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About Nihlith

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  1. Lady Marines Alternate death sequences
  2. Base resource monsters tend to be about as big in units as their sprites are in pixels. You can scale them with default settings to match the image with the monsters size if they don't match. Turning monsters tends to be a challenge, especially for the diagonal sprites. In the original game they used models to overcome this. Most people seem to edit existing sprites in order to get past this but if you can use a model, do that.
  3. That's a good idea. My tinkering has all been in the gzdoom sandbox so that's what I did for dual wielding. There is some stripped down zscript code that JeKellygrim made that's also an awesome resource but it's got the same problem if you don't want to use gzdoom. https://github.com/jekyllgrim/Easy-Dual-Wield
  4. Take a look at the mismatched pistols by ctlcdn. The trick is to make different layers for the animation of separate states that look for the fire and altfire separately. https://www.realm667.com/en/repository-18489/armory-mainmenu-157-97317/doom-style-mainmenu-158-94349?start=90
  5. Probably need a little more info in order to do what you're describing but this thread has a list of the pictures you could replace in order to make your title screen and menu look different: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=58946
  6. Why would you want to? More user options seem like a plus when you get down to it.
  7. I'll try that. It's been so long I feel like there should be angels singing.
  8. Just bumping this up. I am also very interested in scaling weapon sprites. 🤔
  9. It's a good way to get your wad out there, it could get a following.
  10. Haven't been able to play with this as much as I have wanted to so I still haven't gotten through Recreation, but this is an impressive piece of work, I'd strongly recommend this as a solid wad. Have you thought of Moddb?
  11. This is fucking awesome! I'm always looking for rips from the other games. Is there any code for this beast?
  12. That helps a lot. I've played this from the beginning a half dozen times and it gets more intimidating each time. On the other hand it's a chance to play with a new mod. Options are good 😊.
  13. Level three is a trip. I cleared the bathrooms, the pool, the arcade and found the hiding marine in the ruined apartment who sent me on a quest. I was exploring the big chandelier above the horror fountain in the main room when I realized my recording was likely to be too long for reasonable viewing... Still haven't got the better of it but there is a lot there. I wonder if level three only has three levels 🤔. In any case, so far it's just getting better. I'd recommend this to anyone. I got the hang of the grenades, they're fun to use when you've got enemies bottlenecked at a doorway, but I haven't got the trick of bouncing them off the doorways into the room beyond. The way they are they seem improvised somehow, like you're misusing air capsules or batteries or something to destroy your enemies.
  14. I do remember picking up gas now. Just plum forgot. Weird illusion for the lost soul. It's crazy that you were using just basic textures for most of that. Very resourceful. It looks like things get more colorful as the wad progresses. I wonder if it would work to have another way back or if the switch could become available after you go into the tank. I'll try setting the grenades in the options but I could have sworn I got them to come up sometimes by pressing the number keys but I just didn't remember which one. I really like these maps that have all the bells and whistles but are still clearly doom. Did you rip the sea monsters or did you make them?
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