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Everything posted by molten_

    Yeah, 5 stars. Deal with it
    Fantastically hard mapset that is very true to the original material while implementing some more modern design philosophies -- Basically Plutonia if it were actually good. (I only half kid) 5/5
  1. molten_


    Alright, I'm not very big on slaughter maps but these seemed pretty manageable. The majority of the maps are OKish but it's map12 (The final map) that REALLY stands out. It might just be the best boom compatible level I've ever played ... seriously it's a masterpiece. Really good mapset, if only the rest of the maps were on par with map12 ;)
    Anybody who complains about gameplay problems such as maziness and lack of difficulty, fail to realize that those things existed in the original maps too. It's kind of funny, actually. 4/5 for what it tries to accomplish, even if nostalgia gets in the way of good design decisions.
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