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Everything posted by Reisal
Yea, check it out I still kinda suck for someone with next to no artistic skills. Took me between 30 and 40 minutes on my Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0:
This was based on this
Zion Mainframe Gaming can be found here, shall people wonder who they are: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZionMainframeGaming -
When I post in the Doomworld Facebook group, I don't expect irrelevant shitposting in the topic. I'm not asking for one to be 100% in line but don't be posting irrelevant memes or Halo material in a Doom group for the sake of getting reactions of others. It looks immature and childish in my eyes.
Some joking/funny relevant material can be OK but don't unload crap onto my topic because a select handful (which got shitcanned from the group) did and thought they could get away with it.
That is what /b/ and other places is for, not the Doomworld FB group.
..Maybe I'm just getting too old (lol 33) for the immaturity I saw the other day. -
Fuck you Xfire, that is why I used you in the first place because I love seeing how much I played XYZ games. Now that you dumped that and the social aspect in favor of your stupid tournament and E-Sports shit, I have no use for you now.
RIP Xfire 2003-2015
If Raptr does the same BS, I will remove them as well. -
I'm 33, not feeling any older.
Now give me some Oreo cake, lol- Show previous comments 1 more
Well, it isn't an Oreo cake...
May need some tweaking considering the build time. Let me know what you think. :) -
Plus an edit to it to be more..Doomish even tho Prince also composed Blake Stone's soundtrack as well so I say he got inspiration to make a longer version for Doom.
Original MIDI (originally IMF) rendered via OGG: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/i52hhiw1q0254cp/Blake_E2M8_Soundalike.ogg - Used Merlin Vienna soundfont through Synthfont
Edit: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6c6in168zskzbtc/Blake_Stone_E2M8_Soundalike.mid- Show previous comments 1 more
I wouldn't be surprised if Prince himself did that track, it's too similar not to be a coincidence. He did work on Blake and even used a finished version of one of Doom's unused songs. If only I could have the original midis of it! Unfortunately, Prince doesn't seem to answer fan mail, much (he might not even be at liberty to release more than he has, given that it was contract work). IMF conversions suck.
Alright, last post for now, busy with other things for a few weeks.
For those who muck around with /newstuff reviewing:
Review version 1.5, not 1.2 as the latest is the final build of the mod. -
We saw him on Sunday wheelchairbound on Sunday but the following day his condition worsened by Monday. He was seen by most of my immediate family on Tuesday (his 80th birthday) which he was on life support. I got the news this morning that he passed away, which is saddening and which will likely upset my mother, grandmother, uncle and others.
1935 - 2015 -
Fuck it.
Not gonna bother with that certain ModDB page anymore. Too many idiots who blindly defend or indiscriminately attack without good reasons most of the time.- Show previous comments 4 more
Glaice said:
Yea, you guessed right. I put down the very same complaints I wrote down on the ZDoom forum for and overnight it got voted down to -12. lol
Just like whenever I write a not recommended review on Steam. No matter how valid the points are or even if its a glowing review that I throw in the not recommended section for the laughs, it'll get down voted to oblivion. Then for laughs I flip the not recommended to recommended and watch it skyrocket.
Does anyone recognize this song? It is 44.2KB and is 2 minutes and 42 seconds long. There is no identification in the tracks info in a MIDI editor.
It has a 90s dance type groove and instrument selection as well.- Show previous comments 7 more
Jimmy said:
You'll find most of his stuff here: http://www.mediafire.com/?cjmgmuu2gx2lm
For info, he gave titles to 94 and 95, they are "Depth Charge" and "Neighbouring Tribes":
http://doomwiki.org/w/index.php?title=Back_to_Saturn_X&curid=16262&diff=98095&oldid=94904 -
I should check /blogs more often! Also it seems I should probably start putting in some identification info in the track names. I just tend to leave them all as 'piano'.
Where did you get the midi from? I wasn't aware of any projects that used it. Not that there's any problem with using it, but I'm curious.
Memfis: Thanks! <3 -
stewboy said:
Also it seems I should probably start putting in some identification info in the track names. I just tend to leave them all as 'piano'.
Definitely! Especially since I've made SLADE 3 display that information according to the MIDI standard.
(Which allowed me to find out that most MIDI composers don't seem to care about these standards. There are seven different standard text "events" in MIDI, which are, from 1 to 7, "generic text", "copyright", "track title", "lyrics", "marker", and "cue point". Generally I find everything is declared as "track title". Sometimes I've seen a copyright field used for the track title, and a track title field used for the author's name.)
I am done with Brutal Doom, after supporting it since 0.7. Got tired of editing all the unbalancing crap with each version and having all the feature creep and the controversy with the N word comment in the older version as well as Mark telling a suicidal person to off themself (if this is verifiable)
- Show previous comments 16 more
I can careless about the controversies about some of SGTMarkIV's actions. I'm not really that crazy over Brutal Doom anymore. He should have just stopped at version .17 in my opinion. In regard to your youtube channel, I think you made the right decision to deviate away from Brutal Doom. There are plenty of other mods on the internet that have smooth weapon animations and other neat modifications to the gameplay.
My main problem with BD is him constantly adding more stuff to unbalance the gameplay. He's made DoomGuy basically invincible with overpowered you are. To try and counter that all he did was make enemies deal absolutely retarded levels of damange, regardless of what class they are. That doesn't really feel too great to play and doesn't even make a whole lot of sense. There are a few mods that do well to make use of the stuff he's implemented (I've seen a couple of Duke themed mods that looked fucking excellent), but on its own...its just weak.
I don't really care that he said what he said to one kid about suicide only because I'm honestly not all that surprised someone with a literal gore fetish would say some highly off the wall shit. Look at what he devoted the majority of his time to, not DooM itself, but pretty much doing everything he could to make an already bloody game bloodier than fucking hell and using actual images of gore and shit to do so. That means that he spent time scouring the internet and medical sites for pictures of really messed up injuries and stuff just to make some extra sprites, stuff that would normally...make me puke my own guts out. Obviously someone in that shape's got a few too many of their own issues so sympathy to another person's problems really isn't going to his strong point. We've all made gory maps before, not slighting anyone at all for that in and of itself (I know I've done it), but for Mark I really don't think he made BD just to make a super bloody mod...he just has always seemed the type to dwell on fucked up stuff like that and made it as somewhat of an outlet so he didn't have to constantly internalize it anymore. And there's my armchair psychology moment for the day.
The most annoying bug I encounter with the mod, which I've never seen him fix, is this bug where you're basically stuck and cannot move until you've burnt through certain ammo. Example, I started E1M2 and couldn't move right after I spawned into the map. I had to literally burn through all of my bullet ammo and the enigmatically I could move again. I seriously don't even get what would cause that, but since the first version I played of this thing (V16) its been there and its never been fixed and it just seems to happen completely at random during a level start. Shit that is annoying and seriously fuck up a gameplay session. -
zap610 said:
If anything, the biggest issue for me with bd is using actual pictures of gore for his sprites. That's tasteless and disrespectful.
Didn't Kevin Cloud use a picture of his own bloody knee for one of the textures in Doom?
In fact, a huge amount of the gore in Doom also stemmed from Adrian Carmack's past working as a photo copier in an ER room, where he got to see all kinds of awful injuries.
Really, the more you think of it the more you realize that using pictures of real gore and stuff is pretty common practice when creating gore in video games. At the very least, I know for a fact that the creators of Dead Space studied photos of the victims of car crashes in detail to create all of the gore in their game. You could argue it's disrespectful if the end results of such work let anybody recognize the source material (ie you can see XYZ's bloody face that was pulled from this photo of an explosion's aftermath), but merely pulling unidentifiable wounds from photos of carnage, cropping them, downscaling them, and editing them into oblivion can hardly be considered that offensive.
But then, I don't even know what Mark pulled from or what his end product was, so I guess I can't judge in this particular instance.
This is pretty much what I purchased over the 2014 Steam Winter Sales:
Dec 29, 2014 $20.39 Purchase
Wolfenstein: The New Order ROW
Dec 29, 2014 $3.99 Purchase
Age of Empires II
Dec 28, 2014 $13.49 Purchase
Rising World
Dec 27, 2014 $9.74 Purchase
Dec 27, 2014 $29.99 Purchase
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Dec 26, 2014 $47.20 Purchase
Rome: Total War, Democracy 3, Democracy 3: Social Engineering, Democracy 3: Extremism, Sniper Elite 3
Dec 21, 2014 $12.49 Purchase
Grim Dawn
Dec 21, 2014 $1.96 Purchase
Borderlands 2: Headhunter 2: Wattle Gobbler, Borderlands 2: Headhunter 4: Wedding Day Massacre
Dec 19, 2014 $2.49 Purchase
Dec 19, 2014 $1.49 Purchase
Castle Crashers
Dec 18, 2014 $5.99 Purchase
Metal Gear Rising
GRAND TOTAL: $149.22- Show previous comments 9 more
I forgot to see if GoG had a winter sale. Damn.
Dec 12
Strife: Veteran Edition - $7.49
Dino D-Day Last Stand DLC - $3.99
Dec 22
Alien vs Predator 2000
GTA IV Complete
Poker Night
Shadow Warrior: Special Edition
The Walking Dead Season 2 - $19.70
Dec 24
Sam and Max Seasons 1-3
Skullgirls - $15.08
Dec 25
Star Wars: KOTOR
Star Wars: Empire at War
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - $14.17
TOTAL DAMAGES - $60.43 -
Yep, you know who I am speaking of. I answered some of his questions on my videos in the past but I really don't care to answer anymore and am getting annoyed. He even tweeted to me asking the same goddamn things.
I am contemplating two options: 1) Removing his stupid "What do you think of XYZ WAD(s)" comments not relevant to the video posted on or blocking him entirely.- Show previous comments 18 more
dew said:
You mean like he was repeatedly "silently blocked" from this humble place of congregation and totally called it a day after realizing the folly of his ways? Just ask kmx for a few ladespotting stories, heh.
Heh, well, I'm not that familiar with Mr. Delayed. Even as dumb and persistent that this guy is, are you certain he'd want to go through the trouble of setting up new YouTube accounts (a far more intensive procedure than in years past)?
As long as he's blocked from the channel with no responses toward his crap, I can't imagine anybody trying more than 10 times. AFAIK, YouTube does not indicate to users when they've been blocked and will still let them post, but those posts won't be visible to anyone else. As long as they don't investigate, they might just think that nobody bothers to interact with them.
I can say I am no longer a virgin to pot now, I'm not that high but it was a nice experience to smoke a little bit with one of my brothers who I found smokes it.
ITT: Against rules to post that I first tried it? -
Whoever is doing the prank calls has to stop now. It is bordering on harassment (if not harassment now) as it's been going on for about 3 weeks. Someone ordered Domino's online and some poor delivery guy showed up at 10 AM to my residence.
Somebody who knows my BVV Facebook page apparently did that and the post was 6 hours ago but the contents of the user's post didn't appear hostile but it did address me by first name, which is nowhere on my Youtube FB channel page but on my Steam (which I cleared just now).
The person is male and always has a heavy accent, according to my mother.- Show previous comments 11 more
Actually, I should already know this. I got to try Golden Corral a couple of months ago and they had pizza slices during their breakfast buffet.
No pizza places here are open until at least twelve noon, and you have to deal with fast food restaurants' crappy breakfast menus up until around then too. -
I even found shit like Amon Amarth and other heavier artists on here.
This is a metric fuckton of MIDI files, more than I have ever seen. So far all the music I have played is legit, so it's a grand find for me and others.
When observing with a MIDI editor, most of these songs are complete, having an alternate/multiple alternates and/or incomplete versions (usually drums) next to finished songs.
For the metalheads. Went through just over 3,000 songs and put them separate directories for convenience. -
Yea, I am behind the camera due to the lack of actual space to get myself with them scrunched together in the shot. -
Friends and I (cameraman) try this. I would have joined them but I could not fit myself in the shot with all of them.