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Everything posted by Jayextee

  1. Tag the *sector* you want affected (in sectors mode, press 'S') and not the lines that form the sector (as you have here).
  2. You were testing with the -merge parameter, yes? https://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/WAD_merging_capability
  3. If you're counting single-episode replacements, Ed Cripps did an amazing job with the soundtrack to my own The Becoming, only one piece of music is reused (that would be the E2M1 theme, appearing again in E2M9).
  4. Okay, my bad (and I misremembered how many maps there were, and which Shinobi game the midi was from...) -- but yeah, this is it! Thank you so much! :)
  5. I can't remember the name of a WAD that I played in early-mid 2010's (as it was released, I think), but it had like four maps in an Egyptian theme, very yellow-and-black and I think it used a Shinobi III music MIDI for one of the map musics. Any help?
  6. You haven't beaten DOOM until you beat it in the original Klingon.
  7. Certainly not. Although the amount of 'stuck' UV-only enemies in the stock DOOM (1993) maps would seem to support this position.
  8. Yeah, this was fantastic. Maps never overstay their welcome, and the use of the semicyberdemons really added some spice to encounters; I didn't even realise they had less health to begin with, as I was treating them cautiously like their bigger brothers and their usage as mobile assault turrets was pretty well-considered until I actually needed to defeat one to progress, at which point the penny dropped. I can imagine the purple bias getting stale after more than the nine maps here, but for what it is this was a beautiful and entertaining ride from beginning to end.
  9. That you could talk to the demons, or something.
  10. Don't Alright, do, but only if you know why you shouldn't.
  11. I like Coincident's shorts a lot, they're a good quick little giggle for a short serotonin boost should I need one.
  12. When people be posting about "vanilla" DOOM lately...


  13. Sounds like you're talking about GZDoom and not actually vanilla DOOM, just to clear things up for any replies.
  14. Ah, yes, but let's say I wanted to make a somewhat stripped-down FPS with, say, only four weapons (this is an example, but not what I'm considering per se). It would be nice to be able to configure the key remap menu to remove extraneous weapon slots (in this case, anything after '4') so as not to confuse the player into thinking there are more and perhaps they're missing something, etc. For what it's worth, editing the C++ side of things isn't an option for me. I wouldn't even know where to start.
  15. Does there exist any functionality to remove unwanted items from main menus and such (GZDoom allows this kind of customisation)? I may be interested in using this engine to make a standalone game with.
  16. Your "save inside the exe" concept wouldn't actually save the space you want, just saying. It would still dump a similar amount of data on your drive, just in the executable (if that were indeed possible) instead of a separate file.
  17. You're talking to someone who's hand-drawn an entire platform game worth of assets over the past three years, and is still doing so. Which is a game that doesn't have between five and eight rotations for almost every animation of like a dozen enemy sprites. I wish you the best of luck. ;)
  18. It's entirely possible, but the sheer amount of work required is prohibitive.
  19. Nobody likes those archviles, and I do apologise profusely for MAP05 -- the idea for those pillars came from me fudging my way around a map in D2TWiD and thinking to myself "I don't even need to know what I'm doing! Just press any switch I see!" and like, mapper-brain kicked in -- what if that was a actually a really bad idea? I thought it was clever at the time. Turns out y'all love switching switches. ;)
  20. I thought forward velocity increased attack damage in general; my "evidence" being that SSG shots seemed to hit harder when I ran toward an enemy before firing. In reality, I was just closer and more of the hitscan spread hit. That's about it, my perception of DOOM's workings was otherwise very grounded.
  21. F No, really, select any linedefs you want to flip and press 'F'.
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