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Everything posted by scifista42

  1. 1AMZfZb.png

    1. scifista42


      I'm more than OK with not having one. I'm not even the person with the largest post count who doesn't have one yet.

    2. Doomkid


      scifista's custom title should totally be "more than OK with not having a custom title"

    3. BigDickBzzrak


      That one 3's kinda redundant, don't you think?

  2. After a year (see this thread), I was again in a mood to make a speedgame in Flash.

    This game was made from scratch in less then 1 hour and a half. You control a player with arrow keys ("left+right" to turn, "up" to move forward, impossible to move backward), collect pickups and avoid enemies. The enemies constantly move into the same direction and - what's important - once they leave the game board, they respawn on its opposite side under the same angle - which makes them predictable in long term, and makes the game much less luck-based than you'd think at first glance (because the enemies move a little faster than you and each pickup will spawn one more enemy) and more strategical. The key to success is to observe the entire board, including the enemies who are about to leave it to respawn on its opposite side, to determine which places are safe to move to.

    Download: http://www.filedropper.com/walkers


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. scifista42


      Fonze said:

      More-so, it can be tough to put your project ahead of others in the view of your potential audience,

      I don't even want that. I made these speedgames to entertain myself, and released them only as an afterthought, with the idea that feedback would be fine if anybody provided it, but not worth putting any effort to make sure that they really will. I don't think these games would have much value for people other than myself, so I certainly do not want to compete for attention against other projects (I'd actually prefer to get no feedback over that), I just put the games here for potential viewers who would be spontaneously interested.

      RaphaelMode said:

      I wish I could be able to backpedal, is this inability a deliberate desing choice?

      Yes. :D

      RaphaelMode said:

      Good game, I like the gameplay and the background color.


    3. Fonze


      Fair enough scifista, but you got feedback in the sense that someone thought it was interesting and "wanted" to play it, even if they never did, to which you responded in a dismissive fashion, showing that you took nothing from the feedback, no matter how little it was or how little its significance.

      My point was, though I do tend to speak in general terms because things tie together, as it relates to this: that was the feedback that you received. It's not worthless feedback, if anything it's the perfect feedback on your presentation. But regardless of whether-or-not you expressly care about feedback, that's feedback none-the-less and the more positive the initial responses are, the better your chances of feedback on the actual material. Everything is a lesson that can be learned, you just have to see it.

    4. Tracer


      scifista42 said:

      ^ Memfis was right, comments like that mostly end up by the person not showing up anymore. (I took the opportunity of pointing that out to also reupload the link in the OP that has expired in the meantime.)

      Damn. Spot on.

      I was at work when I saw it, ans then when I finally got home I told myself I'd do it tomorrow.

  3. Try to control 2 spaceships at once! You have no weapons, just avoid the asteroids and survive as long as you can. Don't crash the spaceships together.

    Download: http://www.filedropper.com/gprockets

    It's a Flash swf file, programmed in Action Script 2 (I think). It's only 7.9 kB big. Please don't fear it (or do, if you want).

    I made this game from scratch in a few hours. I designed it specifically to be playable by 1 player (left hand on WASD, right hand on IJKL), but things might get easier when you get 2 people to control 1 spaceship each. The number of asteroids on screen gradually increases, but it increases slower and slower.

    My personal record is surviving for 51 seconds - and that was before I slowed down the increase of asteroid count - but admittedly, after practicing for several hours.

    I made the game just for myself, but do you have any idea what should I do with it if I wanted to share it properly? I have no experience with that. I'm not even specially eager about doing it.


    1. Phml


      Can't survive more than 10 seconds, but I love the idea. Controlling two characters at once is such a fun, underused idea.

      I've been playing a lot of agar.io lately. It could be a fun game like this, using a gamepad (use the two joysticks to move two blobs, and shoulder buttons for respective actions).

    2. Tristan


      Through sheer luck I managed 13.6, though most attempts I didn't even survive 5 seconds heh. Nice idea!

  4. scifista42

    Beyond the veil

    Even though the visuals are technically good, the frequent repetition and lack of contrast makes them dissatisfying. The same negative points apply to gameplay, which is also too flat. There's little action and practically no excitement, also there's no point in exploring dead end corridors without enemies. My impression got slightly better as the map progressed, but only very slightly, possibly because I accustomized to the style. The map is just average at its best. 3/5
  5. I've just suddenly found out that I got a custom title - which I had to Google to find out what the phrase means, actually. Not sure if I got it because I'm predictable or because I post in a lot of threads, not sure if I should feel honored or not really. Still better than the upcoming Forum Spammer title would be, so thx to whoever did it.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. GreyGhost


      Eris Falling said:

      Avoozl: They're all pretty recent additions I think. I never got Pistol Start, Evil Member or Doomed Member.

      Yep, seems to be only the last couple of years that anyone's noticed them. The par time for Doom 2 is 5700 seconds, so that might be another to watch out for.

    3. scifista42


      GreyGhost said:

      The par time for Doom 2 is 5700 seconds, so that might be another to watch out for.

      I'm the closest member without a custom title to reach that post count, so we will see within a month or two.

    4. scifista42


      <-- Nope. I have post count 5700 right now, and the title is default.

  6. scifista42

    Celestial Site

    Hmm... Awe-inspiring usage of detail and textures, but the gameplay is too monotonous and one-sided. Too cramped areas that impede player's movement, monsters have way too much health (making them overpowered) and combat consists of peekaboo shot-and-pop style, again and again for too long time. Also, due to horrendous random ambushes, the challenge is harsh and sometimes unfair, while tedious for the rest of time. 3/5, and I'd rate lower if it wasn't for the great visual aspect.
    Way too blocky architecture, too flat gameplay, too much monster meat, too little ammo at the beginning, too much uniform darkness without light contrast, and rather ugly visuals despite the fact that there was effort put into detailing. 2/5
  7. scifista42


    The level structure was too Wolfenstein-like, heavily maze-y and orthogonal more often than not, it was like playing Wolfenstein with Doom features. The maps were gradually getting better at utilizing these Doom features, but the principle stayed, and I only got massively overwhelmed in the later levels. Gameplay itself was very slow. Aesthetics looked okay for an oldschool wad, more or less, but rather less. Interesting ideas with barrels (start of E2M4), but not enough efficiently executed. 2/5
    I didn't expect much, but these maps surprised me pleasantly. Despite the limiting concept, they provide a fun and comfortable continuous ride, and a reasonable, challenging and fair practice from pistol starts. The mapper has practised efficient design, and succeeded. That's what I admire. Low bow. The maps are imperfect, but IMO, they're the best (most enjoyable) thing that could be done within the concept. 5/5.
    Well designed and polished, great looking maps with entertaining gameplay. Shamely, it gets way too slaughterish and difficult for me in some maps later on. Anyway, 5/5.
    I liked it. Short experience, but at least it didn't drag too much. Good use of ZDoom features. The boss fight was pretty cool, both challenging and kinda fair (you CAN dodge the projectiles), it's one of the better ones I've ever experienced, even though it takes place in a simple box room. I couldn't find a yellow card on the 2nd map. 4/5
    Pretty good E1-style maps, in both visuals and gameplay. There's one distinct flaw: Nicolas Monti tends to reuse the same ideas in multiple levels, and then they get repetitive and not distinct enough from each other. 4/5
  8. scifista42


    Top-notch excellent looking megawad, awe-inspiring usage of detail and lighting in each map. Gameplay was good, although the combat and wandering around the maps felt unnecessarily prolonged and tedious at times, and overally it could have been better done to be entertaining. 4/5
  9. scifista42

    Phobos Massacre

    KDITD-like maps in a great way. They didn't rip off E1 level design and ideas, like it usually is. Relatively easy difficulty, but the simple joy from shooting, the exploration factor, nice classic visuals and bits of nonlinearity were there. Also quite a lot of symmetry, though, more than needed, plus there could have been lesser amount of rectangular shaped rooms - but the maps seemed to be designed competently anyway. 4/5
  10. scifista42

    Zaero: Episode 1

    Pretty neat, awesome looking wad with Quake 2 style playability, which is inevitably different than Doom's native one. I prefer the Doom's one, but still, I've enjoyed this wad a lot. One star down because there was a hardly noticeable mandatory switch in MAP01, which made me cheat and then quit during my first attempt. 4/5
    Nice looking, large scaled, classic style map. I would give 4 stars if the gameplay wasn't so sloppy: Too many monster's meat, too little threat, instead it just takes time. The map was also pretty linear, but well playable anyway. Good music. Better 3/5.
  11. scifista42

    Lego Base

    Cool original idea, nice to look at, good layout, fun gameplay. I liked it. It's not perfect, but nothing is perfect. 5/5
  12. scifista42


    I wasn't fond on the texturing inconsistencies in this wad (stock textures + unicolored ones + other nice-looking exotic ones). First map was too easy and the last one rather confusing at times. Balance wasn't done badly at all, but sometimes it dragged a bit, or otherwise displeased me. Overally, I wasn't as impressed by this as I was by "Monster Hunter Ltd.", but either way, I've enjoyed playing through this mapset, there were lots of various cool designs and gameplay setups. 4++/5 stars. :)
    Great idea and good mapset, but I wasn't keen on most of E1 and E3. I prefer Doom's E1, but in this mapset, E2 seemed better to me (on average). Also, I've played D1 for the first time much later than D2, so that's why nostalgia didn't strike me so much. I feel that this wad is a bit too overrated. Lastly, I think that emulating little design imperfections (unfitting texturing or alignment etc.) in the style of original id mappers wasn't a good move. Still, 4/5, these maps are quality and enjoyable.
    The very first commenter is spot on, I agree with all of his points (competently made, yet confusing, easy, boring, too many homages), but I still rate this as average. 3/5
    Very good looking and well playable map, just be careful about ammo, it might be a little tight, specially if you let Archviles and Pain Elementals run wild. 4/5
    This wad contains "My Little Pony" themed HUD face, a status bar made of brown bricks and SKY1, several childish sound replacements, and Doomguy's hands are redrawn as stick-shaped cartoony hands in "My Little Pony" style. 1 star for effort.
  13. scifista42


    Good and easy classic-style mapset, nothing less and nothing more. 4/5
    I'm sorry, but these maps lack the slightest sign of a reasonable gameplay, progression, or balance. Everything after MAP02 is just about rushing to the exit, no need to fight at all, just press one switch nearby and you're out of there. The symmetry is also quite disgusting, by the way, even though I understand that you wanted to replicate your source closely. I cannot recommend this, not a good gameplay experience at all. 1/5
  14. scifista42


    Nice vanilla-style mapset, I liked the layouts, clean visuals and pacing of fights. All monsters and even all linedefs in the maps seemed to be there on purpose - that's great! The room with torches and self-referencing sectors in MAP03 was horribly bugged: I could go up first and fall into an illusio pit with PEs, then I couldn't get back on the bridge from the switch platform and had to jump down. Other than that, pretty good! 4/5
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