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Everything posted by Jayextee

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ5v5yPWDxo

    So here's the first quick look at GULFENSTEIN 3D - something of a parody thing I'm working on.

  2. Okay, moving this thing back to 3DGE was a good idea because I actually know what I'm doing in 3DGE and it's all working now innit.


    I had a dream once, true story, where I was playing DOOM and everything was kinda familiar but kinda not. Such is dream logic. Keys were the wrong colour, layouts were reversed or had new sections. And yet it still looked precisely like DOOM, the one I've come to know and love. This is a set of maps that does the same thing; even some questionable choices like the damaging start sector of E1M5 add to the 'dream logic'; everything's familiar and yet, it's somehow wrong. Definitely worth a curious look even if all you're going to do is get drunk and/or stoned and give it a shot to freak yourself out or something.
  3. In which I am a DOOM historian:


  4. As I'm about to head to bed for the night, someone remind me in the near future to make a thread concerning the 2001 DoomCenter Romero E1 Mapping Contest WAD.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BigDickBzzrak


      damn that looks $\/\/337

    3. Jayextee


      Okay, thread: 


    4. The_MártonJános


      Really solid stuff by the standards of 2001.
      I wasn't involved tho', cause I was, like, 8 back then. :D

  5. So I'm Googling up images of Brutalist architecture and then I'm all "DUDE, DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN ALIGN THAT FLAT IN UDMF".


    1. Misty


      I guess,they mapped this in boom or plain Doom format. 

    2. BigDickBzzrak


      Maybe the building was built in 1994.

    3. KVELLER


      Nah. It has 3D floors, so there's no vanilla mapping here.

  6. After much wrestling, often seemingly in vain, I've finally nailed the style for the enemy sprites in GULFENSTEIN 3D. Now all the other 'thing' sprites should follow suit quite easily. :)

    No pics. Not yet.

  7. If you can't handle me at my Doom II MAP24, you don't deserve me at my Plutonia MAP32.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Jayextee


      Phade, do I know you from some other social network by a different name?

    3. Phade102


      Nope. I'm just a regular stalker of Cuteodemons.

    4. Jayextee


      I'm actually neither cute nor a Cacodemon IRL, probably best you don't know me on other networks, then... :P

  8. Testing...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      Makes me feel like a 5 year old a bit. Looking forward to seeing the final product. :)

    3. Slimz


      Some Source MaaaP?

  9. So I guess I'm making another DOOM-engine game, for definite.

    Will show stuff off when I've got something to show; today's been part research, part making textures for the thing. :D

    1. BigDickBzzrak


      So you've got that 3dge-based one and this new one? Ha, good luck.

    2. Jayextee


      Sssshhhhhh! We try not to mention the 3dge-based one, lest the vultures rise from their Dreamcasts... :P

  10. I just gotta say, I love seeing your avatar pop up on threads. It looks like you're having a great time ALL THE TIME.

    1. rehelekretep


      you can thank @rdwpa for the incredible feat of making my original avatar even better!

      glad you like it :D

    2. 40oz


      yeah, props to rdwpa, I love it.

  11. So I'm on a BIG Wolfenstein 3D kick right now -- don't ask why, I don't even know myself!

    Anywho, I'm browsing YouTube for remixes (sadly, they aren't so numerous) and it appears the menu theme is to Wolfie what D_E1M1 is to Doom with the amount of them knocking around.

    And not enough Spear of Destiny "Death to the Nazis". Oh man, dat bassline. :B

    1. Not Jabba

      Not Jabba

      There's something really pleasant and satisfying about how mindlessly simple that game is. Lots of great custom content too, especially Orb of Dilaaria, Spear: Resurrection, and Spear: End of Destiny.

    2. Jayextee


      I'll look into those when I've raised the Paypal cash to get the game legit from GOG. Been, um, enjoying a pretty damned faithful ZDoom TC in the interim; interspersed with beating the shareware over and over again on ECWolf.

      Agreed though, the simplicity is a draw. If only the maps were better 'signposted' and less labyrinthine. But I guess, it was the early '90s... ;)

    3. Not Jabba

      Not Jabba

      I think there's something to be said for games that just let you wander around in mazes, though it's certainly disappointing if it's not what you're looking for. Also, I just realized that all three of the "mods" i mentioned are actually stand-alone games, so you don't necessarily have to wait for a copy of Wolf3D.

  12. DOOM BF/GF


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Decay


      From the status bar I thought it had to do with "who is your Dooming bf/gf" and immediately remembered this thread on zandronum https://zandronum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=6769

    3. Phade102


      I desire nothing more than to hug this adorable lovable cacodemon.

  13. This week I have played through the entirety of Wolf3DGE by @CeeJay -- a much-recommended mod indeed!


    'Thorough' ain't the word, this thing is about as complete as a Wolfenstein 3D TC is ever gonna get. In fact, I dare say I like it better than the original game/s.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jayextee


      Duuuuuuuude YES. Likely gonna crank up the HQ music pack (my own 3DGE-compatible version of a pack I got for Risen3D back when) and put my earphones to abusive volumes with that. \m/

    3. CeeJay


      Done. Head on over to moddb to download. I've worked on it on and off since the previous upload and I've kind of lost track of the changes, couldn't even be bothered filling out the changelog properly. But I know I added a new rocket launcher and reloading for the shotgun.

    4. Jayextee


      Downloaded. I'm just about to head out the house but oh boy am I looking forward to this. :D

  14. Still trudging slowly through the original Hell Revealed. I want to play other WADs but am adamant I'm finishing this one; even if beating MAP24 right now makes me think I'll never be carved out of the right material for slaughter...

    1. 40oz


      You can do it! Remember, not taking damage is always most important, even if it means to stop firing to focus completely on dodging oncoming projectiles, or to waste a little more ammo than you want to, or spend extra time on the map. You gotta protect that pretty face of yours.

    2. Jayextee


      Oh, I'm well aware!

      It's not my playstyle in general, but I had to camp heavily to secure safety in MAP24 -- DoomWiki cites it as apparently the toughest map, so I guess I should soldier on; not long to go now, huh? :D

    3. Phade102


      Dont you die you cute lil caco!

  15. Given that apartment Internet's, well, intermittent at best I've been looking through various .WADs out of boredom. Notably, DECORATE lumps. Never touched it all out of fear of the unknown but, holy shit, looks as simple as; if not simpler than 3DGE's DDF...

    1. Dragonfly


      3DGE's DDF kinda intiidates me because I understand DECORATE, heh. Seriously though, it's pretty damn good stuff, especially when combined with ACS. That said, this newfangled ZScript should be able to do a lot more than even DECORATE can do.


      ...If only there was a solid and easy to use set of documentation to go with it! :P

  16. Small vanilla (but, of course) E1 Doom map I've been pecking at is taking shape. Might be looking at a partner episode to The Becoming if all this goes well.





    1. pavera


      Cool! I really like the third screenshot. Good sense of scale, with tall and low ceilings establishing the height of the room.

    2. Liberation


      looking good!


  17. Make My Project For Me [Community Project]

  18. The "I'm not dead" update. BP still high, I am now wearing a monitor for 24 hours to get an average to see if it's a cause for concern. This thing is like having a Gameboy strapped to my side, attached to an armband on the other side; and is labelled "SPACELABS Healthcare" so I'm basically walking sci-fi right now. I am a robot with hypertension.


    1. traversd


      Yikes. Did it come with Pokemon Red,  Blue, Green or Yellow? ;)


      Hope things improve soon for you!

    2. BigDickBzzrak


      Darth Jrrr indeed.

    3. Battle_Korbi


      Question is... can it run Doom?

  19. Making you do a bit of work for that shotgun, heh.

    The Ultimate DOOM - Chocolate Doom 2.3.0 16_04_2017 20_43_57.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Memfis


      I don't think it's a lift but dunno.

    3. Jayextee


      It's not. You leap out of the window. It's not a lot of work, but I'm certainly not putting the thing at the player's feet at the start of the map; it's not my style, dadio. ;)

    4. Ichor


      How about if you use an arch-vile jump to get to it?


    The Ultimate DOOM - Chocolate Doom 2.3.0 16_04_2017 13_37_23.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. printz


      Looks like Knee-Deep to me. Must be the Doom 1 textures! Are you deliberately avoiding adding new textures?

    3. AD_79


      why are you mapping for vanilla shouldn't you be mapping for glgzqzdronumdoom instead

    4. Tracer


      Because sometimes, like testicles, that nostalgia just needs a good tickling.  

  21. Dem linedefs tho...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jimmy


      You can never alter this map any further.

    3. Jayextee


      I kinda have to put more Things in though, if I want co-op and DM starts.

      Other than that, it's staying at 100 Linedefs because reasons... ;)

    4. traversd


      I'm doing the some 100 linedef maps too :D


      More hell themed though, some D2 tech/city as well.


    I actually want this because it would be insane playing 30 (32 if you find the SECRET MAP01 and the SUPER SECRET MAP01) remakes of the same map with D_RUNNIN running throughout. Why do I hate myself, etc.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Jayextee


      I think, given that I'm actually considering putting a thread up, I would allow homage to other WADs' MAP01 as long as it is recognisably also Doom II's MAP01 as well.

      And has D_RUNNIN as the music. There's no improving on perfection and I certainly can't imagine it getting old played over 30/32 maps in succession.

    3. BigDickBzzrak


      The Russians had such a contest over on iddqd.ru, I think.

      @StormCatcher.77 won IIRC.

    4. Jayextee



  23. The actual DWMC is Speed of Doom, a thing I've been meaning to get around to for a while so I kinda wanna join in. Problem is, I'm halfway through a Hell Revealed (1) playthrough, what do I do? :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      lol. also *uninterrupted obv. We should be able to edit status stuff. 

    3. Cynical


      HR is better than SoD.  Continue with HR.  Skip to map 14 if you haven't yet.

    4. rehelekretep
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