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Everything posted by SiFi270

  1. The most literal example for me would be 8-Bits Deathmatch (not to be confused with Cutmanmike's Mega Man TC). So many walls are just bright solid colors rapidly flashing. I made an addon where each frame was 4 times as long and the playpal had its saturation reduced, and it was still awful. Other contenders would include Map03 of Earth by Roger Ritenour, where you have to navigate a mazy cave with minimum brightness and not a single line appearing on the automap, or any wad where I learn the hard way several maps in that it's made with continuous play in mind. I will never learn when it comes to that.
  2. Doom's source code was leaked in 2004*. Fans eventually used it to make a PC port that, despite id's best efforts, is the most popular way of playing Doom to this day. *i couldn't decide what year or even decade would be funniest for my stupid pointless lie :(
  3. That's exactly the problem! Doom has most of the things I see in my everyday life, but there's a distressing lack of aliens and backyards! How can you expect my suspension of disbelief to stay intact without aliens and/or backyards?
  4. My latest discovery about Doom is that 2diehell.wad is not quite the hidden gem that second-to-last quote suggested it might be.
  5. Sounds like you're playing on too high a difficulty. I feel a little hypocritical saying that because I already have a tendency to go for whatever's closest to UV in Doom-era shooters, and it never goes well for me, but Blood's one where I succeeded in breaking that habit and sticking to the second or third skill.
  6. About as often as True Scotsmen play bagpipes and drink IRN BRU.
  7. Map18: Dead Set Radio Others may already have mentioned this, but there's a box of revenants north of the blue key that doesn't open properly. Map20: Teleportation Central In the Western area, the switch to lower the platforms if you fall into the nukage doesn't work, because it's tagged 34 instead of 32. Map23: That speedrunner guy, I think he did a single segment UV-Max of Alien Vendetta? Yeah I double checked and it was him. There's something funny about the southeastern megasphere secret. If you wait for it to lower all the way, it merges with the surrounding sector and can no longer be registered as a secret. Am I right in thinking you can use dummy sectors to ensure it stops a few units before that? Map25: Castle of the Hell Knights In the last room I had one of those moments that I wished I'd been recording so I could prove it happened. I was in desperate need of the berserk I'd saved for such an emergency, so I rushed over to get it, but on what felt like the very same tic a cyberdemon rocket brought me back down to 13%. I can't really put the experience into words so I guess you had to be there. Map26: Above and Below I'm very much in the camp that likes this map, but one difference I was hoping to see between the original and the anniversary version was all the linedefs I've drawn over in green here being made monster blocking. There may be consequences to doing that that I'm just not seeing though. Map27: We Are Venom Because I first played the original shortly after watching this year's Halloween special for Homestar Runner, the phrase "unhand her, Dan Backslide!" was repeating in my head the whole time, and now it seems that has to happen whenever I play any version of this map. You could say I'm getting in a rut. I feel bad about mostly using this thread for bug reports and similar feedback when that's properly better off in the thread for the wad itself. The truth is I just suck at saying what I like about something, but I am liking this. I probably would have liked the original wad more if not for some bad apples souring the rest of the bunch, but even if I had, I wouldn't be able to deny that the changes in this version are welcome improvements.
  8. Category 2, but I died on map01 in like 2 minutes T_T sidwi-rudy.zip I was also considering sharing a joke run where I used DeHackEd Defense to play it with Rudy 2's much more powerful weapons. You'd think such a humilating defeat in the proper run would make that kind of catharsis more alluring, but instead it just knocked the motivation out of me.
  9. Someone on Doomworld will ask this exact question every week without fail. (apologies to the original thread starter, I just misread the title and had an irresistible idea)
  10. Map15: Infestation I didn't know sirens could be a midi instrument. Nor whatever it was that sounded way too much like my phone vibrating. Also, in that room where you kill lots of zombiemen with lots of barrels, the southwestern platform with the arachnotrons seems to be missing textures.
  11. I should never have attempted this. I got the same crash, but the next time I started up the game, I'd somehow lost the option to reason with the demons. Now I'm stuck with a version of the game where they... they DIE! With blood and everything! :'(
  12. Gosh I fell behind. But I promised I'd say some words about Map14. But first. Map12: That Resident Evil precursor game that was based on a movie You know that big door south of the diamond building? I'd like to recommend having it close downwards instead of upwards, so that players in the way of it won't see this: Map14: Now I see I should have saved the joke name I gave to Map09 for this one instead. Ho ho ho. Okay, so. The original. More specifically, its penultimate room, with all the barrels, but not for long. I'm pretty sure the drop's much deeper in that one, and the elevators you're counting on to get you out of the damaging nukage? Also damaging. Pretty sure it was 20 at a time. And because it's such a long way up, they rise for something like ten seconds. Let's hope you have good health and armor! No? Well maybe there's some earlier in the level, that you were saving for an emergency like this. Oh wait! Once you drop into this room, you can't backtrack. Also there are mancubi spread out throughout the nukage pool that never get close enough to walls for an infinitely tall explosion to sort them out. That was what made me hate Map14 more than Map04, and as expected, Cammy demonstrated why its flaws were still fixable enough to keep the map's layout intact.
  13. Believe it or not, my fondest memory of this happening is actually in Quake 1. I was running from a spawn when it somehow found itself surrounded by zombies, which kept getting back up to fight it until it gibbed them with its dying explosion.
  14. Map09: Now I've Learned Machine Gun Etiquitte. Ho Ho Ho. Who am I to say what is or isn't "too '90s" when I was hoping the WolfSSes would still be in this version and delighted when it turned out they were. Looks like I'm just a big ol' fraud. Try to act surprised.
  15. Cacowards 2024 Mentionation Thread: You Don't Need To Post Eviternity II At All
  16. Is anyone else not seeing a "buy now" button under the version with the Thorr soundtrack? EDIT: It's easy enough to get from the store page, if nothing else.
  17. Ah. I really should have compared it to both the fixed version and the original instead of just the fixed version.
  18. MISFA0 looks like it might have been saved at the wrong size or something. This screenshot was taken without any cosmetic mods like Revenant100's sprite fixes loaded.
  19. Map06: rick taylor dons the terror mask and ventures inside to save his girlfriend haha get it So this was the last map I finished before this thread was started and an updated version was released. When I first played the '96 version, I felt it was one of the better maps for the first few minutes, but then I got unbelievably frustrated trying to work out how to reach that outdoor area. It turned out to largely be my fault though, since the switch I wanted was "protected" by some health bonuses, and I'm very strict about when I collect those. If my health is below 95 or too close to 200, forget it. By the time I had the "right" amount of health to collect them, I'd forgotten about them entirely. Okay I just double checked the original to see if I really remembered what had happened and it turns out the switch in question wasn't really relevant to the outdoor area but still it was something to do with somehow forgetting that room existed. So the first time I played the anniversary version, I thought "oh sweet it's clips in front of the switch this time, this is surely just one of those maps like what Jim Flynn might've made where once you know what it's asking of you it's fine" but then I found myself reliving my frustration anyway, because now a super obvious secret from the '96 version had been made not so obvious, and it also happened to hold the key to the outdoor area. But yeah this time around I was much more "this is just one of those maps like what Jim Flynn might've made where once you know what it's asking of you it's fine". Once you know, you know, you know?
  20. I've already specified complevel 2 in the .bat file. I double checked the menu to see if what you mentioned was a compatibility option I somehow had set incorrectly, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that.
  21. I think there's an issue with the "max health" field in DeHackEd. I was playing HacX 1.0 (and because it's a lesser known version, I've included a zip with all the files I thought were relevant in case that helps) and medikits were healing me up to 400%, which they don't do in Crispy Doom or the original executable.
  22. Map05: Mission Control So the western area of this map contains a subtle arrow like the one I felt Map01 should have had, at least until Cammy made an excellent case for leaving things like that as they are. If not for that case, I probably would have suggested removing this map's arrow entirely and putting an actual switch texture on the wall it pointed to. But no, that sort of thing should absolutely be retained and celebrated. EDIT: I feel like this came across as sarcastic and/or passive aggressive? I swear that's not what I'm going for.
  23. Map03: Mars Base Alpha Map04: Sewers While I was playing through the original, I knew the remaster was somewhere on the horizon, and I was most curious about how Jim Bagrow's maps would be handled. I'm a little surprised a total overhaul was only necessary for the first of them, since I found myself disliking Map14 a lot more. But then I realized its problems were a lot easier to just correct. I think I'll get to them when we actually reach that day.
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