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Everything posted by molten_

  1. Doom finally has its own equivalent to Super Mario 64's B3313 Outstanding WAD.
  2. It just dawned on me that it's been a little over 10 years since I joined the doom community. I don't know if any of you remember me, I only ever released one (very short) WAD: proto.wad (And made a few maps in Interception & 2048 Unleashed). A lot of my doom history is just unfinished projects. However, this post isn't about me. I just wanted to voice my happiness in how active the community is, and how many new faces I see on the forums today, after visiting for the first time in nearly 2 years. It makes me think of other old internet communities I used to actively participate in, such as TIGSource & MFGG ... yet this is the community that still persists today. Seeing new people still enthralled by the game I found captivating a decade ago ... it fills me with so much joy, and hope for the future. Here's to another 10 years!
    Wonderful mapset
  3. molten_


    extremely impressive for the time.
    excellent music and level design. enemy placement is questionable at times, but otherwise a solid mapset with a refreshing style. please make more!
    cool architecture & solid level design. tough as nails which is to be expected. solid mapset.
  4. molten_


    it's shit
  5. molten_


  6. molten_


    really really really really really REALLY -R E A L L Y- hard, but the size makes replays enjoyable. kudos for implementing difficulty settings.
    some maps are creative, and gameplay is decent, but nothing can make those textures look good. sorry.
  7. molten_


    masterful as usual.
  8. molten_


    incredible mapset. maps are not too long and not too short, aside from one or two outliers which are executed very well. combat scenarios are unique and detailing is done extremely elegantly as not to hinder gameplay. 5/5
    good fun, enjoyable as far as gimmick wads go
    great fun all around, there's some questionable design decisions strewn about but that almost adds to the charm of the whole thing. 4/5
    really impressive use of stock textures + some new stuff that doesn't feel out of place. design is fun and balanced for continuous play, which is always nice. 4/5
  9. molten_

    Going Down

    map26 is absolutely mindblowing. the rest are really good but that was definitely the highlight, what a ride. 5/5
    doomkid, you have a unique mapping style that I really enjoy. keep up the great work. the first level was kind of a dud but the rest were excellent fun. 4/5
  10. molten_


    needed work in the gameplay department -- lots of annoying jumping sections and bad enemy placement. however, this wad exhibits amazing atmosphere and visuals that still look good even today. in fact I didn't believe that this was released in 2003 until I looked at the upload date; it felt like something somebody would have made today. 3/5 would have been an easy 5/5 if the gameplay wasn't so bad.
  11. molten_

    Plutonia 2

    I'd take it a level farther than Deeforce -- this is better than Plutonia. Absolutely amazing mapset that's tough as nails but fun all the way through. 5/5
  12. molten_

    Storage Bay

    I liked it!
  13. molten_

    Alien Vendetta

    Still one of the best pwads out there.
  14. molten_


    this wad is for nerds
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