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About mrthejoshmon

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  1. Ubisoft Sketchy as fuck I meeeaaan... - Ubisoft are quite possibly the worst offenders for making AAA look as bad as it does, them and EA responsible for most shit (remember online passes made to combat 2nd hand sales?, those 2 fuckers) that made everything objectively worse.
  2. I'm fine. The demon horde approaches my position, England Setting foot upon her his Majesty's grand fortress, the demons realise something is wrong The demons realise this island is of little value and nothing good is here They leave England wins by default Didn't even need to use my state sanctioned fully licenced butter knife.
  3. Sorry, I forget it's free where I come from and the rest majority of the world (is it also free in Europe? NHS do a free service here in England) isn't as fortunate. Also depending on the therapist, some might be grifters but genuine professionals know what they are doing and my life is so much better.
  4. I say enlist in therapy today, I thought it would be terrible but actually it is fantastic and helps immensely.
  5. It was easy to piece together that each difficulty corresponded to how extreme the title was, also my dad explaining what they said and meant helped so I basically cheated this exam. I was way too young (to die) and often I think about how my only memories as a child included Doom existing in some capacity, wonder what effect early exposure had on me.
  6. Gears 4 was painfully mediocre for me and filled with characters I couldn't stand (except maybe Del). IMO Gears 5 is bad, very bad, have like 3 hours in it, that's basically nothing compared to even the amount I put in Gears 4, hell I played Judgment more.
  7. I'm number fucking 2, God I loved Gears of war before 4 and I hope this is a return to old form (it probably isn't).
  8. AAA gaming is less black and white and more grey for me, granted, the shade is anthracite. Seeing companies boast record profits whilst jettisoning entire studios on top of releasing mass produced "me too" live service and battlepass infested half finished con-jobs that die within literal months or complete clunkers that come out half born in a state between semi built and screaming mass of misbegotten mess (but hey at least the premium shop works) that they'll "fix later" (and then never do) I must say have grown mighty tired of it all. But there are still things that get me excited, now just with an air of caution: Space Marine 2 (I think that might be actually AA but the rate at which it is advertised says otherwise) There's a Gears of War prequel coming about Emergence Day, I hope it returns to the true Gears gameplay formula Perfect Dark is a fucking imsim now and I'm all for that Super looking forward to picking up Ghost of Tsushima later on Monster Hunter Wilds is more Monster Hunter, that's all I want Whilst sceptical, I am still looking forward to finally seeing S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2, even if it sucks I still get to see another DNF tier release happen Age of Mythology: Retold is on the way, I'm currently blasting away at Age of Empires 2 remastered and hell yeah As much as I complain about the tone, I'm a fuckin mark and will play the next Doom eventually None of these are day one purchases mind you, I have long since figured out that letting others go in and find out that the new hotness is actually shit (dodged the disaster of Dragon's Dogma 2 because of that, was super looking forward to it too). It is easy to be excited for new releases but it is also easy to remain cautious and wait (it isn't going anywhere after all). Which is what I wish I did with the previously mentioned 3DR games I purchased in Early Access, "redefining AAA" my fucking arse all they did was perfectly match stereotypes of unfinished rushed garbage releases and mass staff executions.
  9. On steam these are my top two. War, always war. In reality, it is Fallout 4 and Warframe (both have 2000+ hours) but I cannot recover the stats as Xbox servers are eating mad shit right now
  10. I've finally enrolled fully into genuine therapy, got a therapist and everything. No further details will be given. Following this I have lost my membership card on being a forum member, I will miss most of you.
  11. I've already gone into detail explaining my inability to enjoy the tone set by newer entries, so no point getting into that now (TL;DR, it's the difference between the Punisher and Spawn, if that makes sense). There is not enough for me to go off of outside of vague outlines, however said outlines are immensely unappealing. Hot take but I think they could do a great game if they made something like Halo 3 ODST, the one where you see the events of the series through the eyes of a regular dude instead of the buffed up super soldier. Make the player a grunt of ARC or the UAC and if you want your bombastic dumb shit then just hand us one of those weird ass mech suits lying around.
  12. I have a collection of old metal 80's/90's Warhammer 40k Eldar and Fantasy Battle High Elves, they just fascinate me.
  13. Warhammer 3, I thought the defence was impossible, I was glad to be wrong
  14. I got a B in History. I love history, I used to go on massive deep dives into (mainly military/war) history for ancient cultures (mainly Egypt and the Ptolemaic dynasty, also colonial Britain and the great atrocities that we did they didn't like teaching us). Games like Total War only fueled this fire in me. It's fascinating the ways in which we planned, plotted and innovated for the sole reason of killing eachother, its also very grim and a horrible reminder that we are in a time of previously unknown relative peace.
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