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Everything posted by Reisal

  1. What the shit is this? How much of this could be of stolen content that's not from R667?


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bashe


      in b4 Mark Hardy

    3. Reisal


      Mark who?

    4. Bashe


      I meant Mike Hardy, oops, but this looks like something he'd do

  2. Also been slacking off on my map projects as well, it's been a couple if not few weeks already.


  3. Gonna leave alcohol alone for a while.

    1. Albertoni


      Always a good idea to take a break.

    2. BigDickBzzrak


      Leave that trash alone for ever

    3. Reisal


      I had 4 of these ( https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/2656/24179/?ba=SetarconeX ) in 16oz can form and maybe the darkish beers affected me harder since I tend to prefer golden or amber color beer.

  4. Got HTTP 502 Bad Gateway earlier for this site on Thursday, what's going on (or went on) ?

    1. geo


      I experienced that too.

  5. I'm still doing work on RDND, biggest addition is rewriting the end episode texts for Doom and Doom 2.


    Some screens: http://imgur.com/a/r1waB

  6. Why am I still tired and it's 1 PM already?

    1. everennui


      Did you sleep too long, not enough or eat a pound of turkey and fistful of dates?

    2. The_MártonJános


      Happened to me quite often last time I was in a morning shift at my workplace (6 AM - 2 PM, gotta be awake by 4 AM already) - 'spite I took a shower and went to bed straight at 9 PM the day before, I couldn't have one blink of sleep until, like 2:30 AM - and sure I felt like heavy soil washed feces during next day all along. This three times a row to make matters even worse.

    3. Reisal


      @everennui I put down 4 pints of Polish beer last night, from between 9 PM to 12 AM.

  7. tfw you have -19 USD because Steam did not process your game purchases from Friday until Tuesday.

    Oh hey, something from Nambona890 that is actually good. Some decent SUPPORT-like textures and some TEKWALL4 edits here.
  8. If you're interested in checking RDND 1.6, go here: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=45723

  9. I just released version 1.6 of RDND mod.

  10. That's pretty interesting, saw an Imp fireball gib a zombieman during infighting. What's the odds in that? Heh.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Misty


      When I tested my map for "recycled" cp, I saw how imp scratched hell knight until death. It was awesome and unexpected. Sadly, I don't have demo for it. 

    3. Avoozl


      I saw a Hell Knight gib a Former Human while playing an earlier build of PSX Final Doom TC.

    4. The_MártonJános


      Zombiemen are just so the butt monkeys of Doom.

  11. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=953868304 Definitely not terribles but not good, lol

    1. GripZ


      Just think that you're playing digital hide and seek in minecraft.

  12. I need to get back to working on my projects...

  13. Going to a Greek festival later in the day with a friend!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reisal


      I actually did have a lamb gyro, kaitiffi, galaktobouriko and some Greek coffee.

    3. Master O

      Master O

      No ouzo?  Come on, man! [/joking]

    4. Reisal
    An essential tool for mucking around with the EXE during the 90s.
  14. Reisal

    DMXOPL v1.3

    Makes the OPL sound far better.
  15. I've now seen how stupid and dumbfounded people can be just because Trump made a typo on a tweet a few days..


    Get the fuck over it, "cofveve" is not newsworthy you cuntrag news outlets.

    1. BigDickBzzrak




    2. Doomkid


      Most news coverage focuses on banal pointless shit and has for years, this is nothing new. People don't like to think about the boring important stuff, especially when nonsense sells so well and is so easy to latch onto. Trump's typos are unfortunately the least worrying part of the stuff he says.

    3. Reisal


      @Doomkid That's corporate news for ya.

  16. Does anyone have a general overhead view of what Doom 3's Communications level would look like? Using it as inspiration for my second map for Maps of Inebriation would help.

  17. 18556822_1603895542968677_29562139820331

    Possible Tom Hall level?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Job


      I'm always, always in favor of seeing new stuff from the old school team, but it's weird. This picture looks dead on for a GIS for "E2M2." Give it a try. I think it might be a hoax or something.

    3. DoctorGenesis


      @nxGangGirl I knew you were, I'm just generally speaking. A lot of people seem to hate Sandy's maps. Honestly he's better than half of the people who make 10/10 megawads.

    4. Reisal


      AFAIK, it says it did not reference using crates so I am guessing he used the E2M2 to bring up the subject of Doom.

  18. When will people start recreating the Realm667 monsters based on the player, zombieman and shotgun guy utilizing the 8 rotation frames? Mirror frames feel "off" nowadays..

    1. Death Egg

      Death Egg

      I should hope so. They also should be updated to utilize ZScript, at least if Zandronum supports that yet. I've also thought that they should standardize the way the code is formatted across all the downloadable enemies.

  19. I got fully functioning stairwell and "Elevator" functioning in Office Complex now using some Boom extended linedefs.

  20. An idea for "Office Complex" came up but it requires me to delete the upper half I built already so I can proceed to make it like a multi-story building.


    That has me removing the upper building's hallway and deleting the rooms on the copied lower one and changing the rooms up to give the impression of multiple floors.


    But this also has me make the impression of a staircase and maybe elevator that goes "up" and "down" via switch teleport, if Boom has SR Teleport functions.

  21. Where've you been? Haven't seen you post in a few months.

  22. I am starting another map but will not be in magnitude that Hellbrary 2 has grown to. It's currently just titled "Office Complex", taken some inspiration of design from the D!Zone 2 file titled BIGMAC.WAD, which has an office design to it.

    I am largely considering a better map title so it's not as generic sounding.

  23. I need to get back to Hellbrary 2 as well..

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