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Everything posted by SiFi270

  1. Throwing them at people. Don't get me wrong, they're fine to eat, but the best use of anything that can be thrown (so in other words, theoretically anything) is throwing it at someone.
  2. He didn't, but his evil twin John Cormack made Unholy Cathedral. Crossing Acheron was a lot closer to his original vision though. (source)
  3. One thing I've been meaning to ask is if this railgun skin is still available for Q3 somewhere. It's got a bit of historical significance due to its inclusion in Massmouth 2 and Marathon Resurrection.
  4. wildweasel's Nazis mod always felt to me like it came from a universe where id decided, "new engine, same IP."
  5. It's here! It doesn't include the widescreen graphics from the Unity version, so I made my own wad with those. I won't be sharing it though, because I imagine Devalaous will soon be releasing wads that offer that and so much more.
  6. Sawed-off doesn't necessarily imply double barrelled, right? STRAIN replaced the non-super shotgun with a sawed-off version. edit: oh wait the "wider radius of damage" part suggests it's being compared to the usual shotgun and therefore its own thing, silly me
  7. Would anything like those effects have been possible in Doomsday at the time? A screenshot taken in that seems like it could be a good starting point for additional touch-ups.
  8. I am selfish and forgetful. I've made a whole bunch of fairly easy widescreen status bars with no real intention of sharing them until now, and I still feel like I may have made some that I forgot to include in this .zip. But the ones I remembered are: Operation Biowar Ray Mohawk 1 and 2 NJ ZDoom QDoom and Project Slipgate (originally they both used the exact same graphic, but I made a separate version for Project Slipgate that swaps the nail and shell icons to better match Doom's usual ammo counters) The Twilight Zone 2
  9. I think he's referring to the Cyberdemon Mark II from DRLA's monster pack.
  10. 1.34.1, 64-bit, nothing in autoload and the only other wad loaded is a widescreen status bar. When I tried warping to the map from the console just now, it worked fine, but I ran into the same problem after reloading my continuous run. Here's the save and some other relevant files.
  11. QDoom (or more specifically, the version listed under "Edge Classic add-ons" on ModDB) doesn't seem to work properly in the current version. After you kill the initial wave of enemies in QD04, nothing else happens.
  12. Got it. Not sure how I got them mixed up to begin with.
  13. Is Contract Revoked that stealth-based mod that was one of the precursors to Arcane Dimensions, or am I thinking of something else?
  14. I always thought ROTT's digitized actors and the 320x200 resolution were a poor combination. They're a lot harder to make out from a distance than enemies in other games restricted to that resolution were. Maybe it's the palette that's the problem, but either way, I still find higher resolution helps a lot.
  15. If extramap is on the table, could the map seen in these prerelease screenshots of PSX Doom also be feasible?
  16. Gokuma also recreated the "visit" version of E1M1, in addition to mixing together a bunch of prerelease/console stuff in Entry Hangar. He also contributed a combination of beta Doom 2 maps to the infamous DBP 48, and I'd like to see a "just Doom" version of it, but I don't think it'll happen. There was also a ZDS session where they played through the Doom 2 beta levels with a patch to recreate the differences in the 1.6 executable. I don't think that patch is still available, but it might also be easy enough to recreate for more accurate ports. I have no idea. I think what happened with those beta SSG sprites was the asset dump from Romero only included two, so someone else filled in the blanks.
  17. In an earlier thread for this game I mentioned how I wanted to see an optional HUD with health and ammo represented by numbers as opposed to icons you have to count. A few months later a new trailer dropped featuring multiple examples of such a HUD, and I edited my post to say "my wish came true! thanks guys!" But I figured it's worth repeating where it's more likely to be seen. Even if it's just a coincidence, thank you NightDive.
  18. The demos built into Obituary were recorded without the custom weapons patch, but demo2 won't desync either way because the only weapons used are ones that weren't replaced.
  19. I made an edit of that level to remove the triggers that make other paths inaccessible. I collected all the ammo the level had to offer, never picking up more than I had room for, and I was still left berserk punching most of the barons in that room and savescumming every few seconds. I'm pretty sure the only way it could have gone any better, other than not getting hit as much, would be if I managed to group up the barons better for rocket/BFG shots.
  20. Using "-nodehlump" just makes the program refuse to start, which I think also happened with "-nodeh" before.
  21. I'm having an issue with one of the weapon addons for D4V. Normally a command line like this is necessary for them to work: -file d4v.wad -nodeh -deh d4v.deh 4_har.deh This works fine in Crispy Doom, but not in Woof, where having the heavy assault rifle causes it to keep firing with no input from the player, and switching to another weapon isn't possible until ammo is depleted. The strange thing is, I don't think this was an issue when "-nodehlump" was the necessary parameter in Woof as opposed to just "-nodeh".
  22. Does anyone else think the main character could somehow be a teenaged Postal Dude?
  23. I remember having to look up where the Dungeon Key was, because the spot it was in was too dark for me to notice it. I also had to look up how to access the last secret level, but it turned out to be too late to get it. A few months later, I did a second playthrough where I knew what I was doing. I'm not sure if memories of another playthrough count as "oustide help". I haven't played Deathkings yet, because I want to wait for the midi pack first.
  24. This one comes from the two ZDoom versions of NJ Doom.
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