZDoom mostly works, but MBF21 splash groups are handled inconsistently compared to the other MBF21-compatible ports. I've opened an issue on GitHub for this. Project Guidelines Make an adventurous MBF21 map using only the resources provided. Each mapper can submit a maximum of 6 maps total. Collabs count separately from individual submissions, so please feel free to team up. There are no slots to claim. Simply map according to one of the episode themes listed in the following post. Feel free to mix & match themes in your maps as long as it makes sense given the story and theme(s) of the episode. All mappers are welcome, but not all maps may be accepted. But don’t worry, rejected maps can be tweaked until they are acceptable. As a general rule, I tend to accept maps that are fun, detailed, and original. Bonus points for strong environmental storytelling. And please, do not copy others’ works without permission. What does it mean to be done? No bugs or glitches. Good use of space. Each area should have a clear purpose. Polished texture usage. Good monster usage. Interesting scenarios. Each map should have something unique and memorable about it. Detailed Mapper’s Guide The Story So Far Be sure to check out my concurrent community project, Embryo! Special Thanks A big thanks to @galileo31dos01, @DFF, @valkiriforce, @General Rainbow Bacon, & @Pottus for providing valuable feedback during development! And a big thanks to all who have played herschel.wad & hovercab.wad, since those act as little pilots for this. And a very, very special thanks to @Darman Macray for composing three awesome tracks for the title, text, & intermission screens! Please go listen to these, even if you don't play a second of the wad!
- 59 replies
Embryo: where each map is smaller than the last
Moustachio replied to Moustachio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
This is good insight. Tagging @BeachThunder in case this comes in handy.