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Everything posted by Jayextee

  1. "Let me tell you something, this is the 1990's, alright? In this day and age a man has to have choices, a man has to have a little bit of variety." - Mickey Knox, Natural Born Killers (1994) I have nothing substantial to add to this post. I'd never noticed it before and now it's like "actually YEAH".
  2. Oooh, I'll bite in an area in which I have a little experience! 100 Lines Incredibly limiting but enough to get a reasonable size of map out of with some clever linedef economy. Detail? Nah, mate. It's a mug's game. 300 Lines Probably not so limiting, but still a great way to keep maps to coffee-break size without too much visual 'clutter'. 400 Lines Honestly, I think this is the perfect linedef limit if you want to enforce a pre-sourceport 'feel' to your maps. Enough there to make a nicely-sized map but spend a few linedefs here and there on some details for flavour. 404 Lines Error: Opinion Not Found! 486 Lines E1M1 innit. 666 Lines Community project when? As a bonus; 50 Lines Sounds like utter sadism. You want superfuckingturbo microslaughter? Yo. 69 Lines Nice.
  3. Off the top of my head I can only think of myself and possibly @Steve D? There's gotta be other people though.
  4. I don't get it. Is this supposed to be "a compilation of neat tracker modules we found and thought would be great to play DOOM to" or more of a creative community project akin to the various MIDI packs started here?
  5. I'm halfway through Dissolution of Eternity and am sick to the back teeth of switching my weapon back to the one I had selected because the game decided to switch to the new weapon (or ammo for a previously-empty type) that I just grabbed. Can we get an option for that?
  6. I gathered, but it's a growing bone of contention of mine when I see something labelled as 'vanilla' with detail levels I can smell VPO or HOM in just looking at them; this is from the POV of someone who does map for vanilla-compatibility mind you. :) I will reiterate the interest in your E2 replacement though. It's my least-favourite episode of the original three, so reimaginings are always welcome in my eyes. :)
  7. This was very similar to the overall thought process of why I made The Becoming a couple of years back, as I too think E2 is an ugly episode in a few ways. Although judging from a review or two, the idea of a 'bridge' episode of transformation between the E1 and E3 styles didn't appeal to everyone; I nonetheless took that as an overall concept and ran with it. Looking forward to see where yours goes, even if that floor-lettering looks distinctly not vanilla as claimed. ;)
  8. Kinda worried how DotM is going to chug on my base PS4, given that I've had the occasional framedrop on both the default campaign and Scourge of Armagon (I'm slowly making my way through the lot). Ah well.
  9. Please, stop using "vanilla" to mean "the base IWAD played through a source port without mods".

    1. OliveTree


      thats like cookies at cream at best tbqh

  10. It's been said, kinda, but if it's a source port it ain't vanilla.
  11. Can confirm this port is pretty good stuff. There's some jank here and there, but nothing that can't be patched-out I suppose.
  12. I dare say, anyone who wants a reboot should buy this remaster if they don't already own it as an upgrade to their existing digital purchase. Or even, double-dip on another format. Because this sure smells like a 'testing ground' project to gauge interest in a potential future project from a risk-averse marketing-led publisher unaware whether or not there's enough of a potential target audience to justify greenlighting such a thing at this time.
  13. The soundtrack though. I gotta know about the soundtrack. Can anyone report?
  14. Scripture states: ...with 1990's tools, no less. I doubt there was time to refine the overall structure into a smooth curve, but as noted above it's probably for the best they didn't.
  15. DOOMguy shoots cacodemons. You aren't telling me he's ever been anything but the bad guy.
  16. If nobody in this thread has said RAGE 3, then I wanna be the one to do it. Good games, I want more.
  17. I've only been in a few buildings but it's pretty noticeable and amusing to see how many include a toilet. Bruh. If you include a few city textures and houses in your game and it's moddable, expect people to replicate all the modern conveniences as best they can.
  18. I enjoyed this. As noted, it's definitely channelling small amounts of both Quake and Plutonia with some mild slaughter thrown in, and it's not bad at all. Auger-Zenith was always going to be a tough act to follow (even if I preferred DBP26: City of Damned Children to it in many ways, it's still astounding nonetheless) so I went in with that in mind, but otherwise open expectations. Not bad at all. :)
  19. Saturn's a redbook version of the PlayStation version; you could pop the disc in your CD player and listen to them if you wanted. But some tracks were truncated for length or missing entirely.
  20. Kinda an iffy question since both the Saturn and 3DO used redbook audio and thus weren't soundfonts to speak of; 32X is FM synthesis, GBA's some Frankenstein's monster creation of Gameboy-compatible square-wave/noise output and whatever the GBA-specific hardware was. But also, "original" could mean anything depending on the player's soundcard and whether or not it actually supported soundfonts.
  21. Since this has turned into more of a 'share your age' thread, I'm 40 -- been playing DOOM since maybe about 1996? (It was the PlayStation 1 version, in Europe; that year feels kinda right somehow) and mapping since 1999; late to the party at the time, I had no idea the scene would endure as much as it has! Indeed, when I joined this forum in my twenties way back when, I felt like one of the inexperienced kids on the block! (Still do, kinda, which is weird) Also, as an aside, I literally saw the millennium in playing DOOM. Nice.
  22. Funny thing, some time ago I remade my first ever DOOM map entirely from memory -- including some errors I'd made (I didn't know how to tag sectors, there's no real texture alignment to speak of) -- I can't guarantee 1:1 parity with the actual map I made with WadEd back in 1999, but it was close enough that playing it through gave me some hefty nostalgia pangs. remake1st.zip
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