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Everything posted by Jayextee

  1. MAP30 - Icon of Sin. Because I'm iconic not well-liked at all.
  2. Not in vanilla, which Milkeno did mention.
  3. I first experienced DOOM II on the PlayStation version, where it was part of a larger 60-map (I think? Might've been high fifties) campaign with the original (kinda, give and take some maps). At the time I was convinced bigger and more equalled better so, no, I don't think it felt like a slog. I was just happy to have such a heeeuge game to play. (My tastes have wildly changed with age, I hasten to add, and I much prefer shorter and more focused experiences now. But I digress)
  4. Lost me at stealth. <vomits a bit in mouth>
  5. Clearly the time for a retro-styled Smashing Pumpkins into Small Piles of Putrid Debris is now.
  6. Are you sure you're not remembering Brutal DOOM?
  7. I can't remember most of my time with WadEd way back when, but I can warn you not to save in 'draw' mode (affected my old version, v1.71 -- don't know if the crash and map corruption was fixed in v1.83 which is the normally available version) and to watch out for zero-length lines and resulting duplicated vertices when drawing 90-degree corners. That's about all I remember, I'm kinda far from being able to 'walk you through' how to make maps. Sorry.
  8. There's no market at all, since people aren't paying for mere WADs; and nor should they.
  9. Unmodded, usually with DSDA. Hurt-Me-Plenty, continuous, not going for 100% kills or secrets, missing secret levels entirely unless I stumble into them. I'm as casual as you get, I guess.
  10. I don't have any way to quantify the amount of hours I've put into replaying my comfort game, the original Sonic the Hedgehog on SEGA Megadrive, but it's probably at least 1000 by now.
  11. Requiem, MAP23: Hatred. Apt map name. I flat out just quit at the blue nazi fountain. Ghosts enemies are a fuckin' bug; not a feature. >:|
  12. I've played through Blood, at the behest of basically everybody online who enjoys boomer shooters, it would appear. Having beaten it, my original opinion of the game; that it's a piece of shit; hasn't changed much. Clearly it's not for me, and I don't "get" it.
  13. I'd be down for this given that I identify as nonbinary. However, given that I'm currently moving house right now that deadline seems mighty-tighty. So I might check back, depending on how long it takes to settle into the new place.
  14. Short but slightly rough maps for me. I don't mind meanness if it's learnable. Essentially basically all of Plutonia that isn't Impossible Mission or Tombstone really hits my sweet spot. I also like the shorter end of Skillsaw-esque push-forward knockabout combat maps, stuff that keeps you moving as it assaults from all sides and leaves no real safe spots. I'd even enjoy slaughter if the trend there weren't to make maps that are literal hours long. Tough is fine, as long as there's an end in sight and always appears plausible.
  15. Starting out with just one of those is for losers. I like to mix it up, depending on the overall flavour of the map in question.
  16. Cyberdemon. In infighting scenarios, he's just a big friend with an infinite-ammo rocket launcher. <3
  17. I wouldn't call "strafe left, right, left" a good bit of thought personally. This being said, IMO DOOM's monsters weren't really designed to be tackled alone. Even the 'boss' monsters have accompaniments in their original appearances (Cyberdemon with lost souls, Mastermind's baron/tomato entourage). And actually, I'm going to agree with anyone who says that DOOM II's monster behaviour balance is near-perfect. Because it is.
  18. For once I wasn't advocating vanilla; drawsegs limit severely limits the kind of midtexture wizardry one can do. Limit-removing will do. And, although off-topic, please don't CaPitaLize my name like that. Thanks.
  19. I'd wanna see Brutalism tackled without RoR personally. Probably involving a fair amount of midtexture trickery, but that shit's awesome to see when done well IMO.
  20. I dunno if I've said this before, but DOOM II in Icon Of Sin Only. Yes, all MAP30-alikes! Because people tend to really hate these for some reason, so why not explore the idea and see if there's any merit at all in it; by making it 32 times!
  21. Okay, I got a serious answer. Map starts, you're in a rotationally-symmetrical area that's just doors. Aside from maybe some coloured key markings they're all identical. Makes me really not wanna play through the map for some reason.
  22. I wanted to like WiiDOOM and experiment with the Wiimote/Nunchuck control system because it's quite interesting. I was pretty put-off by the HUD not functioning well though (doesn't show weapons or keys). Although I know the stock IWAD maps well enough for it not to be too much a problem, I can't imagine it being very good for playing custom content.
  23. There's also this: I think I'd play a whole WAD of E1 in this style.
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