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Everything posted by Reisal

  1. I believe the first 40% or so of Chill Base was me being at least inebriated and the rest was either sober or semi-drunk. So yea, the original WAD name was DrunkMaps.wad

    1. SleepyVelvet


      Is this what came of Maps of Inebriation? Sounds cool, I'll check it out.

    2. Reisal


      Yeah, Chill Base was the only map that was made that I uploaded. The other 5 were never completed.

  2. Reisal

    Baron's Chateau

    Pretty fun to play, nice visuals. Another classy Lastra map.
  3. Reisal

    The Deimos Incident

    Great design overall but for the end, I don't get why (which is a nitpick) it doesn't immediately go to the end episode 2 text but goes to the intermissions screen followed by the graphic seen after you pass the end text. Played with GZDoom 3.2.1.
  4. Sorry about that, won't happen again. I wasn't aware.

  5. Facebook page has been normalized now.

  6. Reisal

    666 mini-episode

    A nice mapset for stuff made back in 1994. Not perfect but it's fun as well.
  7. Nice job fucking me over, Facebook. How am I supposed to operate my DVV page over there?

    1. MrGlide


      what happend?

    2. Misty


      Maybe it was Ivica or other dude.

    3. Reisal


      @MrGlide Unsure, maybe it was something I wrote on my own wall (friends only too) and the first time this has happened to me.


    1. Doomkid


      This is the second wad I've seen where a Baron can use various guns, the other being DRE. The difference is this actually looks good! Would love to see a full fledged "DRE Done Right" with this as the base!

    Full of action but other than some aesthetic issues (misaligned/pegged(?) textures), it's not terrible.
  9. "Mission enregistre."

    Is this correct for "Mission saved." in French?

    1. snapshot


      "Mission enregistré" is the correct one

    2. WH-Wilou84


      "Mission enregistrée" ou "mission sauvegardée" are more grammatically correct, since "mission" is feminine in French.

    3. Reisal


      I wasn't sure if Doom text has the accented characters so that's why I asked.

  10. I've added an Easter egg to RDND.

  11. Minor update to archive (and file) for RDND, Zandronum 3.0 can run the actual main file now. No more RDND##Z.pk3!

  12. Hmm, looks like WADs & Mods has been moved to the second subforum spot..

  13. Why the hell of all things and having FIOS, is internet being sluggish?

    A solid E1 replacement, pretty easy and plenty of homagey architecture that is noticeable.
  14. Has anybody thought of making original music using the PSX Doom/Doom 64 soundfont as a community project?

  15. Doing some precision audio editing for the Doom tracks by Andrey Avkhimovich so they loop seamlessly in-game.

    1. Misty


      Did he gave permission to you to use his content?

    2. Reisal


      Yes, I emailed him and he said go right ahead.

  16. I still need to put together those music WADs from Andrey Avkhimovich's tracks..

  17. Let's see what this Pale Moon browser is all about..

  18. Good news! OBLIGE 7.666 has been released. Bad news: Ajapted has decided to stop working on it after 12 years of development.

    However, the source code is also available for those who want to continue working on it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TootsyBowl


      @CzechMate29200 Oblige is a program that makes doom maps. All you need is to set some things, press a button, and boom, full 32 map megawad.

    3. CzechMate29200


      That's pretty cool! Though I think I prefer to do it the old-fashioned way

    4. Reisal


      That and you can do some modifications to certain LUA files and customize it even further.

  19. lol, Angry Joe is bleeding subscribers. 5,000 in two weeks and ongoing.







    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. geo


      A lot of Youtubers that have angry content have increasingly toxic fan bases. I can't imagine anyone with 2 million subscribers and nearly a decade of content being doomed.


      So the issue is he's reviewing movies now rather than games? I can imagine a 90 minute movie is easier to do than an 8 - 40 hour game.


      Spoony supposedly has had mental health issues due to the fame, on the plus side he still makes that sweet Patreon money. I'd say he's proof that your fan base never goes away. I never watched him, but he was one of the first to the Youtube game, comedy trough.

    3. Marcaek


      lol, a the majority of a guy's fanbase is supportive and a couple of angry gamers unsub, front page news material

    4. Reisal


      @Man of Doom They just took a 2 month vacation.

    An all right level but can get lost in this maze of a level.
  20. We just had to deal with some guy on the /r/DOOM Discord who couldn't find the blue key in DOOM '16 and was still giving excuses among other BS.

    1. Reisal


      The very first key in the first level, that is.

    2. Xyzzу
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