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Everything posted by Reisal

  1. Hummm... Lots of hitscanners with little or no cover to hide from. Overuse of non-linearity. I get it that it's nice to have multiple paths but too much non-linearity can lead to getting lost or going in circles. Ammo/health starvation and overreliance on monster infighting. Excessive use of Arch-viles throughout the map. Forgetting to remove secret tag on room stairs due to setting it before making the steps. Cramped Cyberdemon fights. Liberal use of Chaingunner and/or Revenant snipers from 500+ units away. Excessive platforming, be it ZDoom or non-ZDoom style. Corridors too thin to dodge enemy projectiles. Maps with far too many mid and upper tier enemies in groups without adequate weaponry. Mega-slaughterwads. I do love myself slaughtermaps but there is a point when it becomes a slog to kill 20+ Hell Knights multiple times, such as Holy Hell.
  2. Yeah, Clear Focus was meant to be simple and straightforward. There's a harder version of it but still below say, E2M6 in difficulty.
  3. I've always had a knack for traps in my own maps (list in my "About Me") in a variety of methods. Teleports are common in my later maps but I also particularly enjoyed the red key trap in "The Unnamed Base" which had a combination of doors fast closing and other surprises.
  4. This one has grown on me, from Italian death metal band Organic. It's their 2021 album cover.
  5. It's great to hear things like this, especially from a kid's perspective. Sooner or later, she'll probably want to pick up the game and play it again because of her prior experience and move up on the skill level over time.
  6. At least upstate New York has a lot more green, hills, mountains and is colder up here in general.
  7. Why is Scream still going on? It's like Hellraiser where they should have stopped after the third movie..
  8. Demon: Pinkies Revenant: Skeleton, Skelly Mancubus: Fatty/Fatties Chaingunner: Commando Cyberdemon: Cyber A boring name list, I know.
  9. Spaghetti & Meatballs. Made with spaghetti pasta, not linguine or other types.
  10. If you didn't think that was hard enough, I think the raw challenge of Maps of Chaos's "Overkill Edition" would be up your alley. E2M8 is not what you think it is for that one if you play that :) Doom is done (didn't bother with E4) but I ended up stopping at MAP27 due to lack of motivation so the remaining maps are from the "Hardcore" version. I'd still recommend try playing through the original Doom maps in that first.
  11. On some of the feline mounts in Elder Scrolls Online, getting them to a sprinting animation there is part of the demon see sound, while the camel mounts have one of the imp death sounds used.
  12. That's a real gem to find there! Now the question is where is the original Howie Scream recordings, also a well known sound clip used in movies and games.
  13. Already getting a good impression playing the original Doom music tracks inside SLADE.. One thing I'd suggest is making a changelog text file included in the 7z archive.
  14. Friend learned about it, lost interest right away as he is a big Marathon fan. Extraction shooters are garbage to begin with, not everyone wants their first experience of a series that is supposed to be both single and multiplayer.
  15. Doom: Perfect Hatred. All of that damaging floors and platforming, more nightmarish for pistol starters. Doom 2: The Chasm, The Factory, Nirvana. What was Sandy Petersen thinking on creating these pieces of garbage? Evilution: None I can think of, haven't played IWAD maps that much. Plutonia: Hunted. No automap, arch-viles only, a bloody maze. Could've been a more productive map for this slot.
  16. Around 13-14 (1994-1995). I had the shareware version of Doom but the full version of Doom 2, so I played that more. My first experience with the other Doom episodes was the SNES version and that I grew to love the soundtrack of it, so I eventually purchased The Ultimate Doom later in 1995ish and things went on from there, eventually playing with front ends (D!Zone 2 specifically) and later using map editors from the disc. Oh, I *still* have that CD of The Ultimate Doom in a CD holder...
  17. Killing heaps of monsters is satisfying, providing it's not insane levels like Okuplok's Holy Hell and later levels of Sunder.
  18. Among one of my favorites in this game series. This guy did some great covers and I have it at the cover time of this track..
  19. As of this year, I will be 41 in late April.
  20. I still have a good number (50?) on my shelf but have been discovering a lot of new material on Bandcamp through similar artists I already listen to or straight-up advanced search on metal-archives.com
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