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  1. Final or near-final build, fixed most of the tutti frutti and ammo scarcity. Also having some issue with the textures/flats in the warehouse section where the grey and brown crate textures get 'mixed up' despite doing it correctly in doom builder. I think it might be an error in the resource file? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f2a0twu2bki9ypp6i7547/unusedmapyears.wad?rlkey=sz6f4q69lat4c3bg797eo2ln6&dl=0 Let me know what y'all think!
  2. I'm happy to add a secret exit to my map if need be! It really depends on the ordering of maps however, and mine is quite sprawling and likely should be towards the end of an episode. We could also make my map a secret one, since it isn't based on any of the alpha maps other than a staircase basically! Also, should have an updated version of my map with more ammo and less vanilla glitches soon! Just been busy.
  3. hi, heres my map needs playtesting (im exhausted playing my own map repeatedly), especially on vanilla E2 style corrupted techbase, just in case you didnt have enough let me know what y'all think, hopefully its not too detailed/hard etc https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f2a0twu2bki9ypp6i7547/unusedmapyears.wad?rlkey=sz6f4q69lat4c3bg797eo2ln6&dl=0
  4. Edit: you can take both, as I misread and just realised you had dibs on both rather than just one. I'll take "unusedmap" and make something entirely new in the alpha style, and maybe a DEVCOMM if I have some spare time!
  5. hey I'd like to join too! Also either e1m6 or e1m12. Hex gets first dibs, I'll take either those or scraps!
  6. Thanks everybody! I still got to set up my computer for this but I'll get there. DSDA doom seemed good, but the version I got had an error with the area map, hope they fix that soon. Is this the MBF 21? I'd be very interested in a more flexible dehacked, even at the cost of it not being exactly vanilla. I got the most out of dehacked before by making a mod for Udoom and using all the unused D2 states for additional monsters, sounds, frames etc. It's ok, but inelegant. Whats this new dehacked called?
  7. Hey everybody, it's Years, some of you might remember me as the creator of Nihility: Infinite Teeth, which somehow won a caco. I'm back I guess! It's been 5 years since I've done *any* doom editing or mapping. Basically, after my windows computer died, I got onto mac to do music, but of course there isn't many programs on there for doom mapping/editing (afaik) and I simply couldn't get wine to work well. And also my mac had a tiny HDD's so partitioning wasn't great etc Now I have a new windows laptop and I want to get back into things and I have no idea where to start in 2022. -Whats the latest and best map editor? Is it Doom Builder still? Some new fork? (Ideally for vanilla/limit removing) -Is Slade3 still a thing? What to use for resource editing and dehacking? Any new programs? -Image editing? I don't have photoshop anymore and never found it great for making textures and sprites. Is there some cool (free/cheap) replacement? -Any good maps you'd recommend me in my absence? I have barely played much doom in the last 5 years. -Best vanilla or boomy source port? I used PRboom back in the day, but it didn't seem stable recently, is there a new one? -How to get back into mapping 'psychologically' after a big break? My life is totally different now and I can't remember my old mindset. I'd like to start with a single new map and get back into the community but feeling overwhelmed at the prospect! Oh and fix the bugs in Nihility lol. Hopefully this question is relevant and not too weird or anything, but yeah... hi again everybody!
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