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Everything posted by Moustachio

  1. Many thanks! This is the first I've heard of this in all my Doom studies!
  2. Sounds like this is a common issue. I’ll play around with some other keys for it. I originally had the grenade launcher on slot 0 and the fist on slot 1, so the fist would always be brought up first, but then the berserk switched to the grenade launcher automatically instead of the fist. I wonder if there are some MBF21 settings that can change this, otherwise I’ll have to get more creative. Thanks to all for the rush of feedback!
  3. DOWNLOAD FROM /idgames A bit of a spiritual successor to my 2022 wad, Herschel Spaceport. Blast your way through demons from Hell in a rundown city block. The action takes place up top on the streets, in a (hover!) train station, and in the water filtration system below. Requires an MBF21-compatible source port. I tested it extensively with DSDA Doom 0.26.2 & GZDoom 4.10.0. The sky is funky in GL renderers, so be sure to play this in a software renderer for the intended look. Overall, GZDoom works great. It has a new weapon set, including a plasma pistol (replacing the pistol), a sniper rifle (replacing the SSG), and a grenade launcher (replacing the chainsaw). The grenades last until you shoot or step on them, so be careful! Should take anywhere from 5-15 minutes to complete. Feel free to prove me wrong though. It's about TNT level difficulty, but that street fight can get pretty hectic. Like with Herschel Spaceport, I'm throwing this out there as a backdoor pilot for a potential community project that I'm trying to get off the ground. I've got most of the details ironed out, so I should be ready to open it up this year, but I want to get feedback on the assets used before greenlighting it. Credits are included in the credits.txt file. Some of the credits carried over from Herschel, so some redundant information may be included. There are credits for some objects that don't appear in the level, but are still in the wad resources. Feel free to mess around with the MBF21 items as you wish. Thanks to @galileo31dos01 for a bit of playtesting!
  4. From here: Bushes.zip Found it on the Realm667 vegetation archive.
  5. MBF21 thing I'm working on. It will be sort of a spiritual successor to Heschel Spaceport in the sense that it is based off of the same resource pack.
  6. If an enemy is throwing a fireball and is attacked on just the right frame by an enemy from behind, the attacked monster will appear to still face the player while throwing. Makes it look like the monster is throwing an epic behind the back trickshot.
  7. Got a revision for MAP07 (V3): moustachio_map07_rusty-drill_V3.zip Added a sick new (bespoke!) midi by @KCLaz. Refined many of the encounters. The level should be easier on HNTR and a little tougher on UV. Added green armor on all difficulties. Added radiation suits before the secrets that require them on all difficulties. Some small geometry changes.
  8. Moustachio

    Doom 1 or 2?

    I think PlayStation Doom may have done it even better and converted all of Doom 93 + Doom II into one 60-odd map campaign, adding the SSG and D2 enemies into D1 maps. The trade off is that the music and aesthetics have been changed. Well worth checking out regardless.
  9. By all means, work on things at your own pace! I understand that avoid bloating CRL with tons of customization options would detract from the overall intent of it as a lightweight testing tool. With that being said, however, I would like to advocate for the fact that CRL will be more accessible to users who have color blindness or other vision impairments if there was some choice as to the appearance of the MAX color.
  10. @Julia Nechaevskaya That all sounds great! Will it be a solid yellow or will it change brightness like in the video? Can we choose our color preference?
  11. TNT and Plutonia are free to download if you have the Steam/GOG version of either Doom or Doom II. Not sure if they're available legally by any other means.
  12. @Lorcav For the sky, I actually did use a sky transfer while mapping — it was OSKY02. I also have a small update to the map: moustachio_map17_sdtv_V2.zip
  13. Map Name: Bonus Prizes Map Number: 17 Mapper: Moustachio Prompt: BONUS PRIZES Music: 'The Hard Corps' by @KCLaz moustachio_map17_sdtv_V1.zip Took me about 11 minutes to full clear. Tested on DSDA-Doom 0.26.0 on -cl 2. A hectic romp through a futuristic techbase at night. I took the prompt "bonus prizes" and applied it to both secrets and combat, so expect some surprises along the way. Difficulty levels are implemented, and I would say this is on par with Plutonia in terms of toughness. Screenshots:
  14. MAP07: INSTALLATION 667 (V2) Map name: Installation 667 Author: Moustachio Midi title & composer: KCLaz is composing one Source port used: DSDA-Doom 0.26.0 Difficulties: Implemented Coop starts: Implemented Description: An overworked nukage plant overrun by demons. It'll be a miracle if anything steps out of here alive, including you! Screenshot:
  15. Hey, @RED77, if Riley is dropping MAP25 and no one has claimed it yet, could I have a shot at it? If not, then please put me on some kind of waitlist for the next map or project. I can't believe I missed this thread for this long!
  16. A lot of fun! I liked the flow of this map a lot. There are many times where the environments are reused in creative ways both for travel and combat. Making death-defying jumps and modifying the environment to progress are some very creative ways to get mileage out of the space of the map. The combat was also very fun. It had a good difficulty curve, lulling me into a false sense of security at the start and having my at the edge of my seat by the end. I got 100% kills and secrets, and I felt that the combat and secrets were all well-balanced and well-placed. It's not the hardest map around due to the abundance of health, but there were plenty of scenarios where my goose would have been cooked if I did not act quickly to avoid danger. And visually, the map is solid as well. The textures are all well-placed and each key door hiding a new theme sells the idea of a dimensional hub. By the way, that hub room with all of the key doors houses multiple really fun fights, all taking place in a small room. But it's the small changes in the environment + the constant ramping up of the encounters that makes each fight feel fresh. The yellow key trap certainly had me sweating. Great work! I'd like to see you make more maps!
  17. Name: Lament Constriction MIDI: "Legion" by Jimmy Map: MAP30 Difficulty Settings: Implemented Build time: 3-5 days Tools used: Ultimate Doom Builder R4060, SLADE 3.2.2 Tested with: DSDA-Doom 0.26.0 File: moustachio-const1024_R2.zip I took a little inspiration from the way Claustrophobia 1024 did their MAP30. I wanted to improve upon it though by putting a new spin on the IoS that didn't involve quite as much waiting. Screenshots:
  18. The TNS sessions were a lot of fun and brought some small bugs to my attention: I fixed all these issues and compiled all of the patches so far into one wad (including the earlier patches for MAP04 and MAP18): atone-patch-5-22-2023.zip Load it after atone.wad in your wad order. One more goal I have for the 1-year update is to add DM starts to the back half of the wad.
  19. I’d like to claim MAP30. I just need to know what exactly you have in mind for it.
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