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Everything posted by SiFi270

  1. Sounds like that became Hell on Egypt. There's also a video of an earlier version. As I mentioned in my own thread, I'm hoping to see more levels by the Midway level designers and the combined Master Levels megawad that Tom Mustaine assembled shortly after the original was released.
  2. "Hey, the letter hint is 'ASS'! Do you think the title actually... Nah, it's probably just like when they turned 'Fistful' into 'STFU'."
  3. Lucida Console, as seen in Dinosaur Comics. It even makes I, l, 1 and | look completely distinct from one another!
  4. doom What's that, you don't believe me? Here, I've got a picture:
  5. Only got these by guessing the authors and ctrl-f'ing the letter hints on their Doom Wiki pages.
  6. Oh boy oh boy. Will devbuilds be added to https://latest.chocolate-doom.org/?
  7. In Vanilla Raven/Strife and very early versions of ZDoom, it's fairly common to see a flying monster "land" on another actor and get stuck. I love it when I get to cheese Maulotaurs like that. Not so much when gargoyles or Strife stalkers use it to cheese me.
  8. Only figured these out thanks to other people's guesses, mainly RjY
  9. Only slightly Doom related, but Kaiser is so good at making ports for games missing their source code that if the source code is available, he won't be able to do anything. This is why he cancelled his ROTT port. As for his Quake port... eldritch magicks, I guess?
  10. Something tells me this will be ready to play on April 1st, since that's becoming an increasingly significant date for the Plutonia series.
  11. For a couple of years or so now, it's been possible in GZDoom without mods if you enter 'bind (whatever key) "map *"' into the console. In earlier versions, it was still easy enough to bind a key to "kill", as long as you deleted any saves that might get loaded instead.
  12. I've thought about this, but all I came up with was Hadephobia probably following Shadows of the Nightmare Realm. Phobia: The Age may come between them, but I'm not completely sure when it feels like the only way to truly experience that wad is to dig up a suitably powerful computer from 2006 and play it on that.
  13. Compendium - Enough old school megawads to leave you with about a thousand maps to play. The Sentinel's Lexicon - The same but with relatively newer stuff. The Alfonzone - Good grief, even more maps! DRLA - A randomizer mod to lower whatever chance the above mapsets had of getting old after a while. And then either the DRLA monster pack if the two absolutely have to be treated as one of five each, or LegenDoom Lite if they don't.
  14. "This CD includes Memento Mori 2, but I don't know anything about the first one! Maybe it can be downloaded from somewhere, but it's 1996 and I don't have a suitable connection for that! Maybe it's in one of these shovelware collections id doesn't want me to buy... only one way to find out!" - An entirely hypothetical chump. I dunno I just checked the wiki and Wad Archive to see if it was included in any of those compilations, and it doesn't seem to have been, even though the .txt file gives permission for anyone except Microsoft to do so.
  15. This seems like a good opportunity to ask: how do I load Megaton Edition's widescreen weapons in Rednukem? Do I have to manually add them to a .pk3 like the one for Duke 64?
  16. When they're firing, they use the same sprites no matter what angle they're facing. Are you sure it's not just that? The sprite fixes add the necessary frames, so you could maybe try it with that loaded.
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