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About sincity2100

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  1. I'm currently watching Home Alone for the New Year tradition..
  2. https://www.mediafire.com/file/3m2f6lihg5652ue/MAP19_FRND%282%29.wad/file Here's a second version of map 19 because I realized there are some mistakes that I did, I replayed my own version to realize that..
  3. About my map19 , the W1 imp closet was made just like the original ..
  4. Here's my entry https://www.mediafire.com/file/nmcb4xujbxyt7mx/Corruption.wad/file The map is called Corruption..
  5. Oh yeah PRCP2.. I really wasn't excited about it, but I decided to upload a couple of maps for it.. two of them made it to the final project, in my uploads I was trying to deviate from the Plutonia Style of mapping, so I made homages to SOD and BTSX2 instead.. hopefully you get excited for it..
  6. I'm playing AUGER ZENITH right now, and so far it's a lot of fun..
  7. I finished Hell Revealed 2, and I must say.. this was a very long, tedious and grindy.. full with bad design choices, it's literally abrasive and not in a fun way, I gotta say this was the worst Megawad I've ever played in terms of a popular megawad.. No contest!
  8. Here it is, Map 19 : FRND! https://www.mediafire.com/file/qtmhv0zp7wqqoet/MAP19_FRND.wad/file
  9. Hello there, I'm still alive, but not active at this moment, I'll continue on my map probably next week because my whole month is kinda a slog to get thru, really busy with real life stuff.. I did the opening part of the map but didn't put the monsters yet..
  10. Looks fine aesthetically for a vanilla wad.. good luck on your mapping journey..
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