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Everything posted by Jayextee

  1. Only ever in situations where it'd be less-annoying than completing a regular map via its normal exit; so when I replay episode 2, or DOOM II you betcha I go that route. Otherwise, and excepting a Plutonia run where I really wanna Go 2 It, nah.
  2. Imagine seeing all those windows in the start area of E1M4 and not wanting to fill them with chaingunners. I am disappoint.
  3. I kinda left this place and stopped DOOM mapping; only ever playing occasionally, quite rarely at that; in the early 2000's and returned in the early-mid 2010's. So about a decade. In short, I was wrestling with depression and burnout which I felt my mapping exacerbated; I may or may not have been wrong at that. Returned out of a desire to get back on the wagon and someday make an FPS with my old skills, which I felt fully capable of. These days, I don't think I'd quit again but I haven't touched a map editor in almost a year; I lurk, mainly, and know that one day soon I may well take up the mantle again.
  4. - Plutonia exit teleporters I probably have some other gimmicks, I haven't really thought about it much.
  5. Bit of a bump here, sorry. I was gearing up for a replay of this WAD, and in preparation for doing so creating a high quality music pack for my own personal use with a variety of original versions and remixes of the tunes. I gotta know if there are high quality versions of the @Psyrus MIDIs used?
  6. I have these really convenient hotkeys on the numbers, right above the letters on my keyboard (i.e. not the numpad).
  7. IMO vanilla-targeting (and by this, I mean not limit-removing) WADs are every bit as legit as any other. To me personally, the limitations and overcoming them are a big part of the appeal; there is a mountain here, I must climb it - and so on. The idea of using more-advanced engine features to open up possibilities to the nigh-endless appeals a hell of a lot less.
  8. Soulsphere; I like this post's soul. Megasphere; I mega-like this post. Invuln sphere; GODLIKE post #iddqd Blursphere; I can't see, where is everyone? Where am I? I dunno, I don't use 'em this way.
  9. Off the top of my head EDGE was the first (or among the first) but there's also Legacy and G/ZDoom (which has been mentioned) -- and at that I'm not counting stuff like Vavoom which essentially rebuild the levels in their own specific 3D format, I think.
  10. If I had to hazard a guess, would this be due to the game logic running at 35 tics per second; a number not divisible by 2, so the resulting number would likely be rounded-up to the nearest integer number of tics per on/off state for the lighting, thus making it ever so slightly slower than the 1-second variant? I don't know the source at all, so I could be a mile off here though.
  11. Chrome seems to block downloads from DW/idgames for me if I try to left-click. I have to right-click, select 'save as' (which I usually direct to my WADs folder) and even then I have to convince Chrome to 'keep' the file.
  12. Holy shit, I'd love to retrieve even that much; if I recall rightly, only three maps were ever completed and most of them didn't use too many more assets than found in that first map anyway.
  13. Alternatively, there's FreeDOOM.
  14. On topic: I've wanted this for years, an idTech 1 FPS with a Mad Max-esque desert apocalypse setting. Not too far off a demake of RAGE if you stripped out the world traversal, vehicles, upgrades/crafting, basically anything that isn't good oldschool shooting. Preferably with vanilla detail limits and resolution because apparently all I want is RAGE 1994. And yeah, I probably *could* make this a thing. But, I'm so very busy with some other project right now...
  15. In which case, I like the effect. Visual communication is important to me as both an artist and game developer, and this little animation conveys a dropped item so much better than it merely appearing at the feet of a corpse.
  16. Thread not about post-nut depression. 0/10
  17. Is that not just the string for the password entry letters? It is, after all, lacking the vowels and followed up by 0123456789! and then 'Attack', presumably from the control configuration submenu; leading me to believe they're just all the main menu strings.
  18. This is exactly why I map with a fair amount of pistol play as a 'tease' before giving the shotgun; as most of us will agree, DOOM's shotgun is one of the best in any FPS. I'd go as far as saying that's because the pistol contextualises it as the satisfying and rewarding weapon it is.
  19. I have a tendency to use the blue key first in a multi map WAD. Of the three colours, blue is the 'friendliest'; being as it is, neither the colour of blood (red key) nor fire (yellow key); and so it just seems the logical choice for the first one a player, getting used to the proceedings, will encounter. As for the others, I just go with whatever; although will occasionally defer to whichever key contrasts the most with the current surroundings if I have choice. Nothing worse than being unable to spot a red key in a red room filled with bloody corpse decorations.
  20. DOOM looks so much better in its original 320x200 resolution it's not even funny.
  21. Thinking about it, how you gonna really complain about vanilla being limited when REKKR exists?
  22. I'd canonise RAGE and have the Hell On Earth bits take place in a Mad Max-style desert wasteland. Because I love that shit, and it's neat how Wolfenstein RPG joined Wolfie and DOOM, so...
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