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Everything posted by SiFi270

  1. I'm not sure when, but Quake's default multiplayer maps were just made public domain (probably not the correct term but the best I can do) at some point. That's why they're also in OpenArena. EDIT: oh wait that's not a multiplayer map. I knew I should have waited for someone else to explain it better than I could.
  2. A recent topic made me sad, having to enter it to report it made me sadder, and not having the guts to go through with reporting it in case it somehow got me in trouble made me sadder still.

  3. +++ Remain 1 + TNT: Renascence + ICAR2015
  4. I'm pretty sure both Ultimate and Anthology are complevel 3. The Chocolate family separates them into "ultimate" and "final2", but I'm pretty sure the only difference is the former uses Doom 2's strings if either Final Doom IWAD is loaded, because they naturally aren't recognized at that point.
  5. Hey, it's happening again but this time Lenovo seems to be trying its darnedest to help me. It keeps encouraging me to download an update, but whenever I try, it says the update didn't download, and if there's a way to learn more about what went wrong than that, I'm not seeing it. Some relevant screenshots are below:
  6. I want to bite. And I also want the wad. Please send me some teeth and the wad.
  7. Map10 was probably tested plenty in the 2004 release. It was just overlooked in the version currently on idgames, because it's easy to assume it'll be fine after a few small adjustments to what already worked.
  8. I think it also works properly in an earlier release available on DSDA.
  9. If evil is fake, then how does C24 decide who to turn into a monster and who to just give superpowers?
  10. Map13: City of Hell It turns out this works in Eternity with "-vanilla" added to the command line, as long as you never dare to face east in the southernmost tunnel, or towards this part of a doorway near the end.
  11. People have been mentioning in the Megawad Club thread for the Number One Kill trilogy that TNG's 13th map seems to crash suitably accurate ports. When I did some testing of my own, I found out that this was even true for Chocolate Doom, but not pure vanilla (or Doom95, for what that's worth). Is there anything that can be done about this?
  12. E2M3 That secret after the yellow key door has made me wary about ever using the rocket launcher again in this wad, because I just can't be sure a situation like that won't happen again. Even the cacodemons don't fly up to where you can shoot them, although I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for that. In the end I had to use IDDT to be sure my rockets weren't being wasted, which I insist isn't cheating if you've already located all secrets and the exit(s) beforehand. It's even allowed on Nightmare! E2M4 When I read on the wiki that the built in demos used Doom 1.9, I had no idea my overthinking that would just keep getting more and more embarrassing. But now in addition to the evidence already mentioned, this map uses the episode 4 sky as a wall texture.
  13. Just in case the couple of reactions I got mean others are still wondering about this, I decided that the presence of a DEMO4 lump must mean the author expected people to play it with UD.
  14. Quick question before I get started. The wiki pages for the first two say the built in demos require Doom 1.9, but I'm not sure if it means pre-Ultimate or not. I realize the only difference, if any, will be Lost Soul behavior, but I still take this a lot more seriously than I probably should. Is there a definitive way of finding out if, by my own arbitrary rules I wouldn't impose on anyone else, I should be playing at cl2 or cl3?
  15. Map26: Geist Halls "One of these days I'm going to rip and tear you into little pieces." Yes, I've been waiting all month to make that joke. +++ Number One Kill, TNG, and the Extra map if it doesn't fall outside the DWMWC's scope.
  16. SiFi270


    Maybe I should have stood further to the right. It's a lot clearer if you explore the map for yourself or look at it overhead. But it might just be the first ever non-Doom version of the map. If not, then maybe the first one to be officially included as part of the game.
  17. If you use the frontend to launch it on Nightmare, it does actually have more Cybers. I do remember having problems trying to get it working at first but now I don't remember what those problems were or what I did about them. I've tried zipping the folder exactly as it is for me, minus doom2.exe and the iwad of course, and if you open Dosbox and start with "mount c (the folder you've extracted with your own exe and iwad added)" and run eternal.bat you'll hopefully have things set up to launch Cybersweeper on the difficulty of your choice and get a random arrangement of the number you want. Then when doom2.exe starts you can just close it and play the newly generated wad in the port of your choice. Pre-emptive apologies to the many people here who are better at computers than me and read those instructions and thought "that is disgustingly inefficient" or something.
  18. I never really thought it was deliberate. I should have made that clear in the initial post.
  19. This one time my dad was listening to BBC radio and something came on that was incredibly similar to Plasma by @leejacksonaudio. I was able to find it again later with the iPlayer, and apparently it was called "Zone Out" and composed by Holly Archer, but searching both of those names in quotes gets me barely anything. I recorded it with Audacity and uploaded it, but I'll understand if a mod thinks I shouldn't have and removes the link.
  20. Datasquid claims to have been one, and the wiki does indeed list its author as an official member of TeamTNT, so I don't see much reason to doubt it. It's DM only though.
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