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Everything posted by SiFi270

  1. I downloaded it into an empty directory, but I went through setup.exe before actually starting to play.
  2. I was thrown off at first by the "Marshmallow Options" menu using WASD instead of arrow keys like the rest of the menu. Also I couldn't find the options to restore vanilla behavior for certain things in deathmatch, such as kill messages and backpack drops.
  3. "Last Secret Madness" - Increasing desperation when searching for the last secret. See also, "Last Few Secrets Madness", "Most Secrets Madness", "Any Secrets Madness". "Storm of Cacodemons" - Too many Cacodemons. I'm probably not the only person to use that particular collective noun for them, but I don't suppose anyone else uses it specifically because of Eye of the Storm. If you disagree that there's such a thing as too many Cacodemons, give it a try, but make sure you have compatibility settings pretty close to vanilla. "Triple C" - Stands for "Colossal Cacodemon Corpse," specifically ones that keep you from seeing something important. "Voodoo Arachnotron" - The Arachnotron reskin seen in such wads as Hell Forged and Ancient Aliens. "Klie Elevators" - A cluster of short elevators that just get in your way. They already appear in id maps like E2M3 and Map12, but it's Christen Klie's overuse of them made me truly despise them. "Single Barrel Start" - Quake equivalent to a pistol start. Not really a Doom term but I felt like sharing it anyway.
  4. Complevels for earlier versions of Heretic would at least allow the demos built into the IWAD to run properly.
  5. I mainly use it because it's currently the only renderer that supports widescreen statusbars. I know I already brought that up the other day, but that post turned out to be poorly timed and lost in another debate, so I feel at least a little justified in being a broken record. On a similar note, I recently noticed that the widescreen extensions still briefly disappear with OpenGL during the screen melt transition.
  6. With support for widescreen statusbars becoming more common, I have to wonder: Is allowing this port to display them with the software renderer more complicated than it seems?
  7. This page details what each map was based on. The E3M1 music was made for invade1.wad.
  8. @HorrorMovieGuy's gothic skins pack has these as WolfeSS replacements:
  9. This one interests me: Because I know at one point Wraithverge was colored gold and called the Justifier. But above there's more unfamiliar weapon pieces, and a silhouette matching them in the HUD. The blue aura around the pickups and the fact that Quietus and Bloodscourge have recognizable silhouettes in other shots suggest it's for the Cleric, so I guess it's another iteration of the Justifier.
  10. I seem to remember somebody sharing a pretty good one on this forum about a year or two ago. It was reminiscent of the one from the Sega Saturn version of Doom and I'm pretty sure the user's name had the word "giraffe" in it. Okay I looked harder and found it.
  11. Hell Keep from Jaguar/Playstation/etc. Doom. The only pistol start video I know of is this one by @pagb, where the amount of rushing past crowds and reliance on infighting should speak for themselves.
  12. +++ Rowdy Rudy's Revenge, Rowdy Rudy II: Powertrip, Ray Mohawk's Manic Monday
  13. This is really impressive, but one thing I can't seem to find is a poster @Revenant100 once shared with little bios for monsters and the player, and blamed the resurgence of demons on a lone "Arch-vial" (sic) the Marine didn't manage to kill in a previous adventure.
  14. Master Levels sort of technically has an official titlepic. In the Xbox version of Resurrection of Evil, when you're selecting a classic Doom game from the menu, the titlepic for your selection is shown in the upper left. I took photos of my TV to prove it!
  15. There were some addons for Aliens TC, one by Orin Flaharty (probably better known for their contributions to MM1/2/Requiem) and one that was later turned into a standalone TC, with the previous version lost as far as I can tell.
  16. Not really a Doom fact, but Daikatana's original tagline was "John Romero's about to make a video game".
  17. A little heads up: 10th Anniversary's E3M5 has a secret exit that's only meant to be used in mapinfo-compatible ports. For the sake of fairness/consistency, I think everyone should avoid it no matter what port they're using.
  18. E1M9 also kicks in at the same time as E2M2. I remember a thread asking people what their favorite MIDIs by Jimmy were, and at the time I nominated Evil Incarcerated, the Map31 music from Doom 2 in Name Only. I think nowadays I'd nominate Adrenaline in the Blood from Sigil, but that's not what this thread's about.
  19. If we're counting that, then @Enjay's a strong contender.
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